408.Spying on me

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Quanci rolled her eyes and said, "I am a married woman now. Forget about that I am about a great-grandmother now. We all are old now can't you just stop all your games and lead a healthy life?"

Hyunsuk frowned and said, "I still cannot forget what happened several years back."

Quanci sighed and said, "I love Mosen. I loved him then and I still love that old man. Can't you just accept the fact and chill? It's been so many years and you are still into that matter. This revengeful attitude of yours will lead you no where. Not just Mosen but my grandson will also not spare you if you try to harm anyone who is close to the Jeon's."

Helplessly shaking her head, Quanci said, "I don't understand you men. Why is it so hard for you people to accept a woman's rejection?"

"You don't know that truth." Hyunsuk shouted.

Quanci smiled and said, "I don't care what the truth is and you too should stop lurking around the past and start leading a healthy life."

As Hyunsuk was about to say something, a family built bodyguard stepped forward and said, "Madam, young Madam and others have been looking for you since a very long time. Young Madam seems very anxious and I don't think it's good for her and the baby if we-"

"Hmm let's leave." Grandma Jeon said.

"We haven't done talking." Hyunsuk said.

"Do you think that I really care?" Grandma Jeon said before walking out of the cafe.

Slamming the table, Hyunsuk gritted the his teeth.

"Sir I have already taken the photographs." A man said.

"Good now send them to the Jeon Mosen." Hyunsuk said before walking out of the cafe.


Outside the cafe.

"Grandma." Lisa said before rushing towards her.

"Ah child you shouldn't run like this." Grandma Jeon said.

Giving grandma Jeon a hug, Lisa said, "Thank God you are okay."

Patting her back, Grandma Jeon said, "Silly what will happen to me? I was taking a walk. Did you all finish you shopping?"

Lisa shook her head and said, "No we didn't."

"Ahh come Grandma will help you chose." Grandma Jeon said before walking into the store with Jisoo and Lisa.


Jeon Mansion.

By the time Jennie, Lisa and Grandma Jeon arrived at the mansion it was past 6 in the evening.

Passing the bags to a maid, Lisa said, "Please keep these in my room and where is Jungkook?"

"Young master is in the study room along with elder master." The maid said.

Lifting Ben in her arms, Jennie said, "Big sister you should take some rest now. I'll send some soup in your room."

Lisa nodded her head and left.

"Jennie go and take rest along with Ben. I'll send soup for both of you." Grandma Jeon said.

Jennie smiled and said, "Thanks Grandma."

Patting her head, Garndma Jeon said, "I'll prepare some tonics for you as well."

"Grandma I-"

Grandma Jeon chuckled and said, "What do you think that I don't know that you and Taehyung are trying to have a baby?"

Jennie chuckled and said, "Ya we are. Taehyung finally agreed when Ben told him that he wants a cute little brother or sister to play with."

"That's good. The Jeon Mansion will look so lively with so many small babies around." Grandma Jeon said.

"We are trying but I don't know when will we have one." Jennie said.

"Don't stress over it." Grandma Jeon said.


Study room.

"You brat stop laughing." Grandpa Jeon shouted.

Jungkook who was currently clutching is stomach, trying very hard to stop himself from laughing.

Annoyed by the behaviour, Grandpa Jeon started hitting him.

"Hahah I am sorry haha but your face-I"

Glaring at the photograph which he had received few hours ago, Grandpa Jeon could not help feel extremely jealous and insecure.

Getting up from the floor, Jungkook took few deep breaths and said, "Okay now no more laughing."

"Good now sit down." Grandpa Jeon said.

"So Grandpa what will you do now? What if Hyunsuk already told Grandma about your shameless act?" Jungkook asked.

Grandpa Jeon frowned and shouted, "What shameless act?"

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Now you very know what I am talking about."

"You brat shut up and go away from here." Grandpa Jeon said.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Hyunsuk is trying to provoke you and make you jealous. He is also trying to threaten you is I would suggest you to tell grandma everything as soon as possible."

Grandpa Jeon frowned and said, "Who is jealous? I am not jealous and what does this Junjop think that he can take away my wife from me? Huh that fool as if Quanci will leave me."

"Now now if you are so confident that grandma won't leave you, why don't you tell her the truth?" Jungkook asked.

Grandpa Jeon frowned and said, "You go away from here. Your presence is very irritating."

Jungkook helplessly shook his head and left.


After Jungkook left, Grandpa Jeon took a deep breath before placing the photograph inside the drawer.

Just then Grandma Jeon entered the room and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Grandpa Jeon shook his head and said, "Nothing."

"Hmm I met your best friend today." Grandma Jeon said.


"Seems like Mr Jeon already knows. Are you spying on me?" Grandma Jeon asked.

Grandpa Jeon chuckled and said, "We are already so old. Why would I spy on you?"

"Anyway he was talking rubbish as always." Grandma Jeon said.


Sitting beside Grandpa Jeon, Grandma Jeon asked, "Mosen are you hiding something from me?"

Grandpa Jeon shook his head and said, "No."

"Good because if you are then you better spill the beans now otherwise" placing her hand on his chest, she continued, "You know what will happen if I find out about it later right?"

Grandpa Jeon gulped and nodded his head.


Jungkook's room.

When Jungkook entered his room, Lisa was drinking her soup.

"What did you buy?" Jungkook asked.

"Few maternity clothes and baby clothes too." Lisa said.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Baby clothes."

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Yes baby clothes."

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