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The baby's room was just besides Jungkook's and Lisa's room.

Jungkook had specially chosen this room because it was the closet and he knew that Lisa would never want to keep Jeonsan too far away from her and Jungkook wouldn't want to keep Jeonsan in their room forever. How could he spent some quality time with his wife with his son around?


Inside the room.

When Lisa stepped into the room, she gasped in shock.

The room was beautifully decorated with different kinds of toys and other baby accessories. The walls were painted in a simple light blue colour accompanied by simple stickers which was making the room look more lively. There was a mini crib in the middle, a decorative night lamp, a diaper dispenser and a small wardrobe to keep the baby's room.

Hugging her from behind, Jungkook asked, "Do you like it?"

"This is beautiful Jungkook." Lisa said.

"I have worked so hard, don't you think I deserve a prize?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "I just pushed out your baby, don't you think I deserve a prize?"

"You already have all of me. My handsome face and body is all yours, what else do you want?" Jungkook asked.

"So cheesy." Lisa said.

Kissing her neck, Jungkook said, "Thank you so much."

Lisa smiled and said, "You don't have to thank me."

Tightening his grip around her, Jungkook started trailing soft kisses down her neck.

Slightly pushing him away, Lisa said, "Jeonsan is alone, we should go."

Jungkook frowned and said, "So it's all about him now? You can't even spend some time with me alone?"

Pulling Jungkook's cheeks, Lisa said, "He is small now and he needs his mom and dad around him all the time."

"All the time? Then why did I decorate this room?" Jungkook asked.

"You want to keep our five days old son in this room alone?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook shook his head and said," No, but after six months Jeonsan is staying here."

"Jungkook let's talk about this later." Lisa said before walking out of the room.

"Lisa wait." Jungkook said before rushing after her.


Inside the room.

"Lisa how can you do this to me?" Jungkook asked.

Ignoring him, Lisa kept making Jeonsan's bed. After puffing his small pillow, Lisa said, "Bring Jeonsan here."

Reluctantly walking towards the crib, Jungkook slowly picked up little Jeonsan in his arms said, "Lisa, Jeonsan is saying that he wants to sleep in his crib."

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "Place him on the bed."

Jungkook frowned deeper and slowly placed Jeonsan on the bed and tucked him into his baby blanket.

Jungkook wanted to hug his wife to sleep because it had been days since they cuddled and he really missed her but when Lisa decided that Jeonsan would sleep with them on the bed that also in the middle, Jungkook felt wronged and unhappy.

Walking towards the couch, Jungkook grumpily sat down and said, "You just care about him now."

Lisa helplessly shook her head at her husband's childish behaviour.

Walking towards him, Lisa sat down beside him and said, "He is small now and needs us and how can I not care about my big baby?" before intertwining their hands together.

Inching closer, Lisa gave him a peck on his lips and said, "Come let's take some rest."

Placing his hand on her neck, Jungkook nibbled her lips and said, "At least let me kiss you till my hearts content."

Lisa chuckled and nodded her head.

Hooking her arms around his neck, Lisa was about to crash their lips together when a small muffled cry broke out in the room forcing her to push Jungkook away.

"I think he is hungry." Lisa said before rushing towards her.

Jungkook's expression turned extra gloomy when he saw that. This little brat sure knew how to spoil his mood.

"Jungkook dim the lights." Lisa said.

Walking towards the bed, Jungkook dimmed the lights and lied down in his side.

After coaxing Jeonsan to sleep, Lisa chuckled and asked , "Isn't he adorable?"

Resting his head on his elbow, Jungkook said, "My son after all, has to be adorable."

"He really has your lips." Lisa said.

Placing his finger on Jeonsan's chin, Jungkook said, "Hmm I can see that he is going to be handsome just like his father."

Slapping his hand away, Lisa said, "My son will become more handsome than his father."

Jungkook smiled and said, "With your beautiful genes fixed with mine, I won't be surprised if that happens."

"Jungkook do you think we will become good parents?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know that but we can try our best. We will give him everything that is important. Good education, good morals, we will teach him etiquette's, how to respect his elders and others. We will try hard and I am sure that our son will make us proud." Jungkook said.

Ming smiled and nodded her head.

After talking for quite some time, Ming dozed off to sleep.

Kissing the Mother-son pair on their forehead, Singtan also slept along with his cute little family.


One month later.

Kim Mansion.

Sitting on a couch inside her room, Yeri picked up her phone and called someone.

"Is everything ready?" Yeri asked.

"Yeah. Your passport is ready you just have to tell me when I should book the tickets." The man said.

"Hmm I'll let you know." Yeri said.

"The contest is still a year away, why do you want to come now?" The man asked.

"I have to prepare myself for it. My body is not in the best condition right now so I need some time to get back to shape." Yeri said.

"Alright you don't have to worry, everything is set." The man said.

"Thanks Taeyong." Yeri said.

Taeyong chuckled and said, "With me around you don't have to worry."

"Wait for my call. You have to pick me up." Yeri said.

"Alright." Taeyong said before hanging up the call.

After hanging up the call, Yeri tossed her phone aside and sighed.

"I always knew that you were up to something but then I thought you've changed but it seems like you haven't." Yeji said who was standing in front of the door with a tray in her hand.

She had come to give Yeri her evening snacks which aunt Yulin had prepared for her. She was about to enter the room when she heard Yeri talking over the phone with someone.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now