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Inside Jungkook's office.

Jungkook was busy reading some documents when Namjoon and Eunwoo entered the room.

"You are late." Jungkook said.

"Ehh boss, I was stuck in traffic." Namjoon said.

"Hmm, come and sit down." Jungkook said.

After Eunwoo and Namjoon sat down, Jungkook said, "I want you both to do something important today."

"Yes boss." Eunwoo said.

"I cannot use Yoongi for this because you know how excited he gets and always ends up overdoing everything." Jungkook said.

"Yes boss." Namjoon said.

Placing the document back, Jungkook said, "Yeri is inside one of the cells so I want you both to take care of her for a few hours before a few of our men escort her to the airport."

"Boss you mean-"

Cutting Eunwoo off, Jungkook said, "Yes but only a very light torture will do."

Pausing for a while, he continued, "Make sure that after this she never returns back to the country or tries to go near Yuqi or your lady boss."

"Peeling skin?" Namjoon asked.

"A little bit." Jungkook said.

"What about nails?" Eunwoo asked.

"What nails?" Yoongi asked who was standing in front of the door.

"We are about to torture lady boss' sister." Namjoon said.

Yoongi frowned and asked, "When did you people started doing this? Isn't that my job?"

Turning towards Jungkook, Yoongi said, "Boss that is my job."

"I want you to stay away from all of this and take care of Wendy." Jungkook said.

"But they don't know how to do it." Yoongi said feeling very wronged.

"Hey we know okay? If you don't believe us, go down the cell and look at your sister-in-law." Eunwoo said.

Ignoring Eunwoo's rants, Yoongi turned towards Jungkook and said, "I want to do it."

Jungkook shook his head and said, "Let Namjoon and Eunwoo take care of it this time. You should go home and take care of your would be wife."

"Yoongi, if you want you can watch us do it but you cannot touch." Namjoon said.

"Eunwoo, Namjoon off to work now." Jungkook said.

The two vigorously nodded their heads before dashing out of the office.

After they left, Yoongi said, "This is unfair."

Jungkook smiled and said, "I am giving you an official holiday to spend more time with Wendy and look at you sulking and complaining. Do you want me to tell Wendy that you don't want to accompany her but work instead?"

Yoongi shook his head and said, "She will throw me out of the house."

"Good and why are you here in the first place?" Jungkook asked.

"I am here to meet Julia." Yoongi said.

"Hmm, take Eunwoo and Namjoon along with you." Jungkook said.

"I can go alone." Yoongi said.

"What if you lose control and start doing what you like on her? So take them so that they can check on you." Jungkook said.

Yoongi nodded his head and left.


Inside the cell.

"Let me out, let me out." Yeri shouted while banging the hard metal door with all her might.

She thought the two men were taking her to the airport but soon she realised they were not. They were taking her to some other direction where she had never been before.

Yeri kept on shouting at them inside the car but the two of them ignored her presence and kept driving. She wanted to jump out of the car and she could but Yeri of scared of hurting her in the process.

Soon they stopped in front of the base and she was dragged towards the cell and shoved in her.

Wrapping her arms around her, Yeri rubbed her palms on them to keep herself warm. It was very chilly inside the cell and it was a strange kind of coldness that was making her restless.

She knew they were Jungkook's men who had brought her here but she didn't know why. She had no idea what they wanted from her.

Just then the door opened and two men entered the cell along with a tiny box in their hand.

"Good morning Ms Kim, I hope you slept well." Eunwoo said.

"Eunwoo what kind of question is that? Of course she had a good night's sleep. I mean just look at her, she is glowing." Namjoon said.

"You-aren't you Jeon Jungkook's assistant?" Yeri asked.

"Oh yes I am." Eunwoo said with a huge grin.

"What are you doing here?" Yeri asked taking a few steps back.

Just then, two men entered the room and stood behind them.

Gesturing the men to hold Yeri, Namjoon said, "We are here to give you something really very special."

When the two men caught her arms, Yeri yelled and shouted, "Don't touch me and let go of me."

Opening the tiny tool box, Namjoon said, "Now the more you struggle, the more painful it will get." Before taking out a metal plucker and a mini-plier.

Taking the plier from Namjoon's hand, Eunwoo said, "So now are you ready to get punished for trying to trouble our lady boss and little Yuqi?"

"Wait, we can pluck nails right?" Namjoon asked.

"There are artificial ones in the market." Eunwoo said before grabbing Yeri's.

"No sto-arrrrrgggghhhh." Yeri screamed when Eunwoo pulled out the nail of her index finger.

Namjoon also started doing what he was supposed to. He started peeling off small section of skin from anywhere he felt like.

Soon Yeri's arms were covered with her own blood. She had never felt this kind of pain in her entire life. It was horrific and she wanted to just pass out.

After pulling out all the five nails of her left finger, Eunwoo said, "I think this is enough."

"I think I am done too." Namjoon said.

After sometime, Jungkook entered the cell and sat right in front of Yeri.

When he saw her lying on the ground with her eyes closed, Jungkook said, "Pour some ice water on her."

When the cold water was splashed upon her, Yeri gasped and started coughing vigorously when the cold water entered her nose and mouth.

Slowly opening her eyes when she saw Jungkook sitting in front of her, she gulped in fear.

"At first I decided to let you go but my little son said that I should teach you a lesson for calling his mommy fake and making his little sister cry." Jungkook said.


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