432.Come to the hospital

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"Didn't you say that this woman had nothing to do with the Jeon clan?"

The second man nodded his head and said, "Yes that was the report that we got."

"What do we do now?" Another man asked.

Just then a bulky man stepped forward and asked, "What do you people want?"

"We are not here to harm Mrs Jeon. We just want that lady. Handover her to us and we will go." One of Simon's men said.

The bulky man smirked and said, "No."

Simon's men narrowed their eyes and were about to make a move when the bulky man mockingly laughed and said, "Don't even try. I think you know who we are and what are we capable off. I strongly believe that you people are not dumb enough to mess with us."

Simon's men thought for a while and slowly retreated back.

After they left, Lisa and Rosé turned towards Wendy and asked, "Are you fine?"

Holding her bleeding forehead, Wendy said, "I am fine and thank you so much for helping me."

Rosé shook her head and said, "This won't do, come with us we will take you to the hospital."

"I am really fine and-"

"No you are not fine. Don't argue and come with us." Lisa said.



"It's nothing that serious. The cut is not too deep and the will mark will fade away easily." Jin said.

"Thankyou Jin." Lisa said.

Jin chuckled and said, "You don't have to thank. I'll charge your husband for this."

Lisa laughed and said, "Charge him double."

"Hey what is your name?" Rosé asked.

Wendy smiled and said, "My name is Wendy and thank you so much for helping me today."

Lisa smiled and said, "It's fine you don't have to thank us."

"I should go now." Wendy said.

"It would be nice if you will call someone to fetch your from here. What if they come back looking for you again?" Rosé said.

Wendy thought for a while and asked, "Can I borrow your phone?"

Lisa nodded her head before passing her phone to Wendy.

Taking the phone from her hand, Wendy quickly punched Yoongi's number.

Wendy widened her eyes in shock when she saw that Yoongi's number was already saved in Lisa's phone.

"Eh ma'am do you know Yoongi?" Wendy asked.

Lisa raised her eyebrows and said, "Yes I do."

Jin widened his eyes in shock and asked, "Are you that beautiful girl whom Yoongi is seeing these days?"

Wendy blushed and lowered her head.

Rosé smacked Jin's hand and asked, "You- What kind of question is that?"

"Ouch Rosé that hurts." Jin said.

"Ahh so we actually helped Yoongi's girlfriend." Lisa said.

Rosé pouted her lips and asked, "Who is Yoongi?"

"Are you guys talking about Yoongi?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes Sooyah we are talking about him." Lisa said.

Jisoo smiled and said, "Ah that cute little boy. I haven't seen him for so many months."

"She is Yoongi's girlfriend, Wendy." Lisa said.

"Ah my cute little brother got himself a girlfriend? Oh you are so beautiful." Jisoo said.

Wendy smiled and said, "Thank you."

Rosé frowned and said, "I want to see who Yoongi is."

Jin grinned and asked, "So Yoongi doesn't know that you are in the hospital?"

Wendy nodded her head and said, "Yes he doesn't know but I will call him and-"

"Wait don't." Jin said.

"Why?" Jisoo asked.

Jin chuckled and said, "Let's have some fun with our little Yoongi today."


Outside the airport.

Namjoon and Yoongi came out of the airport after making sure that Sehun boarded the plane along with his parents.

"I really think that he is guilty and regrets for everything that he has done." Namjoon said.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "He better not do anything wrong this time otherwise I will not even listen to Big boss and start using my tools on him."

Namjoon sighed and nodded his head. He still remembered what had happened that day when Sehun was brought to the cell. Yoongi was all ready to torture him till he bleeds to death. If not for Jungkook's strict warnings and threats, Sehun would have been dead by now.

As they were about to board the car, Yoongi's phone buzzed.

"Namjoon, Why is Jin Boss calling me?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and said, "Because he wants to talk to you."

Sticking his tongue out, Yoongi cheekily answered the call. This was the first time Jin was calling him in his new phone so obviously he was excited.

"Hey Jin Boss." Yoongi said cheerfully.

"Yoongi." Jin said in a very serious tone.

"What happened boss?" Yoongi asked.

Jin sighed and said, "Is Wendy Hembron your girlfriend?"

Yoongi widened his eyes in shock and asked, "Yes Yes What happened to her?"

"Hmm come to the hospital fast." Jin said.

"Hospital? Why hospital? Is she fine? What happened to her?" Yoongi asked anxiously.

"Come to the hospital and I'll tell you." Jin said before hanging up the call.

Yoongi froze after hearing Jin's words.

When Namjoon saw his pale expression, he asked, "Hey what happened?"

"Namjoon, Wendy is in the hospital. Jin bro just called and he told me to come there." Yoongi said.

Namjoon frowned and shouted, "You-then what are you thinking? Quickly get inside the car. We should leave."

Grabbing Namjoon's arm, Yoongi asked, "W-What if something happens to her? I won't be able to live without her Namjoon. What will I do without her?"

Grabbing Yoongi's shivering shoulders, Namjoon said, "Listen to me, Nothing will happen to Wendy okay. She will be fine so don't worry. First let's go and find out what's wrong. Don't jump to a conclusion like this."

Yoongi nodded his head and quickly boarded the car along with Namjoon.



"Hahah did you hear his voice? He was sounding so-Hahah." Jin said.

Wendy sighed and said, "I don't think so this is right. We shouldn't do this."

Rosé chuckled and said, "You just chill and relax. We are just having a little bit fun with your boyfriend."

Lisa laughed and said, "Poor boy I am already feeling sorry for him."

Jisoo shook her head and said, "You people are so wicked."

[Jungkook is most probably going to kill Jin🙂🗡️]

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