429.Feisty as always

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"You old man you never listen to me." Grandma Jeon shouted.

Grandpa Jeon pouted his lips and said, "Now that is wrong. I always listen to you and even you know that."

Grandma Jeon rolled her eyes and said, "Did you listen to me when I told you not to let Hyunsuk enter into our life again? No right. If you and listened to me back then, we wouldn't be facing this problem. My great grandchild wouldn't have been kidnapped all of a sudden. My grandson wouldn't have been looking after him for the whole day and my granddaughter-in-law wouldn't be crying for the whole day. Everything is happening because of the teeny tiny mistake that you made several years back."

Grandpa Jeon lowered his head and said, "I am sorry."

"Get out of my room and don't show me your face till morning." Grandma Jeon said.

"Quanci where will I sleep and what will the kids think if you throw me outside." Grandpa Jeon said.

"Either you go out or I'll leave this house and go back to the Tae mansion. And if I go back this time, I won't come back at all." Grandma Jeon said.

Grandpa Jeon sighed and said, "Okay I am going But please don't leave me and go anywhere." before walking out of the room.


Jin and Jisoo's room.

Caressing Jisoo's stomach, Jin was talking to their baby when Jisoo asked him, "Who is grandpa Yang that Ben was talking about?"

Jin shook his head and said, "I don't know honey."

Pulling his ears, Jisoo said, "This is what you get for lying."

"Ouch Jisoo What are you-ouch that hurts" Jin shouted.

"Now tell me who Grandpa Yang is." Jisoo said.

Rubbing his ear, Jin said, "I really don't know."

"You- don't talk to me." Jisoo said before covering herself with the quilt.


Jimin and Rosé's room.

"Wait." Rosé said.

Jimin took a deep breath and said, "Babe this isn't the right time to wait."

"Mmm I want to ask something." Rosé said.


"Who is Grandpa Yang that Ben was talking about?" Rosé asked.

"Well I don't know." Jimin said.

"That wasn't the answer that I was looking for." Rosé said.

Jimin groaned and said, "Rosé I'll tell you everything but not now okay. Let's concentrate."

Before Rosé could say anything, Jimin pressed their lips together and pulled down her zipper.


Jungkook's room.

"Sehun will be escorted to the airport tomorrow morning." Jungkook said.

Snuggling against his chest, Lisa said, "Hmm I hope he leads a healthy life from now."

"I have already informed Mr and Mrs Oh. Mr Oh has really started a new business in California and it is doing quite well." Jungkook said.

"Honey How is Yeri doing?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "Strangely your sister is behaving and is obediently doing what the doctor and nutritionist is asking her to and is not causing any trouble."

"That is good." Lisa said.

Jungkook sighed and asked, "Why do I feel that she is up to no good?"

"A woman changes after becoming a mother. Maybe this is something good." Lisa said.

"I'll be happy if that is the case." Jungkook said before pulling her closer.

"Do you think our life will be this peaceful after the baby comes?" Jungkook basked.

Lisa shook her head and said, "I don't think so."

"You don't have to worry about that. Whenever the baby cries, I'll let you sleep and care of her." Jungkook said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Hmm you'll look cute when you will carry our baby around."

"I don't look cute now?" Jungkook asked.

"My husband is the cutest." Lisa said.


Next day.

While having breakfast Grandma Jeon said, "Jungkook I am going outside today so take care of Lisa's meals. She happens to skip lunch these days."

"Where are you going Grandma?" Lisa asked.

Grandma Jeon smiled and said, "I am going out for sometime."

"Take guards with you." Jungkook said.

"Rosé and I are going to this really nice bakery shop where we used to go when we were small." Lisa said.

"Ahh you guys are such meanies." Jisoo said.

Rosé chuckled and said, "Too bad Jisoo has an important appointment today."

"I'll get something for you." Lisa said.

Jisoo smiled and asked, "You'll bring it to the hospital?"

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Okay. I have to go there for a checkup anyway."

"Hmm you kids have your breakfast, I'll take my leave." Grandma Jeon said before getting up from her seat and walking towards the entrance.


Opix cafe.

Wearing a neat suit and tie, Hyunsuk was patiently waiting for Quanci.

"Boss It has already been two hours." The man said.

Hyunsuk shook his head and said, "Its fine. Maybe she got stuck in traffic."

Just then Quanci entered the cafe with a fleet of bodyguards surrounding her.

Walking towards Hyunsuk, Quanci glared at him for quite some time.

"Quanci I was-"


The sound of a loud clean slap echoed throughout cafe.

[Oh oh]

The bodyguards surrounding Grandma Jeon widened their eyes in shock and quickly stood in between Hyunsuk and Grandma Jeon.

"Step aside." Grandma Jeon shouted.

The bodyguards lowered their heads and stepped aside.

Glaring at Hyunsuk, Grandma Jeon said, "If you touch anyone of my family member next time I'll will not just slap you, I'll shoot you dead."

Pausing for a while, she continued, "I don't know how Mosen ended up being best friends with such a vicious person like you and I don't give a shit what exactly happened between you and him but next time if you dare you hurt anyone who is close to me, I'll do something that I haven't done for a really long time. I'll kill you."

Turning around, Grandma Jeon said, "And this isn't just a mere warning or threat. If you think that I am joking, try abducting my great-grandchild again." Before walking out of the cafe.

After Grandma Jeon left, Hyunsuk touched his cheeks and said, "She is still as strong as she was before. Same way and same strength. She hasn't changed much. Feisty as always."

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