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Jeon mansion.

"Mr Yang had invented us for an event next week." Jungkook said.

Snuggling closer, Lisa said, "Mrs Yang had called me today and told me about it."

"We are also taking the kids." Jungkook said.

Lisa nodded her head and said, "I will take them shopping this weekend."

"This time, I'll accompany you." Jungkook said.

"I can go with Rosé and all." Lisa said.

After sometime, Jungkook said, "Lisa?"


"Don't you think you are forgetting something?" Jungkook asked.

"What?" Lisa asked.

"My strip dance." Jungkook said with a huge grin on his face.


Oh mansion.

The atmosphere of the mansion was very lively and everyone were happily chatting and talking amongst themselves.

"I am so happy for you both." Aunt Yulin said before giving Yoona a hug.

"Sehun I think it's time for you to shift back to the mansion so that your mother and aunt can take care of Yoona. You are always busy and we cannot leave Weiwei alone." Uncle Oh said.

"Sehun is right, you both should come back." Father Oh said.

Looking at Yoona when Sehun saw her nod her head, he said, "Okay."

"Great, sister-in-law you should start staying from today. I'll go and ask someone to get your room cleaned." Tzuyu said.

"Yoona come with me, I have prepared some soup for you. It's very nutritious and very beneficial for a pregnant woman." Aunt Yulin said.

"I'll go heat it up." Mother Oh said.

"So how is work?" Bambam asked Siquan.

"It's pretty good. Everything is running smoothly." Sehun said.

Pouring wine for him, Bambam asked, "Did Mr Yang invite you as well?"

Sehun nodded his head and said, "Yes I did receive the invitation."

"Then we should go together. Sister-in-law is going too right?" Bambam asked.

Sehun nodded his head and said, "Yes, Mrs Yang wants her to come."

"You two stop talking about business, it's family time now." Father Oh said.

"Kun go help Tzuyu and Sehun you should go and accompany Yoona." Uncle Oh said.

The two men nodded their heads and left.


A week later.

Outside the mall

Taking off her sunglasses, a woman smiled when she saw a group of familiar people walking inside the mall.

"Mommy I want to eat pizza today." Yuqi said.

"Yes me too." Jiyun said.

Rosé chuckled and said, "Alright, we all will eat pizza today."

Tzuyu smiled and squeezed her son's cheeks and asked, "Does Seojun wants to eat pizza too?"

Seojun nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Ben, Sam you're the bigger ones here so I want you to keep an eye on everyone okay?" Lisa said.

Ben and Sam nodded their heads and said, "Okay aunty."

"It's in the top floor sister-in-law." Jennie said.

"Hey Jennie you'll give us discount right?" Rosé asked.

Jennie chuckled and said, "I am going to charge you double."

"Ahh we are friends and family so you should give it to us for free." Rosé said.

"Your husbands are rich so learn to leech off from them." Jennie said.

"That is not fair." Jisoo said.

Jennie chuckled and said, "Your husbands have already told me to let you by whatever you want from my store and then I must send them the bill later."

"Ahh they are very generous." Rosé said.

"Ahhh." Just then someone accidentally bumped into Tzuyu who was carrying Seojun in her arms.

Jennie who was standing beside her, quickly caught her and asked, "Are you okay?"

Tzuyu nodded her head and said, "Yes I am fine."

The woman panicked and said, "I am so sorry, I was thinking about something and- I am so sorry."

Tzuyu smiled and said, "It's completely alright."

"You should walk properly. This isn't a garden, this is a mall. There are people around." Rosé said.

The woman nodded her head and said, "I understand and I know it's my fault. I am sorry."

"It's alright but please be careful next time." Tzuyu said.

The woman smiled and said, "My name is Erica Fleming." Before stretching her hand.

Shaking her hand, Tzuyu said, "Tzuyu."

"It's nice meeting you and is this to son?" Erica asked.

Tzuyu nodded her head and said, "Yes."

"He is very cute and you both look alike." Erica said before caressing Seojun's cheeks.

Tzuyu somehow felt a bit uneasy when she saw the gaze in which the woman was staring at her son.

When Lisa noticed Tzuyu's uneasy expressions, she said, "We should get going."

"Momma, brother Jeonsan is saying that Santa Claus won't give me any gift this year." Yuqi said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Santa Claus will give you gift too but if you behave." Before walking away.

After the group left, Erica raised her eyebrows and kept staring at the little girls retreating back.

According to her research, the Jeon couple had a baby boy then who was that girl?

Since the little girl called Ming her 'Mom', Kiara concluded that may be the information was wrong and they actually had a daughter?

To investigate further, she decided to follow the group.


Jeon base.

"We don't even know if she is here or not." Jin said.

"I think that she is already in the country." Felix said.

"Yes and that is why she is sending those messages to sister-in-law." Hyunjin said.

Jimin shook his head and said, "Or she is just trying to scare us off? We all know that Kiara has nothing with her right now. After Simon's death, we took over all his businesses and illegal works. So neither does she have resources or means to do anything right now."

"Yes that is true but do you all think that all these years, she could survive without a backer? She definitely has someone who has been supporting her and keeping her safe." Jungkook said.

"Troubles never leave us." Jin said.

"It is useless looking for her because I am sure that she has disguised herself." Jungkook said.

"So we have to wait for her to make the first move?" Bambam asked.

When Jungkook nodded his head, Hyunjin asked, "What if her first move is a fatal one?"

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now