454.I hope you won't disappoint....

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Kim mansion.

"How is he now?" Jungkook asked.

Jin sighed and said, "That old man lost lots of blood. I don't think so he will be able to get through this."

Glaring at Yoongi, Jungkook said, "I had told you not to kill him."

Yoongi pouted his lips and said, "Big Boss it isn't my fault, he was weak."

Jimin took a deep breath and asked, "Now what?"

"Wake him up Jin, we need him." Jungkook said.

"I am trying." Jin said.

The man they were talking about was Rumbas who was currently lying in the hospital in a vegetative state fighting with death.

Few weeks back when Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, Bambam  has entered the cell to interrogate him, Rumbas was lying on the ground half dead. His breathing was shallow and his heartbeat was very weak. He was then rushed towards the hospital and was currently being treated in secrecy.

"What about that guard?" Jimin asked.

" He was been caught and will be here in a few days." Singtan said.

Patting Songpa's shoulder, Mike said," You will have the full liberty this time, no restrictions."

Giving him a weak smile, Songpa nodded his head.

Noticing the change in his expression, Singtan raised his eyebrows and decided to talk to him about this later.


Flexi compound.

When Father Kim arrived at Yeri's apartment, Yeri was having her supper.

"Dad." Yeri said softly when she saw father Kim.

Placing a bag on the table, Father Kim said, "Here I brought your favourite snacks."

Yeri smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Hmm How are you?" Father Kim asked.

Yeri nodded her head and said, "I am good."

"Are you going for our checkup regularly?" Father Kim asked.


"Good." Father Kim said.

Pausing for a while, he said, "I heard Oh Sehun wanted to take you with him and start a new life with you but you did not go with him? Why?"

Yeri lowered her head and said, "I don't want to leave country S."

Father Kim sighed and said, "Hmm, Yeri I don't know what you are up to but I hope you won't disappoint me this time."

Yeri slowly nodded her head.

"Your Brother is getting engaged tomorrow." Father Kim said.

Yeri smiled and said, "That is great news. Congratulate him from my side."

"I have come here to invite you as well. Get ready tomorrow, I'll ask someone to fetch you." Father Kim said.

"Father Hyunjin hates me I-"

"Lisa also wants you to come. I'll talk to Hyunjin you don't have to worry about him." Father Kim said.

Yeri slowly nodded his head.

Before leaving, Father Kim patted Yeri's head and said, "I really hope you won't disappoint your family members this time, especially your elder sister and me."


Kim mansion.

By the time Lisa and the rest arrived at the Kim Mansion, it was almost 8pm.

"How much did you all shop?" Jin asked pouting towards the uncountable number of bags that the guards were bringing in.

"Ohh there is more inside the car." Jisoo said.

Passing a glass of water to Lisa, Jungkook asked, "Did you have fun?"

Lisa nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Ahh don't mix the bags up people." Rosé shouted.

"Wendy, Yeji and Yuna go and quickly separate you bags." Lisa said.

"What did you buy?" Yoongi asked before taking the bags from Wendy's hand.

"Ah I think I bought too much." Wendy said.

Yoongi chuckled and said, "It's fine. You should shop more."

"Here Wendy I think this is yours." Yuna said before passing her a bag.

Taking the bag from Yuna's hand, Wendy said, "I bought a shirt for you but I don't know whether you will like it or not."

"Let's go home and then I'll try it out." Yoongi said.

"Where is Hyunjin?" Yeji asked.

"He is with Felix in the study." Jimin said.

"Hmm. Wendy, Yoongi you both are coming tomorrow right?" Yeji asked.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yes of course."

Wendy smiled and said, "We will be there."

"Great we will have lots and lots of fun tomorrow." Yuna said.

After talking to each other for quite some time, everyone left.


Jeon Mansion.

"Why?" Jungkook asked taking out a blue colour baby bib and cap from bag.

"They are cute." Lisa said.

"And what if we have a daughter?" Jungkook asked.

"What? Our daughter can also wear this and you don't have to worry about that because we will have a boy." Lisa said.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "No you bought everything that is meant for boys. Huh now I will go shopping and get something for my daughter."

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "Do whatever you want but we will have a boy."

Keeping the baby clothes aside, Jungkook asked, "What did you buy for yourself?"

Lisa shook her head and said, "Nothing."

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

Placing her hand on her stomach, Lisa said, "It's not convenient for me to wear anything right now. So I'll shop after this little one is born."

"Then What is there in that bag?" Jungkook asked.

"I bought clothes for you." Lisa said.

Lying down next to her, Jungkook said, "I'll accompany you for shopping later."

"Hmm I saw this really beautiful black dress today but I can't wear it so I bought it for Wendy and told her to wear it tomorrow." Lisa said.

Caressing her back, Jungkook said, "Hmm that's nice."

In the middle of the night, Jungkook received a call from Yoongi.


"Hmm What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to talk to you about something." Yoongi said.

Jungkook sighed and asked, "What happened?"

"Boss I want to tell Wendy everything." Yoongi said.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

Pausing for a while, Yoongi said, "I want to tell her everything about me. Like what I do."

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes Boss."

Jungkook took a deep breath and said, "Yoongi if you want to leave everything and start-"

Cutting him off, Yoongi said, "No Boss I am never leaving your side. I just don't want to keep her in the dark."

Jungkook sighed and said, "Let's talk about this later. It's quite late you should go and rest. Don't stress over this."


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