427.Grandpa Yang

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"Commotion? What kind of commotion?" Jin asked.

"Sir we heard a loud sound." The guard said.

Just then a car entered the mansion.

When Jennie saw who it was, she rushed towards him and pounced into his embrace.

"Taehyung, Ben-"

Wrapping his arms around her, Taehyung said, "Ssshh it's fine we will find him. You don't have to worry."

"It's my fault." Jennie said.

Taehyung shook his head and said, "No it's not. I'll bring back our son safe and sound."

"Lisa take Jennie inside." Jungkook said.

After they left, Taehyung asked, "Brother is it that man?"

"Who?" Jimin asked.

"Ben's biological dad." Taehyung said.

"He is dead." Jungkook said.

Taehyung took a deep breath and asked, "Then who?"

"You stay here with them." Jungkook said before walking towards his car.


Inside the car.

"Who do you think it is?" Jin asked.

Jungkook frowned and asked, "Who do you think it can be?"

"Hyunsuk." Jimin said.

"But why Ben?" Jin asked.

Jimin helplessly shook his head and said, "Ben is an easy target."

"Drive fast." Jungkook aaid.

Several hours passed but there was no sign of Ben. The whole city was turned upside down but nothing could be found. The places where Ben was claimed to be seen were thoroughly checked but they found nothing.

Frustrated and angry with the results, Jungkook and the rest were travelling from one place to another looking for Ben.

As Jimin and Jin were busy instructing their men about various things, Jungkook received a call from the police station.

"Good evening Mr Jeon. I am calling from the police station. Your nephew Ben is here in the police station with us. Can you please come here so that we can discuss what exactly happened?" The policeman asked.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Is he fine?"

"Ah yes sir he is fine. He is enjoying his chocolate right now." The policeman said.

"I'll be right there." Jungkook said before hanging up the call.

"Ben is fine." Jungkook said.

"Where is he?" Jin asked.

"Police station."


Police station.

When Jungkook and the rest arrived at the station, Ben rushed towards Jungkook and hugged his legs, "Uncle Jungkook."

[This scene would be so cute 🥺]

Picking him up in his arms, Jungkook asked, "Ben are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Ben shook his head and said, "I am okay. Ben had so much fun today."

Jimin frowned and asked, "Fun?"

Ben nodded his head and said, "Yes uncle Jimin Fun."

"You brat come here. You had fun but you scared and troubled your uncles so much today." Jin said before taking him in his arms.

"Mr Jeon I am the head of the police department." The policeman said.

Jungkook nodded and asked, "How did you all find him?"

"Someone left him outside the police station half an hour ago." The policeman said.

"When we asked him who he was, he told us Mr Quin was his father, then we understood who he was and I gave you a call." The policeman said.

"Did you check the CCTV footage?" Jungkook asked.

The policeman nodded his head and said, "We have requested for a copy which may arrived in a few hours. I'll send one copy to you."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Hmm thank you for taking care of him." Before leaving the station along with Jin, Ben and Jimin.


Jeon Mansion.

When Jungkook arrived at the mansion along with Ben, everyone was present and was anxiously waiting for their arrival.

"Ben." Jennie shouted.

Pulling her little bun into her embrace, Jennie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Ah my baby. I was so scared."

Wiping his mother's tears with his small hands, Ben said, "I am not hurt so mommy shouldn't cry."

"Come here champ." Taehyung said before picking him up.

Grandpa Jeon playfully slapped Ben's cheek and said, "You naughty boy why did you go out of the mansion?"

Ben chuckled and said, "Big Grandpa today I met your friend."

Taehyung frowned and asked, "Who?"

"Grandpa Yang." Ben said.

Grandpa Jeon narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where did you meet him?"

"I saw a very cute puppy outside the gate and I wanted to bring him inside. Then I asked the uncle who was standing near the gate if I could go out and catch him, that uncle agreed and let me go. I was following the puppy and he stopped in front of a grandpa. He told me that he was big grandpa's best friend and he will take me to big grandpa. He even gave me many chocolates and played building blocks with me. He also had lunch with me. Later when I asked him where big grandpa was, he told me that big grandpa is busy and won't be able to come. Then an uncle left me in the police station where uncle Jungkook came to take me."

The atmosphere turned cold and silent after Ben stopped talking.

"Jennie take Ben inside." Grandma Jeon said in a very cold voice.

"Jisoo and Lisa should also take some rest. Rosé you should also rest." Grandma Jeon said.

Lisa nodded her head and left along with Jisoo and Rosé.

As Jennie was about to take Ben away, Ben said, "Big Grandpa, grandpa Yang also said that he will come back and meet you soon."

After Ben left, Grandma Jeon took a deep breath and asked, "Did you check who that guard was?"

"We are finding him. Don't worry about him, I won't let him go." Jungkook said.

"Give me Park Jaesung's number." Grandma Jeon said.

Grandpa Jeon pursed his lips and said, "Quanci."

"You shut up. Everything is happening because of you and you stupid friend." Grandma Jeon shouted.

Jungkook smiled and said, "I'll message you the number."

"Hmm now go to your respective rooms and freshen up. I'll serve the dinner and call you all down. Jin and Jimin stay here tonight." Grandma Jeon said before walking towards the kitchen.

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