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Looking around when Hyunjin saw Lisa holding a gun which was pointing straight towards Simon's back, he widened his eyes in shock.

Dropping the gun down, Lisa ran towards Jungkook.

Examining his entire body, Lisa asked, "You are fine right?"

"Did you just shoot Simon?" Jungkook asked.

Clutching onto his shirt, Lisa buried her head on chest and said, "I thought he would shoot you so-"

When Lisa saw Simon place a gun on Jungkook's chest, she panicked.

Thinking for quite some time, Lisa followed her reflexes.

Grabbing the gun from one of the guards, Lisa pointed it towards Simon.

Trying to steady her trembling hands, Lisa closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

Everything happened so fast that the guards standing in and around her could do nothing.

Looking at Simon who was now lying on the ground in an unconscious state, Lisa asked, "Is he dead?"

"He will soon be. You don't have to worry." Jungkook said before gesturing the guards to take Simon away.

"Jin I want both of them alive." Jungkook said.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Let's take Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé to the hospital and get them checked."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Okay."

"You people can go. Feli, I and brother Kun can take care of things here." Hyunjin said.

"Ya take Tzuyu with you please." Bambam said.

Jungkook nodded his head and left along with Lisa.


Colucus Hotel.

Holding the corridor walls, Stephen tried to steady himself while walking towards his room.

He had been drinking since yesterday night because he couldn't stop thinking about Yuna.

Trying to clear his blurry vision, Stephen was about to fall on the ground when someone grabbed his shoulders.

"Boss." Delila said.

Delila scrunched her nose when a strong smell of alcohol entered her nostrils.

"Let me help you to your room." Delila said before helping him up.


Inside the room.

As soon as Delila and Stephen entered the room, Stephen pinned Delila against the door after slamming the door shut.

Delila widened her eyes in shock when Stephen suddenly started kissing her vigorously.

Delila started pushing and scratching him to free herself from his gasp but nothing happened.

Delila shouted when Stephen tore off her t-shirt.

"Stop." Delila shouted but before she could say anything further, Stephen unbuttoned her pants and unbuckled his pants before lifting her up and walking towards the bed.

Hitting and pinching him, Delila tried to free herself from his gasp.

Throwing her on the bed, Stephen forcefully took off her pants before pinning her down.

Tearing off her bra, Stephen started biting and sucking all over her neck and chest.

Tears started rolling down her eyes.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now