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the light was brighter than what you were used to, causing you to sit up and observe where you were. your eyes focused on a few things, noticing that you were in fact in a hospital. none of your friends were there, your boyfriend wasn't there. your heart was dreading the sight of not seeing any of them when you needed them the most right now. you shifted your gaze to the monitor where your heart rate was flatlined. 

were you dead?

were you now in your afterlife or heaven? 

you closed your eyes, trying to forget that this was happening. this wasn't real.

this wasn't real.

this wasn't real.

"this isn't real," he said as you opened your eyes to feel the bandage wrapped around your waist and covering up the amount of padding used to soak up the blood. the darkness had once again been welcomed back to your eyesight as you remembered where you were.

the feeling came back into your body, and you could feel the warmth of his hands on your sides, and he was staring down at you, muttering the phrase over and over again. your eyes met his as he let out a small cry of relief.

"i thought i had lost you," he told you as you smiled slightly. 

"i think i just died for a second," you muttered. "none of you were there."

eddie sighed, helping you up as you held onto him for support. you didn't want to let go of him, scared that something was going to happen to you. you might have been being clingy but it's just because you had nearly died just then, technically you did die momentarily.

what brought you back?

you didn't have time to worry about that right now, and frankly, you didn't care. you were just happy you were standing, breathing, and getting the hell out of the dimension filled with every nightmare you could possibly have in your lifetime. 

"what the hell happened to all of you?" dustin asked as you all had come through the opened gate in eddie's trailer. you sat back against the couch before standing up, walking into eddie's bedroom as you shut the door. you began digging through the many boxes he had in his room. 

"what are you doing?" you heard him ask as he opened the door. 

"searching," you muttered as eddie realized what was going on. he shook his head, grabbing your waist gently as he pulled you against him. you winced, closing your eyes momentarily before accepting that he had you. 

"i need to hide them someplace else if this is what you're going to do," he mumbled against the side of your head. 

"it hurts," you mumbled, pressing your hand against the wound as you winced once more. eddie shook his head, grabbing your hand in his as he held onto it tightly, the other arm wrapped around your waist to keep you up against him. 

"what did you mean you died, _______?" 

there was silence between the two of you before you spoke up to allow him a chance to understand what had happened in your mind previously. 

"i woke up, or so i thought, in a hospital which was a good sign. but you, steve, robin, and nancy weren't there. so, i thought you might just be outside the room until i looked at the heart monitor and noticed it was flatlined, then i heard the same, repeated line over and over. this wasn't real, and then i woke up and realized you were saying it isn't real," you explained, your hand on his. 

"was it scary?" he asked.

"it was scary knowing that you weren't there with me," you mumbled, closing your eyes for a moment before asking him another question. "also, why kids, munson? you want more than one? please don't tell me that you'll be like steve and want six children," you laughed slightly. 

eddie shook his head. 

"however many kids you want, or don't want, we will have, or not have," he said, pressing a kiss to the side of your head once more. you smiled, letting out a sigh. you were okay, you were safe, he was holding you, and you were both talking about the future. 

"theoretically, couldn't we just adopt dustin as our child?" you asked as eddie laughed slightly.

"you want to adopt dustin?" 

you shrugged.

"why not? i already treat him like a child of mine and he's a genius child, we'd never have any issues figuring out his future."

eddie took his turn to laugh as you smiled.

"just consider it, munson," you said. 

"i'm so glad we're out of that hell hole and talking about our future," he muttered.

"i just never knew that you thought about our future," you muttered, looking at him as he smiled back, shrugging slightly at you. 

"we'll be graduating and going to college soon," he muttered. "besides, it's better daydreaming about our future than the shit we learn in school about things we'll most likely never use." 

you smiled, laughing slightly as your eyes stayed on his. 

"i'm not sure what i would've done without you, ________," he told you truthfully. 

your eyes were still on his as he looked around the room aimlessly, trying to think about everything that could have happened. 

"don't ever scare me that badly again," he joked, somewhat smiling as he tried to force a mask of emotions on his face as you shook your head. you could see straight through the mask he was trying to make you only see. you knew him better than anybody else did, you could tell when he was lying, keeping a secret, trying to convince you of something. 

"eddie, you know that i would've always been with you," you told him as he shook his head, taking the necklace he wore every single day off from around his neck. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, wondering what he was doing. 

"wear this. take it as like, a promise ring," he told you as you looked up at him. "i'm too poor for anything fancy, _______."

"trust me, eddie," you told him, putting the necklace as you smiled at him and looked down towards the cherished guitar pick. "you'll never need to owe me anything fancy." 

he smiled, bringing you back into his arms as he held you close. you closed your eyes, but this time, it was for locking in this memory with him.

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