493.I did not shoot

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Trying to free herself from the Jeon clan men's tight gasp, Hyunsuk tried to pounce upon grandpa Jeon.

"You liar. Will you ever stop lying? Years ago you lied to Quanci and-"

"What lie are you talking about?" Grandma Jeon asked.

Grandpa Jeon widened his eyes in shock and murmured, "Quanci."

Walking towards Grandpa Jeon, Grandma Jeon said, "What lie is he talking about?"

Grandpa Jeon panicked and asked, "What are you doing here Quanci? I had asked you to stay at home it's not safe here, you should go." Before grabbing her hand and taking her away.

Smacking his hand away, Grandma Jeon said, "I was worried about my grand-daughters okay? When all of them are here, how can you expect me to relax at home? I called you several times but you idiot did not receive my call. So I came here myself."

"Lisa and all are fine, let's go." Grandpa Jeon said.

"Mosen, What are you hiding?" Grandma Jeon asked.

Grandpa Jeon shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Hyunsuk mockingly laughed and said, "What you are scared now? Why don't you tell Quanci about-"

"Shut up." Grandpa Jeon shouted.

Grandma Jeon frowned and asked, "Mosen did you have a mistress back then?"

"What? No not at all." Grandpa Jeon said vigorously shaking his head.

"Did you ever cheat on me?" Grandma Jeon asked.

"Quanci you know that I would never do that." Grandpa Jeon said.

"Did you have a lover before me?" Grandma Jeon asked.

"No, you are the only woman in my life." Grandpa Jeon said.

Satisfied with Grandpa Jeon's answer, Grandma Jeon towards Hyunsuk and said, "Tell me what lie of Mosen are you talking about."


Cutting grandpa Jeon off, Grandma Jeon said, "If you haven't done anything wrong, what are you scared of?"

"Remember back then in college, Mosen used to give you letters?" Hyunsuk asked.

When grandma Jeon  nodded her head, Hyunsuk added, "Those letters were not written by him."

Grandma Jeon frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Those letters were written by me. I had asked Mosen to give them to you on my behalf but-"

Cutting Junjop off, Grandma Jeon smacked Grandpa Jeon's head and shouted, "You did not write those letters?"

Shaking and nodding his head at the same time, Grandpa Jeon kept on gritting his teeth.

"He didn't I wrote those letters." Hyunsuk said grinning at himself.

"Ahhh the letters that I have kept safely inside my cupboard were not written by my husband but by this pathetic man?" Grandma Jeon shouted.

Turning towards Grandpa Jeon, she said, "That means you never wrote any letter for me? And here I am still married to you."

Grandpa Jeon grabbed Grandma Jeon's hand and said, "Quanci though I did not write those letters but my feelings for you have always been genuine."

Smacking his hand away, Grandma Jeon turned towards Junjop and said, "I accepted those letter because I thought Mosen was writing them for me. If I had known that it was from you, I would've never accepted them. Forget accepting it, I would've beaten the shit out of the person who would've brought them."


Cutting Hyunsuk off, Grandma Jeon said, "Jeon Mosen, you are sleeping in the garden tonight." Before dashing out of the room along with her guards.

"Quanci wait." Grandpa Jeon shouted before rushing after his wife.

"Let go me, let go of me." Hyunsuk shouted.

"Jungkook What was that?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Well Grandpa's little secret has been revealed."

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked.

Just then, Hyunsuk clenched into his chest and collapsed on the floor.

"What happened there?" Jin said.

"Let's go and check." Jungkook said.

Gesturing the guards to step forward and guard Lisa and the rest, Jungkook, Jin and Jimin started walking towards Hyunsuk.

When Hyunsuk's men who were holding Simon saw their master collapsing on the ground, they let go of Simon and rushed outside and before the Jeon clan men would catch Simon, he snatched a gun from one of the guards and pointed it towards Singtan.

Lisa widened her eyes in shock when she saw that.

Placing the gun on Jungkook chest, Simon said, "If anyone tries to act smart, I'll shoot him."

"Simon don't try to act smart." Jin said.

"Everyone, go and stand in a corner leaving Mr Jeon, now." Simon said.

"Do as he says." Jungkook said.

Nodding their heads, they slowly started shifting to different corners.

"My life is already ruined but I will definitely not let you live in peace. Your family has always targeted my family and every time my family had to stoop low but not this time. I'll not let your family win this time." Simon said.

Jungkook let out a laugh and said, "And you think I care? You've already lost everything Simon. I have already taken everything from you. You have nothing. Even if something happens to me, my wife and my child would be able to live in peace for the rest of their lives and that is all I want. But what about you? Imagine what lowly kind of a person are you that one of your daughter doesn't want to acknowledge you as her father and the other is ready to kill you anytime, anywhere. I have a loving family, a beautiful wife and people who love me but what do you have? The woman you loved died because of your negligence and-"

"Shut up, just shut up." Simon shouted.

Ready to pull the trigger, Simon said, "I'll kill you."


Dropping the gun on the floor, Simon arched his back and groaned in pain.

Hyunjin who was all ready to shoot Simon was a far end widened his eyes in shock.

"Damn Yu how could you miss such an easy shot." Felix complained.

Hyunjin shook his head and said, "I did not shoot."

Turning towards Jin when Hyunjin saw Jin shaking his head, he frowned deeper.

If neither he nor the other group fired the shot, then who did?

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