401.Dog food

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Jeon mansion.

Taking the cake out of the oven, Rosé said, "Alright pregnant ladies step aside and let this trying to fall pregnant lady do this dangerous task."

Lisa chuckled and said, "So you really started trying."

Rosé nodded her head and said, "Yes. I had to literally blackmail him for this. He was saying that he is not ready and all."

"Jungkook said the same thing few months back and yesterday he told me that he wants three or four kids. Oh no he was like 'As many as you can healthily give me'." Lisa said before bursting into laughter.

Jisoo chuckled and said, "You know Jin never got a chance to complain because I got pregnant" snapping her fingers, she continued," like this."

"That is nice actually. The moment men start thinking, things start getting complicated." Lisa said.

Rosé sighed and said, "I don't understand why I am not falling pregnant. Hey do you think we are doing something wrong?"

Jisoo smacked Rosé head and said, "How will know whether you both are doing it right or wrong. It's not like we have seen it."

"Rosé you'll definitely fall pregnant when time comes. Don't stress over it." Lisa said.

"Exactly it isn't like our pregnancy was planned." Jisoo said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "I didn't even realise that I was pregnant for a really long time."

Caressing her stomach, Rosé said, "I just hope-"

"Ahhhh I smell delicious chocolate cake." Jimin said before entering the kitchen.

Rosé chuckled and said, "You came back so fast."

"Hmm I am here to eat the delicious cake baked by my delicious wife." Jimin said.

Lisa and Jisoo frowned and said, "Hey she isn't the only one who baked it okay. Lisa did more than half of the work and I whipped the cream. Rosé only took it out of the oven."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Jimin said, "Well that is the most tedious and responsible thing to do."

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "Just wait till Jungkook comes I'll ask him to-"

"What happened?" Jungkook asked before rushing towards Lisa.

Pouting her lips at him, Lisa said, "Darling Jimin is trying to bully me that also inside our house."

Jimin widened his eyes in shock and said, "You- when did I bully you? Jungkook she is lying."

Jungkook frowned and said, "Lisa never lies."

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Yes did you hear that. Lisa never lies."

Pulling her into his embrace, Jungkook asked, "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better." Lisa said.

"What happened?" Jisoo asked.

Lisa shook her head and said, "Nothing serious. I was feeling a bit nauseous in the morning but now I am okay"

"Seems like the little one hasn't stop troubling you." Jisoo said.

Caressing her baby bump, Lisa said, "It's fine."

"I bought all the things you wanted." Jungkook said.

Giving him a quick peck on his cheek, Lisa said, "This is why I love you."

"Jungkook Where is Jin?" Jisoo asked.

"He is coming." Jungkook said.

Gesturing a maid to come inside, Lisa said, "Please cut this cake and bring it outside. Oh and don't forget to save some for you all well."

The maid nodded her head and started cutting the cake.

"Let's go outside." Lisa said.


Departmental store.

"Is my hair okay?" Yoongi asked.

The two guards nodded their heads and said, "Yes Boss."

After taking several deep breaths, Yoongi got down from the car and entered the store.

As soon as he entered the store, Yoongi froze when he saw Wendy talking to a a guy.

Clenching his hands into a fist, Yoongi glared at the man with bloodshot eyes. Only if he had his favourite plier with him, he would've pulled out all his nails and even peel his skin off.

After standing there for exactly sixty seconds, Yoongi stormed his foot and left the store angrily.

Startled by the loud thumping sound when Wendy saw Yoongi angrily leaving the place, she quickly excused herself and rushed after him.

"Yoongi wait." Wendy shouted.

After hearing her sweet voice, Yoongi's anger subsided by 10%.

"What are you doing here?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi frowned and said, "Oh did I disturb you both? I am so sorry if I did."

Wendy raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who both? Bryce and me? Oh no it's nothing like that."

"I was standing there looking at you for sixty seconds but you did not even notice my presence because you were busy talking to that Bryce." Yoongi said before turning around, all ready to leave.

Grabbing his sleeves, Wendy said, "Don't go like this. It's nothing like you are thinking. He is just a colleague and we were just casually talking. He doesn't even have my number. You are the only man who has it."

90%. After her soft fingers brushed against his skin, the remaining 90% anger vanished in thin air.

Letting go his sleeves, Wendy said, "I am sorry. If you don't like it, I'll not talk to Bryce in the future."

Pinching her cheeks, Yoongi chuckled and said, "You have no idea how cute you are."

"But you don't look cute when you are angry. You look scary." Wendy said.

Yoongi sighed and said, "I am sorry. I promise that I'll never do that again."

Wendy shook her head and said, "I never told you anything when you told me that we were going to meet someone important and here you were leaving angrily just because I was talking to Bryce."

Yoongi chuckled and said, "Silly who do think that important person is? The important person was my boss."

Wendy lowered her head and said, "Ohh."

Taking a step towards her, Yoongi said, "Even you are the only woman who has my number. Did you understand?"

Wendy blushed and nodded her head.

While the two of them were busy flirting with each other, the two people standing right next to them could not help but cough out blood.

Too much. This is was too much for them to handle. Too much dog food is not good for health specially when the dog food is being fed by Min Yoongi.

"Hey do you think anyone will believe us if we tell them about this?" A guard asked.

The second guard shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

"But I think that the girl also likes boss. What do you think?"

The second guard nodded his head and said, "Yes. I think it will be easy for Yoongi Boss to woo her."

"Look at them, they are totally into each other." The first guard said.

"Keep your voice low. Don't forget what happened last time and don't look at Ms Wendy." The second guard said.

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