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Kissing his great-grandson's forehead, Grandpa Jeon said, "My great-grandson is going to grow up and become the most handsome man in the world just like my other two great-grandsons. Huh don't underestimate my families genes. And your great-granddaughter will run behind him."

Grandma Gu snorted and said, "In your dreams Mosen, it will be your grandson who will run behind my granddaughter wagging his tail like a dog."

"That is never going to happen. Jeon's never run behind woman like that." Grandpa Jeon said.

"Yeah right because Jeon's are cowards who don't have the guts to confess their feelings." Grandpa Gu said.

Just then the two little ones started crying together.

When their dads heard their soft muffled cries, they quickly rushed towards them and took them on their arms.

"If you old men want to fight, do it outside you are disturbing the kids." Grandma Jeon said.

"Lingtian started it."

"Mosen started it."

Grandpa Jeon and grandpa Gu said together.

Grandma Jeon sighed and said, "I think we should go and let the babies and their mommies take some rest."

"But we haven't held the babies yet." Jimin complained.

"Exactly his aunt and uncle are waiting here." Hyunjin said.

"You all can meet them later. For now let's go and leave them alone." Grandma Jeon said.

Grumpily and reluctantly, everyone left the room but assured that they would come back after a few hours.


After everyone left, Jungkook and Jin looked at each other.

"What do you think?" Jin asked.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Should we or should we not?" Jin said.

"I think if we do it slowly, they won't get hurt." Jungkook said.

Jin nodded his head and slowly started moving forward. Taking baby steps, he sat at the edge of the bed and started lightly swinging the little one.

After sometime, Jungkook did the same thing. Slowly walking towards the bed, he sat at the edge and kept on staring at his son.

"They are so tiny Jin. So so tiny." Jungkook said.

"I know right? She is more tiny than your son." Jin said softly caressing his angels cheeks.

"You wanna hold her for a minute?" Jin asked.

"Hmm I would love to but you have to hold him too and don't you dare move recklessly after that." Jungkook said.

After exchanging the babies, they sat down in the same place.

"Jungkook his nose is just like yours and his lips too." Jin said.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "She has your nose too but I think she got her lips from An."

"Aren't they adorable?" Jin asked.

"Yes they are." Jungkook said.

Just then the little angel slowly opened her eyes and stretched her hands.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled when he saw how beautiful her eyes were.

Bending down, he kissed her forehead and said, "Hey baby girl, I am your uncle Jungkook."

"Ahh look at him Jungkook he is opening his eyes." Jin said excitedly.

Just then the doctor entered the room and asked, "Are the babies and mommies doing fine?"

Jungkook and Jin quickly got up and asked, "Are the babies healthy?"

The doctor nodded her her and said, "Yes, little Jeon weighs seven pounds, seven ounces while Little Gu being a little premature weighs five pounds, eight ounces. But both of them are healthy."

"We have to wait till there mommies wake up so that they can breast feed them for the first time which is very healthy for the baby." The doctor said.

Jungkook and Jin nodded their heads.

Placing the babies on their respective cribs, Jin and Jungkook sat near their wife's waiting for them to get up.


Kim mansion.

"God, I am so happy for brother-in-law and big sister." Hyunjin said.

Giving him a weak smile, Yeji nodded her head.

Noticing her strange expression, Hyunjin asked, "Babe what happened?" Before making her sit on his lap.

Yeji hooked her arms around his neck and sighed, "I just- when I saw the babies, I couldn't stop thinking about our baby whom-"

Cutting her off, Hyunjin said, "There is no point being sad over something that happened in the past. We have a long future ahead of us. We can make as many babies as you want in the future."

Yeji smiled and nodded her head.

Giving her a peck on her cheeks, Hyunjin said, "And if you want to have one now, I don't mind- hey ouch."

Pulling his hair, Yeji chuckled and said, "Not now."

Giving her a peck on her lips, Hyunjin said, "Now don't think about what happened in the past anymore, okay?"

Crashing their lips together, Yeji slowly nodded her head unbuttoning his shirt.



"Ahh you people why didn't you tell me about this before? I would've gone to the hospital straight away from the airport." Grandpa Sung said.

"The baby is fine father. I'll take you there later." Father Kim said.

"Huh I missed my other granddaughters delivery but I am not going to miss Yeri's due date. I'll stay in the hospital until my great-grandchild is born." Grandpa Sung said.

Yeri smiled and slowly nodded her head whose due date was in four weeks.

Everyone in the mansion had willingly accepted her and Aunt Yulin used to prepare healthy food for her everyday and take care of her other necessities.

Father Kim used to bring everything that she craved and had also started buying few things which his grandchild would need after it was born.

Hyunjin used to take her to the hospital for regular checkups and Yeji used to accompany her often.

In the Kim household, Yeri had got back her place and was living a very healthy and prosperous life. Everyone used to dote on her especially Grandpa Sung. Everyone thought she and had changed but was that really the truth? Had Yeri really changed for the better? Or something vicious was going around in that stupid brain of hers?

Everyone thought that the child in her stomach would change her into a whole new person. Motherhood would make her a better person but the big question is, will that ever happen?


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now