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"I promise that I'll take care of you and our baby. I'll always protect both of you and keep you safe." Sehun said.

Running her fingers through his hair, Weiwei smiled and said, "I know."

"I'll go and inform our family members about this and let's go to the main mansion today." Sehun said.


Oh Mansion.

"Seojun stop running like that." Tzuyu shouted before running after her two and half year old son who was becoming more and more mischievous day by day.

"Dada Dada." Seojun shouted before running towards the main entrance.

Just the Bambam entered the mansion and picked his son up in his arms.

"Now why are you troubling your mother?" Bambam asked.

Tzuyu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Bambam, "Thank God you are here. Now take care of your son because I have a very important presentation to complete."

Walking towards her, Bambam gave her a peck on her lips and said, "I love you."

Tzuyu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Now what did you do?"

Bambam shook his head and said, "Nothing.

Crossing her arms in the front, Tzuyu asked, "What did you do Bambam?"

Bambam scratched his forehead and said, "I forgot to get your altered clothes from the shop."

Flicking his forehead, Tzuyu said, "Go and get it in the evening."

Bambam nodded his head and said, "And one more thing, Mr Yang had invited us for an event next week, so we have to go. Lisa and all will also be there so you don't have to worry about getting bored."

Tzuyu nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"Mr Yang told me that we should also bring Seojun with us because all the other kids are coming too." Bambam said.

"That is nice." Tzuyu said.

Just then, Tzuyu's phone buzzed.

Taking out her phone from her pocket, Tzuyu frowned when she read the message from an unknown number which said: I AM COMING BACK.

"Babe what happened?" Bambam asked.

Passing him the phone, Tzuyu said, "I don't know but I have been receiving such messages since yesterday."

Placing her phone inside his pocket, Bambam said, "Don't stress over it, I'll find out who it is."

After taking Seojun into her arms from Bambam, Tzuyu entered her room.

Taking out his phone, Bambam called his assistant and asked him to find out the source of the number.

After a few minutes, his assistant called him back and said, "Sir this number is not trackable."

Bambam frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"There is no source to it sir." The assistant said.

"Try once more." Bambam said before hanging up the call.

Reading the messages once again, Bambam pursed his lips when he realised something.  'I AM COMING BACK' is it related to…?

Without wasting any time, Bambam quickly called Jungkook to tell him about everything.


Jeon Corporation.

Jungkook had just finished his meeting when he received a call from Bambam.

"What reminds you of me after so many days?" Jungkook asked.

Bambam chuckled and said, "I think of you all day Jungkook."

Jungkook frowned and said, "Stop talking like a creep and tell me what you want."

After telling him everything, Bambam said, "Why do I feel that-"

Cutting him off, Jungkook said, "Hmm, I also feel the same."

Massaging his templates, Bambam asked, "Now what do we do?"

Jungkook thought for a while and said, "I think she is coming back to country S and I also think that we cannot stop her."

Bambam frowned and asked, "What do you mean by we cannot stop her? So what do we do? Just sit and watch her hurt our families?"

"Why do you think we were unable to locate her even after looking for her everywhere for so many years?" Jungkook asked.

When Bambam did not say anything, Jungkook continued, "Isn't it evident that she has a strong person backing her? Whoever that person is, he or she is helping her and I am sure that the same person will bring her back to this country."

Pausing for a while, Jungkook continued, "Now Simon's daughter is not dumb like him. So she will definitely come back in disguise and with a new identity. We will never be able to stop her from entering the country."

"So what do we do? We cannot just sit back right? You know what Tzuyu did at that time right? She will definitely try to seek revenge from her." Bambam said.

"We have to identify her first and for that we have to wait for her to make the first move." Jungkook said.

Pausing for a while, Jungkook said, "I have already asked the authorities to be extra careful while checking the documents. Anything suspicious and they will inform us. But now since we don't know what is going to be her first move, we have to be cautious. Increase the number of guards around your mansion and Tzuyu. Make sure not to leave Seojun and Tzuyu alone."

Bambam nodded his head and said, "Alright, is l will do that then."

"I'll let you know if I find out something." Jungkook said before hanging up the call.


Somewhere in country B.

Packing her clothes, Kiara was all prepared to leave for country S along with Dereck day after tomorrow.

She was extremely happy as she could finally start plotting against everyone who she thought had wronged her especially her half-sister, Tzuyu.

She had been sending a few messages to Tzuyu through the phone that Dereck has given her so that she could contact some of her trustworthy friends and relatives back in country S.

She wanted scare Tzuyu a little before giving her the actually and the most painful shock of her life.

Browsing through the internet, Kiara had taken out all the details and new updates about everyone who were in her wronged-list.

After knowing about her little nephew, Oh Seojun and how well Oh Enterprise was doing under Oh Kunpimook's hands, Kiara couldn't help but feel more jealous of Linda.

How could she live such a peaceful life after disfiguring her? Kiara would never let that happen and she wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief until she made Tzuyu suffer.


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now