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When Yoona did not say anything for a really long time, Sehun started feeling nervous.

Super scared that she will reject him, Sehun said, "I'll do all the house chores and I'll do the laundry as well. I'll cook for you though I don't know how to but I can learn. And I-"

Sehun stopped when Yoona cupped his cheeks and clashed her lips against his.

Completely taken aback by the sudden attack, Sehun widened his eyes in shock but after a few seconds, he wrapped his arms around her waist and took charge.

Letting each other go after quite some time, Yoona smiled and said, "Yes, I'll marry you."

Sehun kissed her on her forehead before sliding the ring into her finger.

Picking her up, Sehun swirled around shouting, "I love you Yoona."

Placing her hands on his broad shoulders, Yoona chuckled and said, "Okay now put me down."

"I'll take you to the mansion tomorrow to meet the elders." Sehun said before placing her down.

Yoona smiled and nodded her head.

This was the beginning of a new life for both of them where they would live happily ever after. They would get what both of them were craving for and that is genuine love and care.

Both of them had a very gloomy past but the mistakes that they made helped them to learn and repent.

In the second chance with which God had blessed both of them, they would make sure not to repeat the same mistake again.

Their unexpected encounter at the beach gave both Yoona and Sehun a genuine reason to carry on in life. Now they wanted to live their life for and with each other.


Jeon mansion.

Sehun was getting ready to leave for work when he received a call from the kindergarten.

"Hmm, I am coming." Jungkook said before grabbing his coat.

"Where are you rushing too?" Lisa asked.

Giving her a peck on her lips, he said, "I have a very important meeting today so I have to leave."

Fixing his tie, she said, "Hmm, come back fast today because I have a surprise for you."

He smiled and asked, "What kind of surprise?"

"You know that think that I was looking for in my wardrobe but I couldn't find it that day?" She asked.

When Jungkook nodded his head, Lisa said, "I found it."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Jungkook said, "Now that is good news."

"Yes it is. Since I have worked so hard finding it, it will be unfair if we don't give it a try." Lisa said.

"How can I let my wife be treated unfairly? We will definitely give it a try." He said.

"You have to come early for that." She said.

"I'll do as Mrs Jeon says." He said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Good now go."

Jungkook nodded his head and left.



Principal's office.

"How can you allow such a child in your school?" A woman shouted.

"Mrs Pi please control yourself." The principal said.

"I want you to take a very strict action on this." Mrs Pi shouted while coxing her son who was continuously crying holding his bum.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now