597.Spare the Clark clan

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Hyunjin frowned and asked, "Danson Clark? Why would he come here?"

"Do we have any ties with the Clark clan?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon shook his head and said, "No we don't."

Jungkook thought for a while and said, "Let him in."

The subordinate nodded his head and said, "Okay, sir."

After sometime, Danson Clark entered the room.

When Danson saw all the infamous and dangerous people in one room, he gulped in nervousness and took a step back.

Jungkook smiled and said, "You wanted to see us and now you are stepping back?"

"Don't worry Mr Clark, we don't bite." Jin said.

"Please have a seat." Jimin said.

Danson nodded his head and sat down but as soon he realised who was sitting beside him, he immediately got up and said, "I am sorry."

Yoongi frowned and asked, "What did I do?" Turning towards Jungkook, Yoongi vigorously shook his head and said, "No boss, I did not do anything."

"Maybe he is scared of Yoongi." Felix said.

Jin chuckled and said, "Don't worry Mr Clark even Yoongi doesn't bite."

Danson couldn't help but shiver when he saw Yoongi staring at him with his brows wrinkled. He was more scared of Yoongi than Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled and said, "Alright, Namjoon go and sit beside Yoongi."

Namjoon nodded his head and sat beside Yoongi.

Looking at Danson, Yoongi asked, "Have I ever used my babies on you?"


When Danson gave him a confused look, Yoongi said, "I mean my tools. Have I ever used my tools on you?"

When Danson vigorously shook his head, Yoongi frowned deeper and he asked, "Then why are you so scared of me? Do I look that scary?"

"Okay now stop scaring the guest." Jimin said.

"Please Mr Clark make yourself comfortable and tell me what you want." Jin said.

Danson sat down and said, "I am here to talk about something very important."

"What is it about?" Jungkook asked.

"It's about Kiara." Danson said.

Jin frowned and he asked, "What about her?"

Danson took a few deep breaths and he said, "I know where she is and I am helping her."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and he asked, "What do you want?"

Danson shook his head and he said, "Nothing, I don't want anything."

"Then why are you here?" Hyunjin asked.

He was supporting their current target and was willingly admitting it right in front of them. Was Danson courting death or was he tired of living?

Danson cleared his throat and said, "I-"

Cutting him off, Jungkook asked, "Why are you helping her?"

Danson sighed and said, "I am forced to help her and it's not like I want to."

"Details." Jungkook said.

Danson took a deep breath and he said, "Kiara's grandfather helped my dad back then and also helped him with the clan and-"

"Now Kiara wants you people to return that favour." Jungkook said.

Danson nodded his head and said, "Yes. Initially I didn't want to help her. When she called me, I rejected her straight away but then she contacted my father. I don't know what happened between them but my father pressured me to help her and I had to."

"The accidents that happened, was it done by you?" Jin asked.

Danson gulped in nervousness and he said, "It was Kiara's idea. She wanted to distract the people around you so that she could attack you when you had no one around you. I am responsible for Jeon Taehyung's accident."

When Jungkook raised his eyebrows, Danson quickly said, "No no, don't get me wrong. Kiara wanted me to kill Jeon Taehyung but I didn't. To avoid suspicion, I made sure Mr Jeon receives only light injuries."

"What about my daughter?" Jin asked.

Danson shook his head and said, "My dad had taken charge of the operation. I wasn't involved in that."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jungkook asked, "What about those kids?"

Danson widened his eyes in shock and asked, "You know?"

"Who were they?" Jungkook asked.

"They were orphan kids. Kiara had asked me to pick up kids who resembled Gu Jiyun and Kim Yuqi. She wanted to use them to lure Jeon Taehyung and Jiyun. She had asked me to kill the two kids but I didn't because they are innocent. I asked my men to keep the two kids safe until I deal with Kiara." Danson said.

"And why are you telling us this?" Jin asked.

Danson sighed and said, "I know you people are after Kiara and Kiara is after you all. That woman she is insane. She is crazy."

"She was always crazy." Jimin said.

Danson vigorously shook his head and said, "No, she is a different kind of crazy now. She talks to herself. She suddenly starts laughing and then suddenly starts crying. And she she-"

"She what?" Namjoon asked.

"She talks about Mr Jeon all the time." Danson said.

Jungkook frowned and he asked, "What do you want?"

"I will help you people get rid of her but in return I want you to spare the Clark clan." Danson said.

"And what about your father?" Jin asked.

"Do whatever you want to with him." Danson said.

"So what is her next move?" Jimin asked.

Danson shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. Though she has asked me to give her details the kindergarten staff but she did not tell me what her plan is."

"Alright, we will wait for your report then." Jungkook said.

Danson nodded his head and said, "Thank you Mr Jeon." before getting up.

"Mr Danson." Jungkook said.

"Yes Mr Jeon?" Danson said.

Jungkook smiled and said, "I hope you know what you have to do and the consequences of betraying us. And it has been days since Yoongi has used his babies on anyone."

Danson gulped in nervousness and he said, "Yes Mr Jeon." Before leaving the room.

After Danson left, Hyunjin asked, "Brother-in-law, can we trust him?"

"Well, he is the only one who knows where Kiara is and what her next move is." Jungkook said.


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