588.Sensible, responsible and wise

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Mother Jeon thought for a while and said, "Your mommy taught you the right thing darling. You should always love everyone and always be kind and caring but you know Jeonsan, not everyone in this world deserves your love, care or kindness. In life, you will encounter different kinds of people. Some may be good and some may be bad. You have to learn how to differentiate between good and bad. You should only love those who actually love and care for you."

"So that aunty is a bad person?" Jeonsan asked.

"That aunty chose to be a bad person." Mother Jeon said.

Curious little Jeonsan, blinked at his grandma and said, "I did not understand."

Mother Jeon smiled and said, "No one is born bad okay? It depends on the person whether they want to follow the good path or a bad path."

"So that means that aunty chose the bad path?" Jeonsan asked.

Mother Jeon nodded her head and said, "Yes."

"Then she should get punished." Jeonsan said before getting up on the couch.

"I'll ask dada to punish that aunty because she is bad and she also tried to harm Seojun." Jeonsan said.

Mother Jeon nodded her head and said, "You should." before giving him a peck on his cheeks.

Jeonsan was just like Jungkook when he saw young. Mother Jeon was a hundred percent sure that he would end up becoming just like his father: sensible, responsible and wise.


The grandma-grandson pair kept on talking about random things until Jungkook and Lisa arrived.

"Momma, dada." Jeonsan said before rushing towards them.

Jungkook squatted down and quickly picked Jeonsan up in his arms.

"Why are you awake this late?" Jungkook asked.

"I wanted to wait for you both." Jeonsan said.

Ruffling her son's hair, Lisa asked, "Does Jeonsan want to sleep with his mom and dad?"

Jeonsan thought for a while and shook his head.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?" It was rare for him to reject sleeping with is parents.

Crossing his arms in his chest, Jeonsan said, "Zixin is sleeping in our room and Yuqi is there too, I don't want to leave them alone."

Lisa chuckled and asked, "What? Why?"

"Great-Grandpa told me that a boy and a girl shouldn't sleep in the same room alone until they turn 18." Jeonsan said and there was no way he would leave his little sister and Zixin in the same room.

"Are you sure champ that you don't want to sleep between your momma and dad?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, doesn't Jeonsan want to hug mom and dad to sleep?" Lisa asked.

Jeonsan thought for a while and asked, "Will Yuqi and Zixin be alright then?"

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes, they will be alright."

"Zixin is a nice boy." Lisa said.

Mother Jeon chuckled and said, "Father is becoming more and more childish along with the kids."

"He told me the same thing when I was young." Jungkook said.

"Mom you must be tired, you should also go and take some rest." Lisa said.

Mother Jeon nodded her head and said, "Yes, you people should also rest early." Before walking towards her room.

"I'll go check on the kids." Lisa said before walking towards Jeonsan and Yuqi's room.

After Lisa left, Jungkook asked, "Champ, why don't you like Zixin?"

Jeonsan shook his head and said, "Zixin is my best friend just like Jihun but I don't like it when he tries to come close to Yuqi."

"Zixin is a good boy." Jungkook said before walking towards their room.


Inside the room.

After changing his clothes, Jungkook got into the covers along with Jeonsan.

Wrapping his short legs around his father, Jeonsan asked, "Dada, do I have to take over your business when I grow up?"

"Now where did that come from?" Jungkook asked.

"Today I heard Jihun and Zixin say that their father's told them that they have to take over the business when they grow up. But you never told me that so I asked you." Jeonsan said.

Pausing for a while, he asked, "Don't you want me to take over your business?"

Jungkook pinched Jeonsan's cheeks and said, "It doesn't matter whether I want you to takeover my business or not, what matters is whether you want to take over my business or not."

Lifting him up, Jungkook made him sit on his stomach and said, "It's not necessary for you to take over my business because you are my son. If you want to take over then why not? I'll willingly and happily give away my responsibilities to you and live peacefully with your mother and spend more time with her but if you don't want to then it's fine. You can do and become whatever you want to. No restrictions okay?"

Jeonsan nodded his head and said, "Okay dada but I want to take over your business after I grow up."

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Okay."

"I will drink lots of milk and eat vegetables from tomorrow." Jeonsan said.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Because I want to grow up fast." Jeonsan said.

Jungkook chuckled and asked, "Why do you want to grow up fast?"

"Because I want to take over your business as soon as possible so that you take spend more time with momma." Jeonsan said.

Feeling proud of his son's wise thinking, Jungkook gave him a peck on his cheeks and said, "Good boy and now time to bed." before tucking him into the blanket.

Popping his head out, Jeonsan said, "Dad."


"Will you punish that aunty who tried to hurt Seojun?" Jeonsan asked.

"Well, do you want me to punish her?" Jungkook asked.

Jeonsan nodded his head and said, "Yes."

Kissing his forehead, Jungkook said, "Then I will definitely follow your orders and punish her."

Jeonsan smiled in satisfaction and dozed off to sleep.


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