575.Another baby?

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"When you and I will also meet after a long time, will we also cry like this?" Jiyun asked.

Jin frowned and asked, "Why would we not meet for a long time? Are you planning to leave dad?"

"Uncle Jungkook told me that one day I have to shift to the Jeon mansion forever." Jiyun said.

Jin frowned deeper and said, "Don't listen to him. I am not letting you go anywhere. You have to stay with mom and me forever. And stay away from uncle Jungkook."

"Uncle Jungkook is good and he loves me so much." Jiyun said.

"Your dad loves you more." Jin said.

"What are you talking about?" Jisoo asked who was coming towards them along with father Si.

Jin shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Passing Jiyun to Jisoo, Jin politely greeted father Si, "Dad."

Father Si smiled and gave Jin a tight hug.

"I have wronged you too. Please forgive me." Father Si said.

Jin smiled and said, "You don't have to apologise. It's all in the past now."

"Why don't you stay here for a few days dad?" Jisoo asked.

Seeing Father Si hesitating, Jin said, "You can spend some time with Jiyun and Jisoo as well. You should stay here for a few days"

"Yes grandpa stay." Jiyun said excitedly.

Father Si smiled and nodded his head.

Putting Jiyun down, Jisoo said, "Great, I'll go and prepare dinner." Before walking away.


Jeon mansion.

After having dinner when Jungkook entered the room, the lights were dim.

"Lisa." Jungkook shouted and was about to turn on the lights when the washroom door opened and Lisa stood there wearing a thin black outfit.

Walking towards Jungkook with a sweet smile on her face, Lisa asked, "Do you like it?"

Without saying anything, Jungkook quickly rushed towards the door and slammed it shut.

Lisa chuckled and asked, "What are you doing?"

Quickly rushing towards her, Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "I can see that Mrs Jeon is in full mood today. What if the kids come in? Today, even if they knock or the world comes to an end, we are not opening that door."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lisa said, "The kids are with their grandparents and they are not going to disturb us."

Pulling her closer, Jungkook said, "So you are really fully prepared. I like it." before clashing his lips against his.

Lifting her up, Jungkook wrapped her legs around his waist and started walking towards their bed.

Slowly placing her down, Jungkook's tall body completely hovered her down and deepened the kiss.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, Lisa grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and quickly helped him take it off.

Jungkook, who was not patient enough to zip down the dress ripped it off her body.

While Lisa was busy unblocking his pants, Jungkook asked, "Where are the condoms?"

Lisa shook her head and said, "We are running short of them."

Jungkook frowned and said, "That is not possible because I just bought them a few days ago."

When Lisa did not say anything, Jungkook asked, "Lisa, what happened to them?"

Placing her hand on his chest, Lisa said, "I actually did something with them."

"What?" Jungkook asked.

Looking at him, Lisa said, "I threw them away."

Getting down from the bed, Jungkook placed both his hands on his waist and asked, "And why would you do that?"

Covering herself with the quilt, Lisa said, "Because I think it's the right time to give Jeonsan and Yuqi a small sister or a brother."

Jungkook shook his head and said, "That is not happening."

"Why? We are ready to have another child Jungkook." Lisa said.

"No. I said no means no." Jungkook said.

"What happened to your 'We will do as you say' now?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook frowned and said, "Because I am not going to listen to something that is going to make you suffer. You suffered a lot during Jeonsan's time now I don't want and I'll never allow you to suffer like that. I almost fainted when I saw that and it still gives me goosebumps when I think about it Lisa."

Jungkook would never forget how he had seen Lisa suffer in the labor room. That is the time he had decided that they are not going to have another baby and Jungkook wanted to stick to his decision.

"I am the one doing it right? Then if I am not scared and I am willing to do it again, what are you worried about?" Lisa asked.

"We are not trying, end of discussion." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook I-"

Cutting her off, Jungkook said, "If you are trying to convince me then it's useless okay?"

Lisa frowned and got down from the bed.

Walking towards the wardrobe, Lisa took out a fresh pair of nightwear and the boxes of condoms..

Walking towards Jungkook, Lisa threw the boxes at him and said, "Fine, you love them so much right? Then wear them and fuck yourself." before walking towards the washroom.

Jungkook widened his eyes in shock and said, "What? We aren't doing it? Lisa-"


After sometime, Lisa came out of the washroom after taking a quick shower.

Jungkook who was sitting on the couch, quickly approached her and said, "What was that? You just turned me on and left."

Ignoring him, Lisa started applying her night cream.

"Lisa I am talking to you." Jungkook said.

When Lisa did not say anything, Jungkook said, "This cold and silent treatment is not going to work. I am not falling for this."

Without saying anything, Lisa started walking out of the room.

Jungkook grabbed her wrist and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'll sleep with the kids starting today." Lisa said.

Jungkook widened his eyes in shock and asked, "Why would you do that? Why would you sleep with the kids? I am not letting you go anywhere."

"You don't want to have another baby, I am fine with it because now I don't want your baby either. And you cannot stop me from spending time with the kids, okay? You can't take all the decisions for us." Lisa said before jerking his hand off.

Jungkook frowned deeper and he asked, "What do you mean by you don't want my baby anymore?"

Without saying anything, Lisa left the room leaving the grumpy Jungkook behind.


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