559.Third party?

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Wendy was taken aback when she saw Julia.

"I missed you so so much." Julia said before tightening her grip around Wendy.

Wendy smiled and hugged her back, "When did you get discharged from the rehab?"

"Yesterday night." Julia said.

"Why didn't brother Peter or Yoongi tell me?" Wendy said.

Hooking her arms around her, Julia said, "Actually I told them not to tell anybody because I didn't want to trouble you all."

"You could've told us, Yoongi and I would've come to pick you up." Wendy said.

Julia chuckled and said, "Forget about that now. I really missed you so much Wendy and especially that soupy spicy noodles that you make. Ahh can you make that for me again please."

When Wendy hesitated for a while, Julia gave her a weak smile and said, "Ahh it's okay, I understand that you don't want to be associated with me. I have done wrong things in the past and I deserve this, I deserve to be alone forever."

Grabbing Wendy's hand, Julia said, "I know I have done many wrong things but now I genuinely regret and I am sorry. You've always loved me and have cared for me but I never requitted your love and care Beth and I really regret that. I hope you will forgive me." Before wiping her tears away.

Pinching Julia's cheeks, Wendy said, "You want to eat noodles right? Coincidentally even Yoongi wants to eat them for dinner so I'll be making them. Come let's go I'll make some for you as well."

"Is Yoong-I mean brother-in-law not at home?" Julia asked.

Wendy shook her head and said, "No, he has gone somewhere but he will be back by evening." Before walking towards her apartment along with Julia.


Glory Regency.

"Wow this place is amazing. Did brother-in-law buy this place for you?" Julia said.

Wendy smiled and said, "This is our place."

"Oh so you both are staying together?" Julia asked.

"Yes." Wendy said before placing grocery bags on the table.

"Do you want to freshen up while I prepare the noodles?" Wendy asked.

When Julia nodded her head, Wendy guided her towards the guest room.

"We hardly open and stay in this room so the sheets are not changed so I hope you don't mind." Wendy said.

Julia smiled and said, "No worries."

"Tell me if you want anything." Wendy said.

"I don't have any clothes to change." Julia said.

Wendy smiled and said, "I'll get you my clothes to wear." Before walking out.

After passing Julia a set of fresh change clothes, Wendy started preparing noodles for both Yoongi and Julia.


Outside Peicheng Enterprise.

"No this is more tasty." Yoona said.

Sehun shook his head and said," No mine one is tastier." before scooping a spoonful of ice cream from his cup and bringing it close to Yoona's mouth.

After taking a bite, Yoona snatched Sehun's cup away and shoved her cup into his hand.

"Hey my ice cream." Sehun said.

Yoona chuckled and kept on eating from Sehun's cup.

Sehun chuckled and quietly ate the ice cream.

They had gone out for lunch and were returning to Sehun's company eating their dessert.

"Sehun." a woman said.

Sehun stopped and turned around he heard a familiar voice.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw Yeri standing in front of him.

Yoona quickly recognised who the woman was and said, "I'll be taking me leave then." Before turning around.

Just then Sehun grabbed her hand and said, "Aren't we supposed to watch a movie together?

"It's fine if you are busy." Yoona said. Her jolly and happy mood was completely spoiled after seeing Yeri. No matter what, Sehun and Yeri were still a legal husband and wife and even had a baby together. Yoona had no intention of becoming a third party between them.

"I am not." Sehun said before intertwining their hands together.

Yeri narrowed her eyes when they saw being intimate in front of her. She had no idea who that woman was and what she was doing with Sehun but looking at them holding hands publicly Yeri could say that they shared a unique kind of a relationship.

"If you want to keep staring at us like this, you can get out of here." Sehun said rudely without retraining himself.

"I want to talk to you, I hope I can talk to my husband alone." Yeri said before looking at Yoona.

Turning towards Sehun, Yoona smiled and said, "Why don't you take Ms Kim upstairs to your office and have a chat with her? It will be more convenient."

Sehun nodded his head and said, "Let's finish this first." before taking a big bite of the ice cream.

Yoona smiled and started eating her ice cream too completely ignoring Yeri who was glaring at them.

After discarding the cups, Sehun again grabbed Yoona's hand and said, "Follow us." Before walking inside the building.


Outside Sehun's office.

Yoona stopped Sehun and said, "You should go inside and talk to her alone."

Sehun shook his head and said, "We don't have anything secretive or personal to talk about. And there is nothing going on between us about which you do not." He did not want Yoona to get bad ideas about him and Yeri. There was seriously nothing going on between them and Sehun had completely given up on their relationship.

Taking his coat from Sehun's hand, Yoona said, "I'll be sitting outside and waiting for you to finish."

Passing her his phone, Sehun said, "Then book tickets too."

Taking the phone, Yoona said, "Okay."

"It won't take long." Sehun said before entering the office.

Without saying anything, Yeri also followed him behind.

Looking at Sehun's coat and phone, Yoona chuckled before sitting down on the couch.

Unlocking the phone, she started looking for good movies that would be convenient for both of them to watch not caring about what they might be doing or talking about inside Sehun's office.


Inside the office.

As soon as she entered the office, Yeri took off her coat revealing the sexy backless outfit she was wearing underneath…...

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now