556.Indecent and vicious

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Two months later.

Jeon mansion.

"Yuqi, Jeonsan bed now." Lisa shouted at the kids who were busy playing with Eunwoo.

"Two minutes mommy." Jeonsan said.


"Let them play for a while Lisa." Jungkook said who was busy reading a document which Eunwoo and brought over.

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Okay but now it's your responsibility to coax them to sleep and wake them up in the morning. You have to help them get dressed and then we will drop them at the kindergarten." Before walking upstairs.

"Ahh and remember, they can't be late because it's their first day tomorrow. Goodnight Mr Jeon." Lisa said before disappearing from his sight.

Giving it a nice thought, Jungkook got up and picked up Yuqi and Jeonsan in his arms before walking towards their room.

The kids were about to join kindergarten starting tomorrow and if they were going to be late, Jungkook would surely receive a good bashing from his wife.

"Dada we want to play some more." Jeonsan said.

"No champ time to sleep. Tomorrow is your first day and you can't be late." Jungkook said.

"I don't want to go to school." Yuqi said.

Placing them on their respective beds, Jungkook said, "Zixin and Jiyun will be there too so are you sure you both don't want to go?" Jungkook asked.

"Yuqi quick sleep we can't be late otherwise Jiyun will get angry." Jeonsan said before getting into the covers."

"Yes and Zixin-"

Cutting a Yuqi off, Jeonsan said, "Who cares about Zixin? Don't think about him too much and sleep."

Yuqi nodded her head and said, "Okay."

Jungkook chuckled and helplessly shook his head. He knew how fond Zixin and Jeonsan were for each other. In fact the three boys Jeonsan, Zixin and Jihun were always together but whenever Yuqi used to talk about Zixin, Jeonsan would ask her not to talk about him.

His son was so protective over Yuqi at such a young age which made Jungkook worry about the future. He sometimes even wondered that if he had a sister too, would he be as protective as Jeonsan is? Or may be worse?

After making sure that the kids were asleep, Jungkook switched off the lights and quietly left the room.



"All the arrangements are done?" Jungkook asked.

Eunwoo nodded his head and said, "Yes boss now you just need to sign these papers so that we can start everything."

Signing the documents one after another, Jungkook asked, "Is the Picheng Enterprise taking part too?"

Picheng Enterprise was the company that Sehun had started. Though it was still new but it had already started becoming the talk of the town because of the speed at which it was growing.

After returning back to country S along with his parents a couple of months ago, Sehun shifted the whole quarters to country S. Initially Uncle Oh and Bambam wanted him to join Oh enterprise again but Sehun rejected their kind offer by saying that he wanted to focus on his company but he also promised to help Bambam if he ever needed his help.

The whole Oh family became very happy and harmonious after reuniting. Father and Mother Oh started staying at the main mansion along with Tzuyu and Bambam while uncle Oh and Aunt Yulin continued staying at the Kim mansion but would always come over to see and help Tzuyu take are of the little one.

Sehun did not stay at the mansion and had bought his own place not too far away from his office and the mansion.

Eunwoo nodded his head and said, "Yes sir and they are also the first ones to submit their tender."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Alright, take forward things accordingly."

Eunwoo nodded his head and after discussing a few other things, he left.


The news about the return of the young master of the Oh family with his own enterprise had created frenzy in the country and in the business world.

Though people were curious about the sudden disappearance of Oh Sehun several years ago but what shocked them even more was that Yeri was not their beside him. Some said they were divorced and some said Yeri left him because he was thrown out of the position. People also made wild guesses like Sehun being mentally ill and had gone to the States to get treated.

Various news channels had been approaching and were trying to contact Sehun for an interview but the latter kept on declining their offer because he wanted to stay out of the spotlight for the time being.

"I never thought you were that famous back then that as soon as you returned, you created a mess." Yoona said.

Sehun chuckled and said. "It's not my fault."

"Yeah you are right. It's not your fault for being so handsome." Yoona said.

Sehun and Yoona had been seeing each other since the day Sehun came back to country S. They would sometimes have breakfast together or go out for dinners. They would watch movies together on weekends or just take a walk at the park like they were doing right now.

Grabbing Yoona's hand, Sehun said, "Yoona."


Keeping quiet for quite some time, Sehun said, "I want to tell you something."

Yoona nodded her head and said, "Okay, let's sit down there."

Sitting down on a nearby bench, Sehun said, "I know the past doesn't matter anymore but I still want to tell you about my past and how indecent and vicious I was back then."

Starting from how they had plotted against Lisa, Sehun being obsessed over her, him kidnaping Lisa to how Lisa had forgiven him and how he had been repenting till date, Sehun told her everything without missing any detail. He also told her how Yeri had left and refused to be with him and had been continuously rejected him.

After saying Sehun took a deep breath and said, "This is my past Yoona. Something that I can never forget about."

He then chuckled and said, "I know you might be hating me right now but I won't blame you if you walk out right now and never talk to me again."

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