533.A wonderful person and mother

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Few months later.

"Did you send out the invitations?" Jungkook asked.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Everything is done from my side."

Looking at the bunch of kids who were busy playing in the garden, Jimin took a deep breath and said, "I cannot believe they will turn one day after tomorrow. I mean doesn't it just seem yesterday when both of you were about to faint when Lisa and Jisoo were about to give birth?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "Well, we were about to faint but you really fainted."

"Yes and woke up after Rosé had even finished breast feeding both the kids." Jin said.

"You were worse than us." Jungkook said.

Jimin cleared his throat and said, "So who all are coming?"

"We have invited some of our close friends and relatives." Jin said.

"Some close business partners." Jungkook said.

"Hmm that is nice." Jimin said.

It was Jeonsan and Jiyun's birthday after two days and everyone mutually decided to celebrate their birthday together. As it was their first birthday, their fathers decided to celebrate it in an extravagant way.

Crawling towards his father, baby Jihun touched Jimin's feet and screamed in excitement.

Picking up his son, Jimin placed him on his lap and asked, "What's up champ? What happened?"

Burying his face on his father's neck, Jihun wrapped his little arms around Jimin's neck.

Patting his sons back, Jimin said, "I think he is sleepy."

Caressing Jihun's small hands, Jungkook asked, "What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that he is doing fine and is growing stronger day by day." Jimin said.

Jihun was weaker and not as active as as Min but he was recovering very fast and was growing stronger.

The twins were now eight months old and had started crawling making it difficult for the Park couple to handle them.

Just then a maid arrived and said, "Young master, a gentleman with the surname Oh wants to meet you and is standing outside the mansion."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Send him inside."

The maid nodded her her and left.

"Oh Sehun?" Jin asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "May be he is here to see his daughter."

Jimin frowned and said, "I am not going to let him take Yuqi away."

"Exactly even I won't allow that." Jin said.

"Nobody will take Yuqi anywhere and I don't think so he is here to take Yuqi with him." Jungkook said before walking towards Lisa who was playing with Yuqi.


Living area.

When Jungkook came out, Sehun was sitting on the couch sipping tea which the maid had served him.

He was wearing a dark blue suit and was looking much better than Singtan had seen last time.

Sehun got up and politely greeted Jungkook when he saw him.

Sitting down on the couch, Jungkook said, "I hope you are here after getting my message"

Sehun nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"As I had stated before, I informed you about Yuqi because no matter what you are her father and we aren't that cruel that we won't let you meet your daughter." Jungkook said.

Sehun nodded his head and said, "I know."

Just then Lisa entered the living room with Yuqi in her arms.

Sehun quickly placed the cup back and got up when he saw the little angel who had his eyes and lips.

His heart bloomed in joy, excitement and happiness. He wanted a daughter and he had one.

"How are you Sehun?" Lisa asked.

Sehun smiled and said, "I am good."

Sitting down on the couch, Lisa placed Yuqi in her lap.

"She is Yuqi." Lisa said before passing her to Sehun.

Taking her into his arms, Sehun carefully placed her on his lap and kept on staring at her.

Yuqi also kept on staring at him for quite some time. She then placed her little hands on Sehun's cheeks and said, "DA…"

Sehun couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when he heard that.

Lisa chuckled and said, "It's just been a few days since she started calling her fathers out."

Caressing Yuqi's hands, Sehun said, "Hello Princess, I am your father."

The little one chuckled and buried her face on Sehun's neck.

Patting her back loving, Sehun said, "Dada loves you a lot."

Just then father Kim entered the mansion along with Hyunjin. When they heard about Sehun's arrival, they rushed to the Jeon mansion immediately leaving everything behind.

Sitting down, Father Kim said, "I will not let you take her away with you but I will never stop you from visiting her. She is and will forever remain your daughter."

"Not only father even I will not allow you to take her away." Hyunjin said.

Sehun smiled and said, "I am not hear to take her away, I know where to stop and I also know that she has a bright future ahead of her if she stays here with you guys. I would be more than happy if Lisa and Jungkook raise her than me."

Kissing Yuqi's cheeks, Sehun said, "Whatever happened I know that somewhere I am at fault too. Even I have done things that I shouldn't have and I really regret for acting recklessly and impulsively. A man like me doesn't deserve to raise a child."

"Sehun don't say that." Lisa said.

Sehun smiled and said, "You are a wonderful person Lisa and I know that you will turn out to be a wonderful mother as well."

Just then Jeonsan came inside holding his uncle Jimin's hand.

"DA….DA." Jeonsan shouted.

Jungkook got up and quickly picked up Jeonsan in his arms.

Sehun smiled and asked, "Is he you son?"

Lisa smiled and said, "His name is Jeon Jeonsan."

Sehun chuckled when he saw three other babies in the room, "The mansion must be feeling so lively with so many kids around."

"She is Jiyun, Jin's daughter and those are Jimin's twins, Jihun and Min." Lisa said.

"Hmm I bought gifts for them too." Sehun said.

Just then a man entered the room with two bags which were packed with toys.

"If you want, you can go and spend some time with the kids in the garden Sehun." Lisa said.

Sehun nodded his head and followed the kids to the garden.


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