513.Little Jeon and Little Gu

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Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief. Lisa was okay and that was the only thing he wanted.

Crashing on the couch, Jungkook started taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He was scared to death. Never in his entire life had he felt so anxious and nervous.

Patting his brothers shoulder, Taehyung chuckled and said, "Seriousky it looks like big brother delivered a child and not sister-in-law."

Jimin laughed and said, "That's right. I mean just look at him."

Jungkook's super messy hair, crumbled clothes, his pale and sweaty face was making him look no better than a woman who had just given birth.

Ignoring their teasing, Jungkook took out a handkerchief and started wiping his sweat when he saw a certain someone standing like a statue not very far away from him.

Placing his hand on Jin's shoulder, Jungkook asked, "Jin? Are you okay?"

Jin vigorously shook his head and said, "No no nothings right. W-we weren't ready for this. We did not get the hospital bag, the reports, the-the we have nothing. And the baby wasn't supposed to come before two weeks then how? What do I do now? Anna was not ready, I am not ready and and-"

"Alright Jin calm down, take a few deep breaths and don't worry, everything is going to be okay." Jungkook said.

"Says the man who himself was going to faint a few minutes ago." Jimin said.

Just then Jisoo was pushed out of the labor room.

Mother Jeon who had gone to inform the Gu family about Jisoo's condition came back and saw the boys talking amongst themselves, she frowned and shouted, "Why are you all happily talking amongst yourself? Jungkook go and see how your wife is doing and Jin you should be with Jisoo right now. Jimin look at Rosé, her face looks so pale and she is looking so tired and Taehyung do you have any idea where your sons are?"

After getting a good dose of scolding from Mother Jeon, the men quickly scattered here and there.

"Ahhh Jin." Jisoo shouted.

Jin quickly rushed towards her and caught her hand, "It's alright babe I am here."

Clutching onto Jin's shirt, Jisoo groaned in pain, "The baby it wasn't...Aahhh."

"We have to take Dr Jisoo to the other labor room." The nurse said.

Jisoo was then pushed into the nearby labor room and Jin entered the room along with her.


When Jimin saw Rosé sitting on the bench in a daze, he quickly rushed towards her and asked, "Rosé what happened? Are you fine? Should I call the doctor?"

"That that I cannot." Rosé murmured.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"What Lisa and Jisoo are doing, I cannot." Rosé said.

Clutching onto Jimin's collar, Rosé shouted, "It's just one baby and they are shouting and screaming, Jimin I have two babies. What will happen when I-"

Jimin cupped her face and said, "Okay Okay just calm down, calm down. Nothing is going to happen, it's gonna be alright."

"Alright? What do you know? You don't have to push a baby out of you." Rosé shouted.


When Lisa was pushed out of the room, she was still unconscious.

Jungkook quickly rushed towards his wife and said, "Lisa."

"She is still tired but Mrs Jeon will wake up after sometime." The nurse said.

Jungkook nodded his head and followed them.

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