455.Two grandchildren

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The engagement was to be held in the Kim Mansion itself.

Since it was only friends and family, the decoration was not too extravagant. Though Hyunjin and Yeji wanted to keep it sweet and simple, Father Kim and uncle Oh insisted on decorating the hall.

"Dad we could've just prepared some homely food." Hyunjin said.

Father Kim frowned and said, "You are getting engaged Hyunjin. This isn't a birthday party."

"Exactly. What is wrong with both of you? It's your engagement ceremony aren't you two excited?" Uncle Oh asked.

Yeji chuckled and said, "We decided to have a low-key engagement ceremony and an extravagant destination wedding."

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Hyunjin said, "Yes I have promised her a very extravagant destination wedding so you both start saving money for that."

"But still let us do something for the engagement too." Uncle Oh said.

"Hmm, Hyunjin I forgot to tell you that Yeri is also coming." Father Kim said.

Hyunjin frowned and said, "I don't want her to come? And why? Why did you invite her? She is not needed here."

"Listen to me Hyunjin." Father Kim said.

Hyunjin frowned deeper and said, "No she is not needed here and-"

"At least listen to Father first." Yeji said.

Father Kim sighed and said, "I am just calling her because she is family and-"

Hyunjin shook his head and said, "What about elder sister?"

"Lisa is okay with it." Father Kim said.

Pausing for a while, Hyunjin said, "Fine but don't expect anything from me." before walking towards his room


"Dad I'll talk to him." Yeji said.

Father Kim sighed and nodded his head.


Glory Regency.

"Wendy we are getting late." Yoongi said.

Just then Wendy came out of her room and said, "I am ready."

"Ya let's-" Yoongi froze when he saw Wendy.

She was wearing a full black knee length off shoulder dress with a pair of diamond earrings. She had a very light makeup on and had tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Yoongi." She said.

Quickly composing himself, he said, "You look amazing."

"Big sister gifted me this dress yesterday." She said.

"You look lovely and-"

She chuckled and said, "We are getting late Yoongi let's leave."

Clearing his throat, Yoongi said, "Right let's go."


Inside the car.

"Yoongi I wanted to talk to you about something." Wendy said.

"Hmm What is it?" He asked.

"Yeji, Yuna and I are planning to open a cafe or a bakery shop." Wendy said.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "That's a really nice idea."

"So I just wanted to ask you whether you like it or not." She said.

Yoongi sighed and said, "Wendy it doesn't matter whether I like it or not. You are the one who should like it. And you don't have to take my permission. I am your partner not your mom or dad."

She sighed and said, "But still I thought-"

Cutting her off, he said, "You should stop thinking. You have access to my account so you can easily invest. Don't think so much, we are one right?"

Wendy smiled and nodded her.


Kim Mansion.

Yeji sighed and said, "Stop sulking Hyunjin."

"I don't like her." Hyunjin said.

Helping him with his tie, she said, "When elder sister and father are okay with it, you should not behave like this."

Pausing for a while, she said, "And moreover she is pregnant now and she needs us."

Hyunjin shook his head and said, "I am 101% sure that she is up to something Yeji. She is a very cunning and sly woman."

"May be she is changing for good. Let's give her a chance everyone deserves a second chance." Yeji said.

He frowned and said, "Fine I'll let her come but don't expect anything else from me."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Yeji said, "Do you know how handsome you look when you are angry?"

Pulling her closer, Hyunjin said, "You know how alluring and sexy you are looking in this dress? I just can't wait to rip it off."

Running her fingers through his hair, she said, "This dress is expensive Mr Kim but I don't mind stripping in front of you."

"Can we do it tonight? What did the doctor say?" He asked.

"It's safe." She said.

He took a deep breath and said, "What if I hurt you?"

She shook her head and said, "It's fine, we will be okay."

"I'll use protection this time. There is no way I am doing it without any protection this time." He said.

Yeji nodded her head and said, "Yes we have to be extra careful this time."

Brushing their lips together, Hyunjin asked, "So Ms Park are you ready to get engaged?"

Yeji chuckled and said, "Do you even have to ask?" before kissing him.


Flexi compound.

"Ma'am the car is here." The nutritionist said.

Yeri nodded her head and said, "Hmm, let's go."

After boarding the car, Yeri caressed her stomach and said, "Baby we are going to your uncles engagement party. Your uncle hates your mommy but he will definitely love you."


Kim mansion.

After everyone arrived, Hyunjin said, "I think we should start."

"Hyunjin let's wait for sometime." Lisa said.

Just then Yeri stepped into the mansion.

When Grandpa Sung saw Yeri, he frowned and asked, "What is she doing here?"

Father Kim sighed and said, "Lisa and I invited her here."

"Seriously? What is wrong with you both? How can you invite her?" Grandpa Sung hissed.

"Grandpa please don't create a scene here." Lisa said.


Pulling his sleeves, Lisa said, "Please, for me."

Grandpa Sung sighed and said, "Fine but only for you. I just have two grandchildren. You and Hyunjin. She is no one to me."

Lisa helplessly shook her head and said, "Don't say that Grandpa. She is also going to give you a great-grandchild soon."

"I will love my great-grandchild but not her." Grandpa Sung said.

"Sister Yeri, please come inside." Yeji said.

Giving them a weak smile, Yeri started walking towards the couch.

Looking around, she smiled when she saw the familiar place where she had grown up.

Jungkook protectively wrapped his arms around Lisa when Yeri sat beside her.

To lighten the tense atmosphere, Jin clapped his hands together and said, "Alright let's start the ceremony now."

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