471.Stephen Beck

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Hugging her waist, Yoongi placed his head on Wendy's lap and said, "What are you shy about Wendy? You should get used to walking naked in front of me."

"Yoongi." Wendy shouted.

Snuggling in her lap, he said, "Let me sleep for a while."

Running her fingers through his hair, she said, "I should be the one saying this Yoongi. You did not let me sleep for the whole night."

"Who told you to be so beautiful? It's not my fault." He said.

Pulling his cheeks, she said, "You have become so skinny."

"Wendy it has just been two days." He said.

"Ya but you have become skinny." She said.

Pausing for a while, she said, "I'll cook your favourite dishes after we go home."

Yoongi took a deep breath and said, "You know Wendy, for a moment I thought that I lost you."

"I am sorry, I know I was being unreasonable." She said.

"Hmm so were you really leaving the city and staying with that pawn guy?" He asked.

She chuckled and said, "Shawn."

"Ya whatever his name is." Yoongi said.

"Shawn is my high school friend and he works at the same restaurant that I was gonna join but I wasn't going to stay with him. I was going to stay with my friend Stella who helped me find this job." Wendy said.

"Why did you lie to me?" He asked.

"Well I just wanted to scare you a little bit because you scared me a lot that day with your deadly moves." She said.

He sighed and said, "Wendy about that I-"

Cutting him off,  she said, "You don't have to say anything Yoongi. That is your job so I don't have a problem with that. Let's just forget about everything and just love and support each other to the fullest."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he buried his head on her stomach and said, "I love you."

She chuckled and said, "Now stop being a baby and bring some clothes for me."

Getting down from the bed, he picked up his shirt from the floor and started buttoning it.

Wrapping herself with the sheet, she helplessly shook her head and said, "Take that paper off your chest Yoongi, it's irritating."

Scratching his head,  he said, "Ehh I was so excited that time that I did not realise something."

"What?" She asked.

"Ehh the glue that I used was super glue." He said.

Wendy chuckled and said, "I'll help you take it off with hot water later."

Kissing her forehead, Yoongi said, "I'll get food and clothes for you. Lock the door from inside and freshen up a bit."

"Where is your phone?" She asked.

"It's inside the drawer." He said before walking outside.

After he left, Wendy locked the door and took out the phone from the drawer.

Turning it on, she took out a number from Yoongi's phone and copied it in her phone.

Tossing his phone aside, she typed a message to that number and entered the washroom.


Jungkook was about to enter the meeting hall when his phone buzzed.

Taking out his phone from his pocket when Singtan read the message, his lips curled upwards.

The message said: Thank you big brother :) I'll surely send you a big box of brownie tomorrow.


Somewhere is US.

Beck Enterprise.

Sitting inside his lavish office, Stephen Beck was sipping wine while caressing a photo frame with his thumb.

Just then a young woman entered the office and said, "Sir Mr Leo has settled in country S and everything is happening according to our plan."

Stephen Beck smirked and said, "Tch Tch I knew that stupid brother of mine would fall for this."

Delila nodded her head and said, "And Sir about young misses."

Stephens eyes sparkled, "What about her?"

"She is staying in country S with Mr Wu in Flexi compound." Delila said.

Stephen chuckled and said, "Ahh so she is still with that Lee Felix. That is interesting."

"Actually sir they are engaged." Delila said.

Stephen smirked and said, "Ahh that even more nice."

Pausing for a while, Stephen asked, "So tell me Delila, shouldn't I pay them a visit? I mean shouldn't I visit my would be brother-in-law and little sister?"

Delila nodded her head and said, "Yes Sir."

"Make preparations Delila. Let's visit my little sister and give her a surprise." Stephen said.

Delila nodded her head and left.

After Delila left, Stephen caressed the photograph of a young girl and said, "Too much running Yuna. Now it's time to stop this game my little sister." before laughing out loud.


Country S.

Flexi compound.

Caressing Yuna's back, Felix took a deep breath before picking up his cell phone.

Thinking for quite some time, Felix called Hyunjin.

"Stephen Beck is coming to country S." Felix said.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Hyunjin said, "Lets talk about this after sometime."

Tightening his grip around Yuna, Felix said, "I don't want him to come anywhere near Yuna."

"Don't stress over that Feli, I'll take care of it." Hyunjin said.

Pausing for a while, Hyunjin said, "Leonardo Beck wants to meet me. He wants to collaborate with Kim Enterprise in something. I'll talk to him and clarify everything."

"Hmm okay do whatever you want but Yuna should not know about his arrival." Felix said.

"Hmm you don't worry about that. I'll take care of it." Hyunjin said before hanging up the call.


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