421.Mr Jeon's baby

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After Peter left, Wendy quickly picked up a blood red backless knee length dress and rushed towards the washroom.

Meanwhile Yoongi was rushing here and there along with the two guards.

"You not there place it somewhere else." Yoongi shouted.

"No no not there."

"I don't like the angle."

"No not happening."

"You two idiots can't to find a perfect angle."

Exhausted and irritated by Yoongi's nagging, the two guards finally gave up and said, "Boss this is just a table. You are just gonna sit here and eat with lady boss so it doesn't matter where we place it."

Yoongi shook his head and said, "No everything has to be perfect. Come on now stop slacking and work."

From flowers to the wine everything was checked by Yoongi personally.

Spreading out the table cloth, a guard said, "I don't know why Yoongi Boss is making us do all this."

"Yes we are underworld guards not waiters." The second guard said.

"Hmm but we have stay with Songpa Boss all the time wherever he goes." The guard said.

"Now you both stop talking and finish your work fast. We have to go and try the suit as well." Yoongi shouted.


Jeon mansion.

Jungkook did not even allow Lisa to enter the kitchen forget about preparing dinner for everyone.

After coaxing him for several minutes, Jungkook allowed her to make a simple fruit salad but she would not touch the knife. Jungkook would cut all the fruits and she would just add the cream and other ingredients.

Folding his sleeves, Jungkook started cutting different kinds of fruits.

Poking his stomach, Lisa said, "Mr Jeon."

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to sit on the slab." Lisa said.

Lifting her up, Jungkook placed on the kitchen slab and said, "Be good and don't move much."

Swaying her legs too and fro, Lisa said, "Jungkook, grapes Ahh."

After washing the grapes, Jungkook placed a small one into her mouth.

"Jungkook, banana."

"Jungkook, strawberry."

"Jungkook, grapes."

Whatever Lisa asked for, Jungkook obediently placed it into her mouth.

The maids could not help but chuckled amongst themselves.

"Young master is just like old master and Master." a maid said.

"You are right." another maid said.

Caressing her stomach, Lisa chuckled and said, "Jungkook baby wants a kiss."

Jungkook laughed and asked, "Does baby wants it or baby's mother?"

Lisa thought for a while and said, "Hmm both of us want a kiss."

Giving her a quick peck on her lips, Jungkook said, "Here you go."

"Do you want more fruits?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Yes I want more strawberries and grapes."

After cutting the strawberries into four halves and the grapes into two, Jungkook said, "Let the maids make the fruit salad. Let's go outside and enjoy your fruits."

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Okay."

Passing her the plate, Jungkook said, "Hold this."

When Lisa took the plate from his hand, Jungkook scooped her into his arms and started walking outside.



Taking a grape from the plate, life shoves it into his mouth and said, "You should also eat fruits."

"Hmm but I prefer eating you." Jungkook said.

Shoving a strawberry into his mouth, Lisa chuckled and said, "No you eat fruits."

Just then Rosé and Jimin arrived. When they saw Jungkook and Lisa giggled and flirting with each other, Rosé rolled her and said, "Ah did I come here for a get together or to eat dog food."

"Oh you people are here." Lisa said.

Walking towards them with Lisa in his arms, Jungkook asked, "Is Bambam coming?"

Jimin nodded his head and said, "Yes he is."

"Fruits?" Lisa asked.

Rosé chuckled and said, "Look at you behaving like a baby."

Sticking her tongue out, Lisa said, "Well I am Mr Jeon's baby. Right Mr Jeon?"

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes."


Outside Wendy's apartment.

When she came downstairs, Yoongi widened his eyes in shock when he saw his girlfriend. She was looking very sexy and hot and he couldn't help but drool at her appearance.

Loosening his tie, he said, "You look hot."

Wendy chuckled and said, "Well Thankyou."

Stretching his hand towards her, Yoongi said, "Lets go."

Placing her small hand on his big one, Beth smiled and nodded her head.


Eastern Melbrone Resort.

Yoongi had booked a private space in a resort which was owned by Namjoon's friend.

Yoongi wanted to make this date special for both of them. So he decided to take care of everything.

After getting down from the car, Yoongi guided her towards the resort and said, "I hope you will like everything."

Hooking her hands around his arm, Wendy said, "I'll like everything that you will do for me."

When Wendy saw the beautiful decoration and the red flowers, she smiled and said, "This is beautiful."

"Hmm I glad you liked it." Yoongi said.

"You decorated all of this?" Wendy asked.

"Hmm but I took some help too." Yoongi said.

"This is beautiful Songpa. Thank you so much." She said.

Caressing her cheek, Yoongi smiled and said, "I can do anything for you."

Wendy blushed and lowered her head.

Intertwining their hands together, he said, "You have no idea how beautiful and meaningful my life had become after I met you."

Pausing for a while, he said, "I don't have a simple past. My past is very complicated and I don't like talking or thinking about it. I-It was my boss who saved me that time. He gave a new hope to live and become someone in life. My boss is my everything. My father, my mother, my mentor, my big brother. He was the only most important person in life until I met you."

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