414.No, I want to stay with you

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Sitting beside Yeji, Lisa was busy comforting her, "It's completely fine. You both are still very young and you can always have a child later in the future. Don't cry now. Hyunjin will be very sad if he will see you like this."

Quickly wiping her tears away, Yeji said, "Hyunjin told me not to cry."

"Yes now don't cry anymore." Lisa said before patting her head.

"Yes now no more crying. Cheer up." Rosé said before giving Yeji a hug.

Just then Hyunjin entered the room along with Carl.

Walking towards Yeji, Hyunjin smiled and asked, "How are you feeling now?"

Yeji nodded her head and said, "I am okay."

"Hyunjin can you follow me to my cabin? I want to talk to you about few things." Jisoo said.

Hyunjin nodded his head and said, "Ya sure."

"Lisa you can come too." Jisoo said.

Lisa nodded her head and followed Hyunjin and Yeji.


Jisoo's cabin.

Passing Hyunjin a glass of water, Jisoo said, "I know it's equally difficult for you as well but you have to strong for her."

Placing her hand on her brothers hand, Lisa squeezed it a little and said, "It's okay."

Jisoo sighed and said, "You don't have to worry about anything else because all her vitals and reports are normal. Apart from the minor injuries there is nothing to be worried about. Losing a child is a really painful and emotional thing so you have to keep her happy and motivate her. She also had to eat healthy things to recuperate her body."

Hyunjin took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"Sooyah can you give us a moment please?" Lisa asked

Jisoo nodded her head and left.

After Jisoo left, Hyunjin sat on the floor and buried his head on her lap before bursting into tears.

Ruining her hand through his hair, Lisa said, "It's fine cry it out."

Tightening his grip around her legs, Hyunjin sobbed louder.

When their mother died, Hyunjin was very small. It was Lisa who took care of him. Hyunjin did not remember his mom but he remembered everything that Lisa used to do for him. For him, Lisa was his mother.

Lisa knew that Hyunjin did not like showing his weak side to anyone other than her. She knew he was heartbroken too but was controlling himself for Yeji.

Rubbing his back, Lisa said, "It's okay you don't have to be so upset."

"I could not save my baby. I couldn't protect Yeji properly. All this happened because of me." Hyunjin said in between his sobs.

Lisa shook her head and said, "Stop blaming yourself because it isn't your fault. No one is blaming you."

Pausing for a while, Hyunjin said, "You both are still very young and I am very sure that in the near future, you both will give me tons and tons of nieces and nephews to play with. You are capable of doing that right?"

Hyunjin slowly nodded his head.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Now stop crying like a small baby. What will your employees say if they will see their boss crying like this?" Lifting his head up, Lisa wiped away his tears and sai d,"No more crying now. You are my strong little brother right?"

Wiping his tears away, Hyunjin slowly nodded his head.

Giving him a peck on his forehead, Lisa said, "Now go and accompany Yeji. She needs you the most right now."

Hyunjin nodded his head and got up. Hugging Lisa for quite sometime, Hyunjin left.

Rubbing her templets with her fingers, Lisa sighed and closed her eyes.

Just then Jungkook entered the cabin and asked, "Tired?"

Walking towards him, Lisa wrapped her arms around his waist and slowly nodded her head.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her closer and said, "There is something else that you have to take care of."

"What is it?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook sighed and said, "Father."


Yeji's room.

When Hyunjin entered the room everyone was laughing and talking amongst themselves.

"Okay now let's go home and let Yeji rest for a while." Grandma Jeon said.

"We will come again tomorrow." Rosé said.

Jimin smiled and patted Lings head and said, "Take care Okay."

Before leaving Jimin patted Hyunjin's shoulder and said, "Take care of her and don't stress over anything. What is gone is gone. Focus on the future and the next time you do things, don't forget to use protection."

Rise smacked Jimin's arm and said, "Why are you being so shameless?"

Jimin puffed his cheeks and said, "What? I am just giving him a suggestion." before walking out of the room along with Rosé.


After everyone left, Hyunjin closed the door before walking towards Yeji.

Holding her hand, Hyunjin said, "I am sorry. I could not protect you properly."

Yeji shook her head and said, "It isn't your fault and weren't you the one who save me later? You are my hero, my saviour."

Kissing her hand, Hyunjin said, "I'll be careful in the future."

"I want to hug you." Yeji said.

Taking off his shoes, Hyunjin sat next to her and pulled her into his embrace.

Placing head on his firm chest, Yeji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sleep for a while. Jisoo sis said that you can go home tomorrow. I'll drop you at the Park mansion and-"

Yeji shook her head and said, "No I want to stay with you at our place."


Cutting him off, Yeji said, "It was my fault for not taking enough guards with me. I promise I won't repeat the same mistake again. I don't want to stay away from you." Yeji said.

Hyunjin sighed and said, "Okay now be a good girl and sleep."

"You won't go anywhere right?" Yeji asked.

Hyunjin smiled and said, "No. I'll be right here."


Kim Mansion.

When Lisa and Jungkook arrived at the Kim Mansion, uncle Oh and Aunt Yulin we're sitting in the living room.

"Ah Lisa thank God you are here. I don't know what happened to Marco. He has looked himself inside the study and is not opening the door." Uncle Oh said anxiously.

Glaring at Jungkook with bloodshot eyes, Lisa headed towards the study.

After Lisa left, Jungkook sighed and helplessly shook his head.

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