599.Kiara's end II

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Danson frowned and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"She is not in her room." The man said.

Danson frowned deeper and he quickly took out his phone and called Kiara. When the call did not go through, Danson thought for a while and called his father. When the call did not go through, Danson quickly called someone from the Clark mansion.

"Where is father?" Danson asked.

"He left the mansion early in the morning." a man said.

"Shit." Danson cursed before hanging up the call.

"Quick gather the team." Danson said before rushing outside.


Jeon Corporation

Namjoon had just arrived at Jungkook's office to discuss a few things with him when he received a call from Danson.

"Namjoon, Kiara is missing." Danson said.

Namjoon frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Kiara is missing and so is my father. I am on the way to the kindergarten along with my men. Tell Mr Jeon about it and come there as soon as possible." Danson said before hanging up the call.

After hanging up the call, Namjoon quickly rushed towards Jungkook's office.


Jungkook's office.

Jungkook was going through a report along with Eunwoo when Namjoon dashed into his office.

"Big boss." Namjoon said.

Jungkook frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Kiara is missing." Namjoon said.

Pausing for a while, he continued, "And so is Danson's father."



When Jungkook and his entire team arrived at the kindergarten, Danson and his team were already present.

Min, Jihun, Jiyun and Zixin were sitting along with the guards crying while Jeonsan and Yuqi were nowhere to be seen. One of their guards was heavily injured while a few had received minor injuries. Two bodies were lying on the ground in an unconscious state.

Ms Yugen was sitting on the floor knelt down in front of Jungkook and said, "I am sorry Mr Jeon, they abducted my son."


A few hours ago.

After arriving at the kindergarten, the kids were very happy and immediately started playing.

David's men had already kidnapped Ms Yugen's son a few days back and had instructed her to do a few things and if she would deny, they would kill her son.

Ms Yugen was a single mother and her son was the only person that she had so she reluctantly agreed to help them.

The Jeon clan men were scattered all over the kindergarten area and a few men were walking around the kindergarten too.

As instructed, Ms Yugin called Jeonsan and Yuqi inside the classroom during recess saying that she wanted to teach them the things that they had missed.

One of the guards stood outside the classroom while Ms Yugen was teaching the kids inside.

When Jeonsan noticed Ms Yugens started actions and behaviour, he asked, "Miss, are you alright?"

Ms Yugen nodded her head and said, "Yes I am fine."

Just then a loud gunshot startled the kids and Ms Yugen.

"Brother Jeonsan what is that?" Yuqi asked.

Ms Yugen quickly opened the door and asked the guard, "What was that?"

"I don't know madam." The guard said.

When another gunshot was fired, the guard took out his gun and said, "Miss please stay inside along with little master and miss. I'll be back in a minute. At any cost, do not let them out.

Ms Yugen nodded her head and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of them."

The guard nodded his head and left.

Rushing towards the crowd the guard frowned when he saw the two gardeners of the kindergarten holding the two Park kids with a gun in their hands. One of their men had been shot and was lying on the floor while another one had been shot in his arm.

A large number of Jeon clan men had their guns pointed towards him but the two gardener's did not show any kind of fear. They were standing in the centre with their eyes half closed.

Pointing his gun towards the gardener's, the guard said, "Let the kids go."

Just then the two gardener's collapsed on the ground.

The guard frowned and quickly squatted down to check on the two gardener's.

"They are dead." The guard murmured before widening his eyes in shock.

"Damn." The guard cursed before rushing back to classroom.

The other guards quickly followed him while a few of them stayed back to take care of the other kids.

When the guards and his comrades entered the classroom, Ms Yugen was sitting on the floor crying alone Yuqi and Jeonsan were nowhere to be seen.

"I am sorry." Ms Yugen said before bursting into tears.

Looking around when the guard saw the broken glass pieces on the floor he cursed and shouted, "Go and check that side."



The guard lowered his head and said, "They took master Jeonsan and miss Yuqi."

Hyunjin grabbed Danson's collar and shouted, "You said you will tell us what her plan is then what happened?"

Danson gulped in nervousness and he said, "Yes Mr Kim I know but Kiara did not tell me about this. I-I think my father and Kiara did this together."

"They took them out from the emergency exit." The guard said.

Just then Lisa and the rest arrived at the kindergarten.

Jisoo and Rosé quickly rushed towards their kids.

When Lisa did not see Jeonsan and Yuqi, she grabbed Jungkook's suit and asked, "Jungkook where are Jeonsan and Yuqi?"

When Jungkook did not say anything, Lisa vigorously shook him and asked, "Jungkook where are they? Why aren't you saying anything? Where are my kids?"

Hyunjin placed his hands on Lisa's shoulders and said, "Elder sister calm down, we will find them soon."

Grabbing Jungkook collar, Lisa shouted, "You told me that they are safe then what happened? Where are they? Where are my kids? I want my kids back. Give me my Jeonsan and Yuqi back."

Letting go of his collar, Lisa said, "I want them back." Before kneeling down in front of him.

"Lady boss it isn't boss' fault, we were not careful enough." The guard said.

Kneeling down, Jungkook pulled Lisa into his embrace and he said, "I'll bring our kids back. You trust me right?"

Wrapping her arms around him, Lisa nodded her head before bursting into tears.


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