443.Reunion IV

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"Lisa, Lisa wake up." Rosé said.

Slowly opening her eyes, Lisa stretched her body and said, "Good morning."

Rosé rolled her eyes and said, "We just have two hours left for the event to start."

Lisa widened her eyes in shock and said, "What? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Mr Jeon told Jimin not to disturb you." Rosé said.

Getting down from the bed, Lisa rushed towards the washroom.

After sometime when Lisa came out, Rosé had already taken out their gowns from the suitcase.

"Let me help you dry your hair." Rosé said.

Plugging in the hair dryer, Rosé said, "Lisa is it just me or even you feel that Jimin and Mr Jeon are hiding something from us?"

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Hmm Jungkook is hiding something but he told me that he would explain everything afterwards."

"Well even I asked Jimin but he refused to say anything." Rosé said.

Pausing for a while, Rosé said, "Yesterday when Jimin and I had gone down for the buffet, we met so many people. Like everyone is here for the reunion."

"Ah is it? Damn I missed everything but I wanted to spend some time with Singtan so we decided not to go down and order something in the room itself." Lisa said.

"You remember that British-German boy?" Rosé asked.

"Leo?" Lisa asked.

Rosé nodded her head and said, "Yes, even he is here and ah Lisa he was looking so handsome. Seriously if you see him, you won't be able to take your eyes off him."

Lisa chuckled and sai d,"Well, no matter what, Mr Jeon is the most handsome man in the whole world for me."

Rosé chuckled and said, "Yeah for me Jimin is the only man but there is no harm in feasting our eyes with some other beauties right?"

Lisa chuckled and said, "Yeah right."

"Oh he was asking about you by the way. I told him and you are here." Rosé said.

Pausing for a while, Rosé said, "That bitch is also here too."


"Melissa." Rosé said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "I don't understand why do you get so irritated with her? Just ignore her like I do."

"The way she was staring at Jimin God I wanted to rip her eyes off. I am sure that if she meets Mr Jeon, that bitch will strip him naked with her eyes." Rosé said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "I'll be fine."

Turning the dryer off, Rosé said, "Alright this is done, now let's quickly start with our makeup."


Country S.

Global Regency.

Snuggling against Yoongi chest, Wendy asked, "Can I not resign?"

Yoongi shook his head and said, "Yes you have to. I cannot let you work there anymore."


"I have already paid the rent of your old apartment for six months and the electricity bills too. So you don't have to worry about that." He said.

Lifting her head up, Wendy said, "You didn't have to do that. I-"

Cupping her face, he said, "Hey hey I did it because I wanted to okay."

She lowered her head and said, "Yoongi I don't want to be a burden on you. I can't just sit at home and keep using your money."

"Wendy you are not a burden for me okay and your responsibility is now my responsibility too. And who is saying that you just staying at home all day? See you are taking care of us, cooking delicious food for both us, taking care of our house and so many other things." Yoongi said.

Intertwining their hands together, he said, "Everything that I have is yours. Everything is yours, even me."

Pausing for a while, he said, "I know you feel responsible towards Julia and that is the reason why I did everything that I could for her. I want to share your responsibilities and want to share everything with you."

Without saying anything, Wendy pulled him closer and crashed her lips against his.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Yoongi quickly pinned her down and deepened the kiss.



"How do I look?" Lisa asked after wearing her gown.

Lisa was wearing a deep blue off-shoulder backless gown perfectly wrapping her baby bump. It had a deep V-shaped neck, perfectly flaunting her cleavage. Her hair was tied up into a beautiful bun and she had a very light makeup on. Her skin was glowing making her look extremely beautiful and stunning.

Rosé gasped and said, "You are looking stunning Lisa. Oh my God."

Lisa chuckled and said, "You are looking stunning too."

Flicking her hair, Rosé said, "Well I am scared that Mr Park will rip this dress off tonight."

Rosé was wearing a sleeveless maroon deep U neck slim fit dress, which had a deep cut perfectly flaunting her right leg and thigh. Her hair was curled into big curly locks. She also had a very light makeup on.

Lisa laughed and said, "We both should treat Jennie for this."

Taking out a maroon box from her bag, Rosé said, "Here wear this. Mr Jeon gave it to me and said that this would perfectly go with your dress."

Taking the box from her hand when Ming opened it, she gasped when she saw a pair of beautiful floral shaped earrings and a beautiful pendant.

"This is beautiful." Lisa said.

Wearing her jewellery, Rosé said, "Yes seems like Jimin and Mr Jeon went for jewellery shopping together."

Quickly wearing them, Rosé and Lisa left the room.



Jimin who was waiting for them for quite sometime saw the two ladies stepped out of the elevator, widened his eyes in shock. They were looking stunning. He couldn't help but drool at them. Both of them were looking angelic and breathtaking.

"Close your mouth Mr Park." Rosé said before hooking her arms around his.

Quickly composing himself, Jimin said, "You both are looking WOW."

Lisa chuckled and said, "Well Thankyou."

"Ah we are late let's leave." Rosé said.

"Ya lets go." Jimin said.

"Three of us should enter together." Rosé said.

Lisa chuckled and nodded her head before hooking her arms around Jimin's other arm.

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