600.Kiara's end III

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Inside an abandoned warehouse.

"Brother Jeonsan my hands are paining." Yuqi said before bursting into tears.

It had been an hour since Jeonsan and Yuqi had been brought inside the warehouse.

They were sitting on a chair with their hands tied with a very thick rope on the chair.

Jeonsan frowned and he said, "Hey, don't cry. Jeon's don't cry."

"But I am feeling scared." Yuqi said.

Looking around when Jeonsan saw realised how dark the room was, he gulped in nervousness and fear. Jeonsan was also feeling very scared but he decided not to show it because he didn't want Yuqi feel more scared. He was her big brother and he had to stay strong and save his sister from all kinds of danger.

"What are you scared of? I am a hundred percent sure that dada or uncle Songpa will come can save us." Jeonsan said.

Looking at her big brother with teary eyes, Yuqi asked, "Really?"

Jeonsan nodded his head and said, "Really, now stop crying." Before looking down and silently crying.

"Ahhh who is going to save whom?" A woman asked before walking towards them.

Since the room was dark, the kids couldn't see the woman's face.

"What did you just say little Jeon? Who is going to save you?" Kiara asked.

"Our father or our uncle Yoongi will save us." Jeonsan shouted.

Kiara chuckled before squatting down in front of him.

When Jeonsan saw the woman's face, he let out a scream before squeezing his eyes shut.

Holding his chin, Kiara lifted his face up and said, "Didn't your mommy teach you any manners? Come on, open your eyes little one and look at me."

Jeonsan shivered inwardly after seeing that ugly scar on Kiaras face. The scar looked frightening.

Squeezing his cheeks, Kiara shouted, "Open you-" retrieving her hand back, Kiara caressed his cheeks and said, "Ohh I am sorry sorry. How could I- Ahh I am so sorry. Please don't tell your father that I hurt you okay? Please please."

When Jeonsan slowly opened his eyes, Kiara lifted his chin up and said, "You have your father's eyes."

Letting out a hearty laugh, Kiara said, "It's like Jungkook is look at me."

Cupping his face, Kiara said, "Okay little Jeon now I want you to look at me with lovingly. Come on come one look at me with loving eyes come one little Jeon."

When Yuqi saw the crazy woman, she started crying loudly.

"I want to go to momma." Yuqi shouted.

Kiara frowned and shouted, "Shut up." Before raising her hands.

"Don't touch my sister." Jeonsan shouted.

Stopping midway, Kiara chuckled and said, "You look exactly like Jungkook when you are angry. Oh my God I think you are Jeon Jungkook's son."

Pausing for a while, Kiara burst into laughter and said, "Pfftt no wait, you are Jeon Jungkook's son. Oh God what am I saying."

She then suddenly started crying and sat down on the floor.

"But Jungkook is smitten by that Kim Lalisa. She took my Jungkook away from me. I love him more than she does but also Jungkook married her." Kiara said.

"Big brother, I am feeling scared." Yuqi said.

Trying to free his hands when Jeonsan realised that he could easily take his hands out of the rope, he gestured to Yuqi to stay quiet.

Just then David entered the room along with his men.

When he saw Kiara crying on the floor, he frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Jungkook doesn't love me." Kiara said.

David sighed and squatted down before patting her shoulders and consoling her.


Jeon mansion.

It had already been an hour but they still had no idea where Kiara had taken the kids.

Lisa has been crying since a really long time and was now on the verge of passing out.

Everyone had been trying to use their connections to find out about the kids about ended up getting nothing.

The usual lovely atmosphere of the Jeon mansion now had turned into a cold and gloomy one.

Just then Danson arrived at the mansion and said, "I know where they have taken the kids. We should leave."

When Lisa heard that, she quickly got up and rushed towards Jungkook.

Grabbing his sleeves, Lisa supported herself when she felt a bit dizzy.

Jungkook panicked and quickly grabbed her shoulders and asked, "Lisa are you fine?"

"Jungkook I want to go too." Lisa said.

"I'll go and get the kids okay? You just stay back and take some rest." Jungkook said.

Lisa shook her head and said, "No please I want to go to."

"Lisa, listen to Jungkook he will get the kids." Father Kim said.

"No I want to go and I will go." Lisa said.

"Darling don't-"

Cutting mother Jeon off, Lisa said, "No mom I-"

"Enough." Jungkook shouted.

Pausing for a while, he continued, "Can't you listen to me for once and just stay back? What are you gonna do even if I take you there? How can I save our kids knowing that even you are there beside me? You know that I will never be at peace if you are also present in that dangerous place."

No one said anything when Jungkook started shouting at Lisa which was very rare. In fact the couple had been married for so many years but this was the first time they had seen Jungkook shout at Lisa.

Covering her face with her hands, Lisa said, "I want them back." Before bursting into tears.

Pulling her into his embrace, Jungkook hugged her tightly and said," I promise you honey, I'll get them back safe and sound." Before kissing her forehead.

Yoongi who was standing beside Jungkook, said, "Yes big sister, you don't have to worry. We will get Yuqi and Jeonsan back safely."

Wiping her tears away, Jungkook said, "I'll get them back." Before looking at his mother.

Mother Jeon quickly rushed towards them and said, "Lisa, come with me."

"Let's leave." Jungkook said before leaving the mansion along with Jimin, Jin, Hyunjin, Felix, Namjoon, Yoongi, Eunwoo and Danson.



Book 4 will be published on 15th March.

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