590.Bad news

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After everyone arrived, Father Kim asked, "Meili what happened?"

"I want to talk about Yuqi with you all." Mother Jeon said.

"Yuqi? What happened to her? Is she alright?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yuqi is alright." Jungkook said.

Mother Jeon sighed and said, "I want Jungkook and Lisa to adopt Yuqi."


Cutting father Kim off, mother Jeon said, "Listen to me first Marco."

Father Kim sighed and nodded his head.

"I know all of you think Yuqi as your own daughter and love her a lot but don't you all think that Yuqi needs a particular person she can rely on? Since she was small, Yuqi has been staying at the Jeon mansion and is very close to Jungkook and Lisa. All of us know how much they have done for Yuqi. I am not saying that you people have not. I know that each and everyone of you are an important part in her life but I think for Yuqi's betterment, this is the best thing all of us can do." Mother Jeon said.

Jimin sighed and said, "I think mom is right."

"Hmm, even I feel the same. Jiyun told me what happened in the kindergarten a few days back. I wanted to bring this topic up the very next day but then I thought-" Jin said.

"What happened in the kindergarten?" Father Kim asked.

After narrating him the entire incident, mother Jeon said, "This is why I insist on Jungkook and Lisa adopting Yuqi."

"I know this is very sudden for everyone but we will start procedure only if everyone agrees to this." Jungkook said.

"Sehun no matter whatever has happened but you are still Yuqi's biological father and your opinion matters a lot. If you think that this is inappropriate then we will never bring this topic up." Lisa said.

Sehun smiled and said, "I don't think that I have the right to make decisions for Yuqi because-"

Cutting him off, Lisa said, "Sehun, don't say that."

Sehun smiled and said, "No matter what you say Lisa but that's a fact. I don't have any kind of contribution in her upbringing. I have never done anything for her that a father should do. And I will be happy if you and Singtan adopt her. You guys don't know how happy and satisfied I feel when I see Yuqi with you and Jungkook. I feel like she is much safer with you than me."

Hyunjin nodded his head and said, "Yeji and I were actually talking about this a few days back. Initially we wanted to adopt Yuqi but I think elder sister and brother-in-law should adopt her. Yuqi has been staying with elder sister most of the time so she is naturally more close to her and adopting her is not a bad idea."

"Hyunjin is right." Yeji said.

Uncle Oh nodded his head and said, "I also approve this."

"Meili I-"

Grabbing Father Kim's hand, Mother Jeon said, "Please Marco don't-"


Patting his chest, father Jeon started coughing vigorously.

Patting his father's back, Jungkook whispered, "Do something Mr Jeon, If won't be appropriate if my father-in-law and mother-"

Father Jeon gritted his teeth and murmured, "Shut up."

Ignoring her husband, Mother Jeon continued, "Marco please don't say no. It's not like after they adopt Yuqi, she is not going to have ties with anyone. Everything is going to remain the same. The relations, the way Yuqi addresses everyone and her name too. We have decided that we won't change her name. She is going to remain Kim Yuqi forever and maybe she can write a small Jeon beside her name in brackets and-"

"Okay." Father Kim said.

Mother Jeon squealed in excitement and asked, "Really?"

Father Kim nodded his head and said, "Yes, I don't have any problem with your arrangements."

Mother Jeon quickly got and gave father Kim a hug scaring the wits out of father Jeon.

"Thank you so much Marco." Mother Jeon said.

Father Kim's who was not at all ready for the hug, blushed and slowly patted mother Jeon's back.

Father Jeon on the other hand, quickly got up and pulled mother Jeon towards him and gave her a hug.

"Ahh I am so happy Meili." Father Jeon exclaimed.

When the others saw what had happened, they couldn't control themselves and burst into laughter.

Trying to hide his red face, father Kim excused himself and said, "I'll go check on the food." Before walking away.

Hyunjin chuckled and slowly followed his father to the kitchen.

Hitting father Jeon on his chest, Mother Jeon said, "What are you doing?"

"Hugging my wife. Why? Is it wrong?" Father Jeon asked.

"Behave yourself in front of the kids." Mother Jeon said.


Inside the kitchen.

Nudging his father, Hyunjin asked, "Hey dad."

"What is it?" Father Kim asked.

"Do you like mother Jeon?" Hyunjin asked.

Father Kim widened his eyes in shock and said, "You- what nonsense are you talking? Are you crazy?"

Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well you were blushing when mother Jeon hugged you so-"

"Blushed? I never blushed." Father Kim said.

"But your face is still red dad." Lisa said.

"You people are overthinking. Meili is your mother-in-law, how can I like her?" Father Kim said.

Hyunjin chuckled and said, "What's wrong with that? It's not like you are going to marry her and dad, healthy flirting is good for health."

"This boy you-"

Lisa chuckled and said, "Ahhh, too bad I married Jungkook otherwise-"

Father Kim helplessly shook his head and said, "You kids are unbelievable."

"Alright, we are just kidding." Lisa said.

"You shouldn't crack such jokes." Father Kim said.

Giving him a hug, Lisa said, "Thank you for allowing us to adopt Yuqi."

"I know you and Jungkook will keep Yuqi happy." Father Kim said.

Lisa smiled and said, "I promise."

"Okay now help me take these out." Father Kim said before passing them a few dishes.


Living room.

Everyone were happily eating and talking amongst themselves when they received a piece of bad news.

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