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Jeon Mansion.







Poking Lisa's arms, Jungkook kept on calling her out with different names.

Slapping his hand away, Lisa said, "Don't disturb me."

"Lisa talk to me at least." Jungkook said.

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "I don't talk to people who lie."

"Hey it's not like you have never lied to me." Jungkook said in a very low voice.

"What did you say?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "Nothing I am sorry. I will never lie in the future. I will tell you everything. I swear."

"Hmm but baby and I will still punish you." Lisa said.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "I'll do anything but don't stop talking to me."

Caressing her stomach, Lisa said, "Baby and I want to eat hot and spicy noodles cooked by you."

Jungkook vigorously nodded his head and said, "Yes yes I will go and quickly cook whatever my beautiful wife wants to eat."

"Go Go we are waiting." Lisa said.

Folding his sleeves, Jungkook quickly entered the kitchen.

After sometime, he came out with two bowls of freshly made noddles.

Placing the bowl in front of her, he said, "Here you go tasty noodles for my beautiful wife."

Taking a bite, Lisa raised her eyebrows and said, "Hmm now this is tasty."

"I am glad you liked it." Jungkook said.

"Mr Jeon Baby is saying that you should cook for us more often." Lisa said.

Jungkook chuckled and asked, "Is it baby or baby's mother who wants that?"

"Both of us." Lisa said.



Early in the morning, Hyunjin was forcing Yeji to finish a big bowl of hot chicken soap along with the vegetables when Father Kim entered the room.

"Father." Yeji said.

Hyunjin stiffened when he saw father Kim standing in front of the door. Flashes of what happened yesterday clouded his eyes and mind. He was so angry and frustrated yesterday that he completely forgot about other things. All he wanted to see was blood, Jarreds Blood. The person who took away the life of unborn child, the person who tried to hurt his woman. He just wanted to see him dead. He wanted to kill him with his own hands.

Father Kim smiled at Yeji and asked, "How are you my child?"

Yeji smiled and said, "I am good father."

Completely ignoring Hyunjin, father Kim sat beside Yeji and started chatting with her about various things.

Patting Yeji's head, Father Kim said, "No need to be sad or unhappy. Some things are just meant to be and no matter what you do, you cannot stop them."

Yeji smiled and nodded her head.

"Okay now you are rest. When are you getting discharged?" Father Kim asked.

"Today in the evening." Hyunjin said.

"Hmm that's good then. I'll come and visit you at your place later." Father Kim said before getting up from his seat.

"Hyunjin come out for a second." Father Kim said before walking out of the room.

Hyunjin gulped in fear and slowly followed father Kim.


Inside a vacant room.

Looking outside the window, Father Kim asked, "Since when?"

Hyunjin lowered his head and said, "Four years."

Father Kim frowned and asked, "Weren't you in US at that time."

Hyunjin nodded his head and said, "Yes it all started when I was there."

"Did I send you to study there or do all these things? Is it that friend of yours who forced you to-"

Hyunjin shook his head and said, "No. It was  really my choice. I just felt that it was right like I was meant for this."

Father Kim helplessly shook his head and said, "You've really inherited all your grandpa Sung's qualities."

Hyunjin frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing. What happened yesterday was a very big shock for me. I never expected this from you but it seems like I just have to accept the truth. If you really want to be a part of it then fine I won't object or tell you anything but this should not affect or hurt anyone who is close to you. If what happened yesterday happens again, you've to leave everything and only concentrate in the company. I have already lost my grandchild, I don't wanna lose my son too. Did you understand?" Father Kim asked.

"So you don't really have a problem? I mean you-"

Patting his shoulder, Father Kim said, "Take care of her and stay with her for few days. I'll take care of the company and be careful." before walking out of the room.

After Father Kim left, Hyunjin smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.


Somewhere in country S.

"Boss Mr Hui is dead." a man said.

Hyunsuk took a deep breath and said, "I was right. Kim Hyunjin is not an ordinary individual. It's good that we refused to help him in the last moment."

Initially when Jarred Hui told Hyunsuk about his plan, Hyunsuk readily agreed because the latter promised to give me a hefty payment for that. But later when Hyunsuk investigated about Smith, he was shocked. Smith happened to be the one leading the Lee clan of US along with Lee Felix. When Hyunsuk investigated deeper, he came to know about all the ruthless and terrifying things that Smith and Lee Felix had done in US.

After knowing everything would Hyunsuk still mess with such powerful individuals? No. Hyunsuk was not stupid. He was still struggling to deal with the Jeon's and if he would mess things up with the Lee clan as well, Hyunsuk knew it would be his end. Neither did he had resources or power to deal with two powerful clans together.

"Isn't it with Lee clan who stopped Simon's businesses in US?" He asked.

The subordinate nodded his head and said, "Yes Sir."

"Heh so it's kind Hyunjin who is doing all this. I think they all are doing this together." Hyunsuk said.

"Sir if they work together like this then-"

Hyunsuk frowned and said, "This Kim Hyunjin is really giving me a headache now. Now we have to think twice before attacking the Kim family as well."

"What now sir?" The man asked.

"Contact Simon and ask him to meet me. It's time to use him as bait." Hyunsuk said mockingly.


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