505.Let me get my tools

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"You-" Horus widened his eyes in shock when her realised something.

Turning towards Yoongi, Horus asked, "You-you are that little Min guy?"

When Yoongi gave Horus an evil smirk, Horus felt chills running down his spine. Somehow Horus felt that the Min gift was much more dangerous and vicious than the young man sitting right in front of him.

"Your greatest mistake was leaving him behind. But I am glad that you did and now he will be the death of you." Jungkook said.

Turning towards Yoongi, Jungkook said, "Come here."

Yoongi cheekily smiled and rushed towards Jungkook.

Patting his head, Jungkook said, "He is all yours. You can do anything you want to, no restrictions."

"No restrictions at all?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Yes, no restrictions at all."

Yoongi quickly got up and said, "I'll go get my tools." Before rushing out of the room.

After Yoongi left, Jungkook got up and said, "It was nice meeting you Mr Horus. I hope you will have a wonderful time with my little brother."

"Wait, where are you going? Let me go." Horus shouted.

Jungkook stopped and asked, "Okay, I'll think about letting me go if you tell me who that other man was."

"It was Chirus but he is long dead." Horus said.

"Tch Tch too bad that your friend is dead now you have to suffer alone." Jungkook said before walking out.

Eunwoo frowned and said, "Stop making noise and wait for our Yoongi patiently." Before following Jungkook.


Beck Enterprise.

Wearing a grey pencil skirt and white blouse, Yuna had her hair tied into a neat bun when she entered the premises of the new Beck Enterprise. She was also wearing a simple moon shaped diamond necklace and earrings which made her look her pretty attractive. Not to forget about the big diamond engagement ring which did not go unnoticed by the shareholders and other board members.

People started whispering amongst themselves wondering who the young woman was. They had never seen her during any banquets and parties that were thrown by the Beck Enterprise in the past. And now when they saw her during a very important board meeting, they could not help but randomly guess her Identity.

When Charles Beck saw her daughter, he raised his eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes when he saw a ring on her finger.

He knew she was with Lee Felix but weren't they just dating? Where did this ring come from?

Yuna saw her father yet chose to ignore her. Walking towards her mother, Yuna gave her a hug.

Hannah's eyes watered when she saw her daughter.

Wiping her tears away, Yuna said, "Lets cry together after the meeting Okay?"

Hannah chuckled and nodded her head.

When Yuna gave Leo a smile, Leo got up and said, "Good morning to everyone present here. Firstly I would like to introduce you all my little sister Yuna Beck who is also a board member and a shareholder. I would also like to thank you all for coming all the way here to attend this very important meeting."

Pausing for a while, Leo said, "I know everyone is sad and is currently grieving over the death of our capable CEO and my brother Mr Stephen Beck. Unfortunate events happened which forced my dear fatherlike big brother to commit suicide inside the jail." Before wiping away his non-existing tears.

Yuna rolled her eyes when she saw her brothers so unrealistic acting.

"But we cannot just sit and mourn over his death. We have a big empire to run and also are responsible to feed thousands of employees who are currently working under us. So we all are gathered here to look for someone who can take over my brother position and take Beck Enterprise to new heights." Leo said.

" ou all have a tab in front of you and on the screen is displayed the names and pictures of the candidates whom we think is suitable for the position. So please do us a favour by helping us choose." Leo said before clicking on his name.

Charles Beck frowned and intentionally pressed on a random person's name. He never wanted Leo to take over the position and he was still determined not to let him take over until he can.

Leo's lips curled upwards as he said, "We will have the results displayed on the screen in a minute."

After sometime, the results were displayed on the screen.

Out of forty board members, 39 voted for Leonardo Beck leaving one.

Yuna, Hannah and Leo looked at Charles simultaneously. They knew how that person was.

"Mom is he really our biological dad?" Yuna couldn't help but ask.

Hannah sighed and said, "I too wonder sometime but yes, he is ."


After the meeting, Charles Beck dashed out of the room.

Yuna grabbed her mother's hand and said, "Mom let's go Feli is waiting for us in the parking lot."

Hannah smiled and nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Leo punched a number and said, "He just left the meeting room."



As Charles Beck was about to board his car, two large bulky men carried him away and shoved him into a black car that was parked not too far away from his.

"Take him to the base." The man said.

The chauffeur nodded his head and left.


Felix straightened his back when he saw Yyna and his would be mother-in-law coming towards him.

Grabbing Felix's arm, Yuna said, "Mom, this is Lee Felix my fiancé and Feli this my mother Hannah Beck."

"It's nice meeting you Mrs Beck." Felix said.

"Ahh my daughter found himself a handsome young man. And you should call me mother." Hannah said.


Jeon base.

Tired of screaming and struggling, Horus was quietly sitting on the cold floor when someone opened the door.

Holding his tool box in his hand, Yoongi fixed his necktie before making his way towards his prey.

Keeping the box on the table, Yoongi started wearing his gloves saying, "I usually don't wear gloves but I have started wearing one because I need to hold my girlfriend's hand everyday and I don't want to transfer germs to her so I have to wear one."

Pausing for a while, Yoongi said, "And when I have my gloves on my grip is not that strong so when I ball your eyes out, I am afraid that I won't be able to do it in one shot and I have give in another try. I am telling you this in advance because later I don't want you complain about your eyes not being pricked or balled out properly okay?"

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