512.Premature labor

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"You-How can you leave me alone like that?" Lisa shouted before clutching onto his shirt and pulling him inside.

"Jin everything is going to be okay right?" Father Kim asked.

"Uncle Kim don't worry, it's a normal delivery and everything is fine." Jin said.

Pulling their grandma's dress, Ben and Sam asked, "Is aunty going to be okay?"

Mother Jeon smiled and said, "Yes, she is going to be okay. You both are going to become big brothers now and you must protect your small brother or sister in the future."

Ben chuckled and said something to Sam to which he readily agreed.

"We want a little sister." Sam said.

"Why sister?" Taehyung asked.

"Because girls are cute." Ben said.

Father Jeon chuckled and said,b"Alright both of you come here and sit with me."

Ben and Sam ran towards their grandpa and sat beside them.


Inside the labor room.

"Ahhhhh Jungkook do something." Lisa shouted.

"It's okay its okay just keep taking deep breaths." The doctor said.

Holding her hands tightly, Jungkook said, "You are gonna be okay."

When Lisa felt Jungkook's trembling hands and saw his pale face, she suppressed her groans.

Jungkook was sweating a hundred times more than her and his face was paler than a white sheet. His breathing was heavy and it looked like he was having a really hard time to breathe.

Lisa panicked when she realised how cold his hands were.

Trying very hard not to shout or groaned in pain, Lisa caught pressed his hand with both her palms and said, "Jungkook don't be nervous, baby and I are going to be okay. Take deep breaths, take deep breaths with me."

Jungkook nodded his head and started taking deep breaths with her.

When Lisa felt another contraction, she screamed and closed her eyes.

Jungkook panicked even more and said, "Lisa, Lisa are you okay? What do I do Lisa? Oh my God."

Seeing Jungkook panic, Lisa knew that his presence would do nothing but make her more nervous and anxious.

Looking at his pale expression Lisa strongly felt that when she would start pushing the baby out, Jungkook would surely faint.

"Okay Mrs Jeon, we are ready. As soon as I say push, you have to push the baby out with all your might okay?" The doctor said.

Pushing Jungkook away, Lisa said, "Send him out."

Anna who was sitting quietly on a chair in a corner, closed her eyes when she felt a slight pain in her lower abdomen but time it lasted for a longer time.

Jungkook who was standing there in a daze, did not know what to do until a nurse lightly pushed him out of the room.



When the family members saw Jungkook coming out, they quickly surrounded him and asked, "Is the baby born? How is Lisa?"

When Jungkook did not say anything, Mother Jeon panicked and asked, "Is something wrong? Jungkook answer me."

Just then a nurse came outside and said, "Nothing has happened so please don't panic."

The nurse then chuckled and said, "The Father seemed more nervous than the mother so Mrs Jeon sent Mr Jeon outside. Please take care of Mr Jeon. He seems to worry a lot."

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and said, "Hey don't worry okay, it's gonna be alright." Before making him sit on a bench.

Jungkook did not talk nor did he move even his pinky for a really time. He was nervous, very nervous.

The thought about Lisa having a really hard inside the room made him nervous and sad and also the thought about holding and taking care of a small life made him feel even more nervous and anxious.

After sometime, there will be someone who would call him 'Father'. Though Jungkook was skilled and a pro in almost everything, he was still doubting his parenting skills.

What if he turns out to be a bad father? What if his child doesn't like him? What would he do then?

All these kinds of questions were revolving around his mind making him feel nauseous and giddy.

Inside the labour room.

"Alright Mrs Jeon push." The doctor shouted.

"Aahhhh." Lisa shouted and started pushing with all her might.

"I can see the head coming out. Now you have to push a bit harder." The doctor said.

Clutching on the sheets, Lisa pushed with all her might.

"One last hard push at the baby will pop out." The doctor said.

Lisa screamed and said. "If I push any harder, my lungs will pop out instead of the baby ahhhhhh...….."

Throwing her head on the pillow, Lisa took a few deep breaths to catch some air when she felt someone wiggle something out of her.

After few seconds, a sharp cry echoed throughout the room.

Wrapping the baby in a towel, the nurse kept the baby on Lisa's chest and said, "Congratulations Mrs Jeon, it's a boy."

Lisa's eyes teared up when she saw the little red squishy thing on her chest but she soon passed out because of exhaustion.

Checking Lisa's vitals, the doctor said, "Mrs Jeon is alright, she is just tired. Take the baby and clean him up before showing taking it outside."

Just then Jisoo groaned in pain and shouted, "Some one please call my husband."

The nurses and the doctor widened their eyes in shock.

The doctor rushed towards Jisoo and said, "Her water broke."

"But Dr Jisoo's due date is two weeks away." A nurse said.

"It's a premature labor. Quick get everything ready." The doctor said.


When the nurse rushed out of the labor room and said, "Dr Jin, Dr Jisoo is having a premature labor. The doctor said that she is ready to deliver the child and has already dilated."

"How is my wife?" Jungkook asked.

The nurse smiled and said, "Mrs Jeon is alright and congratulations, it's a baby boy. The other nurse is cleaning him right now so you can meet him afterwards. We will shift the baby and Mrs Jeon inside the room very soon." before rushing inside.


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