525.I feel like a monk

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Letting each other go after quite some time, Jungkook buried his face on her neck and groaned, "God Lisa I missed you so much."

Lisa blushed and said, "I missed you too."

Letting her down, Jungkook quickly helped her remove her clothes and captured her lips.

When Lisa tried to unbutton his shirt, Jungkook lightly pushed her hand away and ripped off the buttons.

She chuckled and asked, "Why are you being so impatient?"

Grabbing her ass, he said, "5 months honey, I feel like a monk."

Pulling her closer, he asked, "So where do you wanna start first?"

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Well, we are doing it everywhere tonight. Kitchen, living area, our room, bathroom and we can also try in the gar-ouch." He flinched in pain when she pinched his waist.

"Garden Jungkook are you serious?" Lisa asked.

"I am serious." Jungkook said before scooping her into his arms.

Hooking her arms around his neck, she asked, "Where are we going?"

"Let's start in our room." He said.


Inside the room.

Placing her on the bed, Jungkook unhooked her bra and tossed it on the floor while Lisa impatiently unbuckled his pants.

Running his hands through her naked body, he realised that her body had become more curvy after giving birth.

Drooling at her voluptuous breast, he kissed her cleavage before attacking her right breast while massaging the other.

She arched and back and moaned in pleasure when he nibbled her nipple.

Clutching onto his hair, she arched her back to give him more access.

He was sucking, nibbling and swirling his tongue around her erect nipples making she moan in pleasure.

Trailing kisses down her stomach, he kissed her navel before tearing off her lacy underwear.

Moving up, he captured her lips and started rubbing her clit with his fingers.

She gasped when he slid his finger inside her hot and wet core and started thrusting his finger in and out.

Sliding his tongue inside her mouth, he intertwined their tongues together.

She closed her eyes and moaned when he slid his other finger in and increased his pace.

She could feel the fire building up in her body. She wanted him, she wanted him inside her now. She was craving to feel him inside her.

She was loving what Jungkook's fingers were doing down there. She could feel blood rushing down her lower abdomen.

With his fingers busy pleasuring her down there, he captured her left breast.

Clutching onto the sheets, Lisa moaned and moaned in pleasure. Arching her back, moving her hips along with his pace, her mind became fuzzy. She could feel her lower muscles tightening and something threatening to gush out.

Digging her nails on his shoulder, she closed her eyes shut said, "Jungkook I-"

Knowing that she was nearing her first climax for the night, he increased his pace and after a few deep thrusts, Lisa exploded in his hands.

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