574.Useless father

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Father Si's eyes turned moist when the little one gave him a tight hug. She looked just like Jisoo when she was small.

"Grandpa why are you crying?" Jiyun asked.

Father Si shook his head and said, "I am not crying. I am just happy that I met you."

"I am happy too." Jiyun said.

"Grandpa got gifts for you." Father Si said.

"For me?" Jiyun asked.

Father Si nodded his head and called someone.

Soon a few men came inside with big boxes with had many toys and other things in it.

Inside the room.

Hugging her from behind, Jin said, "If you are not comfortable, you don't have to talk to him."

"Since he is already here, I want to know what brings him here after so many years." Jisoo said.

For so many years, never did he once come looking for her or even called her to ask about her whereabouts. The last time Jisoo met him was during her step sister's surgery. Now his sudden appearance in her life was making her wonder what he was up to.

"I heard that he got divorced a few years back." Jin said.

When Jisoo gave him a 'How do you know that look?', Jin shrugged his shoulders and said, "What? I have keep a track okay? I have to make sure that he doesn't hurt you in any kind of way."

"Why did he get divorced?" Jisoo asked.

"Turns out that is new wife was cheating on him with her ex lover since a really long time. When you father found out the truth, he divorced him." Jin said.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jisoo asked, "And what about-"

Cutting her off, Jin asked, "Your half-sister?"

When Jisoo nodded her head, Mike said, "She also left along with her mother and they are now in California enjoying life with her lover who is now her husband."

"If she had a lover, why did she marry father then?" Jisoo asked.

"For fame and money." Jin said.

Jisoo sighed and said, "He has suffered."

"Babe." Jin said.


"You know that whatever decision you take, I am with you right?" Jin said.

Jisoo smiled and nodded her head.



When Jisoo and Jin came out, Jiyun and a father Si were happily talking to each other.

When Jiyun saw them, she excitedly said, "Look dad, grandpa bought me so many gifts."

"Princess let's go change and then come back." Jin said.

Jiyun nodded her head and said, "Grandpa, I'll be back after changing wait for me okay?"

Father Si nodded his head and said, "I'll wait for you dear."

Jiyun then rushed towards her father and dragged him inside.


After Jiyun and Jin left, Jisoo sat down on the couch and asked, "What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to see you though I know you don't want to but-"

When Jisoo saw her father's face closely, she realised that he looked much older than the last time she has seen him. He had quite a few grey hair which were visible. He had a few wrinkles on his face and he looked much skinnier. It seemed like he was having a really tough time dealing with life.

Though they did not share a very close relationship now but the time she spent with her father when she was young was enough to make her heart ache for him.

Jisoo had promised not to keep any ties with him but seeing him like this, alone and distressed she felt bad.

"I know that I have treated you unfairly Sooyah. After remarrying, I never really focused on your upbringing and tried to force my decision on you and when you left, I never tried to contact you either. I know I am wrong and what I did cannot be forgiven. But still I hope you'll forgive this useless father of yours." Father Si said before wiping his tears away.

He then took out a folder from his bag and said, "These are the papers of Si biotechs. You know how hard your mom and I had worked to build up this huge empire. We started from scratch and it was all because of your mother's motivation and faith in me that I managed to expand it to where it is now. I feel old now and I don't have the strength to handle the company affairs. I have been handling the company for more than thirty years now but now I feel that I cannot. I want to move back to our old place where your mom and I used to stay when you were not born and live there with her memories. I don't want to sell the company or give it to an outsider because this company actually belongs to your mother. I want you to accept it."

"I don't need the company." Jisoo said.

Father Si smiled and said, "The company was always meant to be yours. I have made many wrong choices in life honey but this time I don't want to make another wrong choice by not giving you something that actually belongs only to you." Before placing the folder on the table.

"You can do whatever you want with it. You can make it one of the subsidiaries of Gu biotechs. Show them to Seokjin and he will know what to do." Father Si said before getting up.

"I know you won't but still if you can then please forgive this useless fathers of yours. I know that I don't deserve to be called one but still." Father Si said before walking towards the door.

As he was about to step out of the mansion, Jisoo said, "Dad."

When Father Si turned around, Jisoo rushed towards him and gave him a hug.

"I miss mom too." Jisoo said before bursting into tears.

Patting her back, Father Si said, "I miss her too."

Jin and Jiyun who were standing not too far away from them silently kept on watching the reunion of the father-daughter pair.

"Dada why are they crying?" Jiyun asked.

"They met after a really long time so they both are happy." Jin said.

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