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Country M

"What do you mean by he died?" Delila asked the guard who did not allow them to enter the Yang mansion.

Not liking the bossy tone of the woman, the guard frowned and said, "He died means he is not alive. Now please go from here."

Delila frowned and asked, "If the owner of the house is dead then what are you doing here? Who bought this house?"

Ignoring her, the guard started reading his newspaper.

Delila frowned and entered the car.

Inside the car.

After entering the car, Delila said, "Sir the guard is saying that Yang Hyunsuk is dead."

Stephen gestured the chauffeur to get down from the car.

After the chauffeur left, Stephen ran his fingers through Delilas hair and said, "Two years beside me and you still have so many things to learn."

Delila shivered when Stephen's hands brushed through her cheeks.

Moving to the corner of the car, Delila tied her hair into a bun and asked, "Now what Sir?"

Placing his hands on her thighs, Stephen caressed it and said, "Now what? Now we will fly to country S."

Quickly getting down from the car, Delila shuttered and said, "I-I'll...go and call the chauffeur."

After she left, Stephen laughed and murmured, "Pure." before taking out his wallet.

Caressing the photograph of a sixteen year-old girl, Stephen said, "Just like you."


Country S.

Oh Mansion.

Bambam and Tzuyu were having breakfast when he received a call from the Yang mansion of country M.

Bambam raised his brows when he heard what the guard told him.

"Hmm don't let anyone enter the mansion no matter what." Bambam said before hanging up the call.

"What's wrong?" Tzuyu asked.

Bambam shook his head and said, "Ehh it's nothing."

"I will be staying at home today and arrange a few things. I really don't like the setup of the kitchen and our room." Tzuyu said.

"Do whatever you want babe, the whole house is yours, including me of course." Bambam said.

Tzuyu chuckled and said, "I'll go and buy few things first too."

"You want me to drop you somewhere?" Bambam asked.

"You can drop me at the supermarket." Tzuyu said.

Bambam nodded his head and said, "Yeah cool. Oh and I brought something for you. It's in the dressing table. Why don't you quickly go and check that out while I make a phone call."

Tzuyu nodded her head and left.

After Tzuyu left, Bambam called Jungkook.

"Someone visited the Yang mansion and asked for Hyunsuk." Bambam said

Hyunsuk raised his eyebrows and said, "Now this is interesting."

"I have asked for the CCTV footage." Bambam said.

"Is that mansion under your name?" Jungkook asked.

Bambam chuckled and said, "After that old man died, I quickly transferred everything under my name."

"I am sure that Junjop will try to see the Yang mansion because he needs funds." Jungkook said.

"I'll take care of that." Bambam said.

"I am sick of this cat and mouse game. I want to solve everything before Jisoo and Lisa give birth." Jungkook said.

"Yeah even I want to solve everything before I get married." Bambam said.

Jungkook laughed and asked, "Who is going to marry an idiot like you?"

Bambam frowned and said, "Hey don't say that okay. I have a girlfriend."

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Jungkook said, "Hmm Bambam, why don't you bring Tzuyu to the hospital?"

"Why?" Bambam asked.

"So that she get her brains checked. I'll ask Jin to give you a 100% discount" Jungkook said.

Bambam frowned and said, "Stop teasing me Jungkook and let me tell you a few important things."

Pausing for a while, Bambam said, "You had asked me to look into that strange activity that was happening in your area. So I decided to look over it personally and I think that whoever did that was personally trying to get the Jeon clans attention. They were trying to smuggle illegal weapons and bombs inside country S openly. I seized everything and asked someone to deliver it to the Jeon base."

Jungkook took a deep breath and said, "Hmm, let it be for now and come to the base in the evening. We have to discuss few things and also Jin was saying that there is a slight improve in Rumbas' condition."

Bambam nodded his head and said, "Yeah okay I'll be there."

"Also Leonardo Beck from Beck Enterprise will come to meet you. Accept the file from him but don't say yes. Bring that file along with you to the base." Jungkook said.

Bambam nodded his head and said, "Okay."

"And don't tell him that I told you anything about him." Jungkook said before hanging up the call.


Jeon base.

By the time Yoongi arrived along with some clothes for Wendy, she had already taken a shower.

Wearing Yoongi's oversized shirt, Wendy was busy patting her hair when Yoongi unlocked the door with the key.

Placing the bag on the bed, Yoongi hugged her from behind.

Slapping his hand, Wendy said, "You scared me."

Snuggling against her neck, Yoongi said, "You smell so good."

Leaning against him, Wendy asked, "Yoongi why does your washroom have so many bottles of shampoo that I use?"

"I like you shampoo, It makes my hair soft." Yoongi said.

"Hmm and what about the body butter that I use? Why is that on your dressing table?" Wendy asked.

"Because it makes my body soft just like yours." Yoongi said.

Wendy chuckled and asked, "So you are using a ladies perfume so that you can be transformed into a lady like just me?"

Yoongi shook his head and said, "So that I can smell like you."

Pausing for a while, Yoongi said, "After you left, I thought though I cannot be with you, at least I can smell like you. So I asked someone to get everything for me."

Cupping his face, Wendy kissed his nose and said, "I am not leaving you ever again."

"Next time, I won't let you leave even if you want to." Yoongi said before pressing their lips together.

Pulling back, Wendy said, "I just took a shower."

Lifting her up in his arms, Yoongi said, "We can take one together after sometime."


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