464.Let me tell you why

612 14 2

Jeon base

Glancing at the cookie box, Yoongi slowly took off the thank you note from the box.

Taking out a tube of fevistick from his drawer, Yoongi applied it on the paper and then *THUD* he pressed it against his bare chest.

Taking out a cookie from the box, he started munching it.

Just the Namjoon entered the room and said, "Yoongi, Wendy wants to talk to you." before passing him the phone.

Yoongi froze and widened his eyes in shock.

When Namjoon saw his shocked expression, he frowned and said, "Talk to her at least." before shoving the phone in his hand.

Yoongi thought for a while before answering the call.

"Hello Yoongi?" Wendy said.

Yoongi closed his eyes when he heard her sweet voice.

Wendy chuckled and said, "I know it's you and it's fine if you don't wanna talk."

Pausing for a while, she said, "I guess by now you already know that I am leaving tomorrow. My flight is at 7:30 in the evening." before wiping her tears away.

When he heard her sobs, he clenched his hands into a fist.

"I just wanted to tell you that I have left everything on the dressing table and I am just taking the pendant with me. And the keys, I-I'll leave it at the security desk. And I hope you got the card. You don't have to pay Julia's bills because I think she should paying them on her own." She said.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay?" He asked.

"It's best if I leave." She said.

He took a deep breath and said, "I'll drop you at the airport tomorrow."

She shook her head and said, "Please don't."

Yoongi chuckled and asked, "Wendy are you scared of me?"

"I am not scared of you Yoongi, it's just I wish you had never shown me all of that." Wendy said.

"That is who I am Wendy. Can't you just let go everything? Let's forget everything." He said.

She sobbed and said, "I don't know Yoongi. I really don't know. I want to be with you but- I really don't know. I really really miss you a lot but It's difficult for me to just let go of everything."

He took a deep breath and said, "Hmm I understand. I don't want to force you into anything. I already knew this would happen once I tell you everything. I just didn't want to hide things from you Wendy."

Pausing for a while, he said, "I won't stop you but remember that I'll always love you and I'll keep loving you till my last breath."

Wiping her tears away, she said, "You can switch on your cell phone now, I will not disturb you from now on."

"It's not like that Wendy." He said.

She smiled and said, "You can come inside our room and just leave without meeting me, you can send groceries and also bring my favourite things but you cannot talk to me."

"Wendy." Yoongi murmured.

"Anyway did you get the cookies?" She asked.

Without waiting for his reply, she said, "I'll assume you got them. I still had some ingredients left so I have baked more cookies for you. I have kept them inside a jar. You can drop by and take them later when you finish eating once I had sent."

He closed his eyes and said, "Wendy please stop."

"Now since you have so many cookies, don't try to eat them all together like a hungry Cookie Monster. Eat them slowly." Wendy said.

Pausing for a while, she said, "It's quite late, you should sleep. Goodnight." before hanging up the call.

Tossing the phone aside, he started eating his cookies again.

When Namjoon entered the room, he widened his eyes in shock when he saw a note stuck on Yoongi's chest, "Yoongi you have something stuck on your chest."

"I know." Yoongi said before shoving a cookie inside his mouth.

"Why does your room smells so good?" Namjoon asked before taking a deep breath.

"This is the perfume that Wendy uses." Yoongi said.

Moving closer, Namjoon sniffed Yoongi's hair and asked, "And this strawberry scented shampoo?"

"This is the shampoo that Wendy uses." Yoongi said.

Touching his arms, Namjoon asked, "Why does your skin feel so soft?"

"This is the body butter that Wendy uses." Yoongi said.


Glory Regency.

Next day, Wendy dragged her suitcase out of the room when it was almost 4 in the evening.

She decided to go to the airport early and wait for her flight inside the waiting room.

As she was checking a few things, the doorbell rang.

Walking towards the door when she opened it, she widened her eyes in shock when she saw who it was.

"Big Boss." Wendy murmured.

Jungkook smiled and said, "I am big boss for my subordinates but you are like my little sister. Call me brother or big brother. Anything you like." before walking into the apartment.

Wendy smiled and nodded her head.

Looking around, Jungkook smiled when he saw a particular wall covered with Yoongi's and Wendy's photograph.

"I heard you make very tasty brownies." Jungkook said.

Wendy smiled and said, "It's not that good."

"Can you make some for me?" He asked.

"Now?" She asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes. You still have more than three hours in your hand and don't worry, I'll drop you at the airport."

"Hmm but I don't have the ingredients." She said.

Lifting a bag up, he said, "I already bought everything."

Taking the bag from his hand, she said, "Ohh. Then I'll quickly start making them."

Sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, he said, "No rush take your time."

Wendy nodded her head and entered the kitchen.

After sometime, Jungkook entered the kitchen and asked, "So Wendy how much do you know about Yoongi?"


Cutting her off, Jungkook asked, "Do you know about his past?"

Wendy shook her head and said, "No."

"Did you ever ask him about it?" He asked.

"He said he doesn't like to talk about his past." She said.

"And have to ever wondered why?" He asked.

When Wendy slowly shook her head, Jungkook smiled and said, "Hmm so let me tell you why he doesn't like talking about his past."


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