428.Too old to cheat

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After seeing Grandpa Jeon's expression, Jungkook was about to make fun of him when his phone buzzed.

He raised his eyebrows when he saw some weird digits.

"Who is it?" Jimin asked.

Without saying anything, Jungkook received the call.

"Ahh hello Jungkook." Hyunsuk said in very mocking and cunning voice.

Jungkook smirked and asked, "How low are you going to stoop?"

Hyunsuk chuckled and said, "Well I was never a high person."

"This is something going on between the elders, don't involve kids into this." Jungkook said.

Hyunsuk helplessly shook his head and said, "Tsk Tsk why do you people always take me in a wrong way? I did not do anything wrong. I just wanted to spend some time with little Jeon. Ask him, he will definitely tell you how much he loves me."

Jungkook laughed and said," Do you think I don't know what you were trying to do?"

"Ha you are much more intelligent than your grandpa." Hyunsuk said.

"Be a man Hyunsuk and fight head on. Don't use dirty methods." Jungkook said.

"Isn't the underworld a dirty place? So why shouldn't I use dirty methods?" Hyunsuk asked.

Jungkook sighed and asked, "What will you get after doing all this? Let me tell you, you will get nothing."

Hyunsuk chuckled and said, "Well you people are already lucky that Little Jeon came back home in one piece otherwise I could've sent only his fingers to you."

Pausing for a while, Hyunsuk said, "But it's good to know that you people love little Jeon so much. Though he doesn't have the Jeon family blood in him but he is capable of changing the atmosphere of the Jeon mansion. I just wanted to see how important little Jeon is for you all, specially you and I got my answer."

Jungkook mocking laughed and said, "You are lucky that you decided not to harm Ben otherwise you along with your so called secret organisation would go down together."

Hyunsuk frowned and said, "You-"

"What? Did you think that I don't know? I know each and everything about you Hyunsuk. It's a different thing that I am not chasing you but if I really decide to do that, you know what is going to happen." Jungkook said.

Hyunsuk frowned and said, "I have nothing to lose but you people have lots of thing in your plate. Two pregnant women, a child and so many innocent lives. I know what your weaknesses are."

"Touch anyone of my family members or friends and you'll regret surviving that attack which happened several years back." Jungkook said before hanging up the call.

"What did he say?" Grandpa Jeon asked.

Without saying anything, Jungkook said, "Increase the security of each and everyone. Whatever happened today should not happen in the future."

"Will you all go and freshen up and then come down for dinner?" Grandma Jeon shouted.


Jungkook's room.

When Jungkook entered the room, Lisa was  sitting on the couch rubbing her templates.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa shook her head and said, "Just tired."

"Come here." Jungkook said before pulling her into his embrace.

"I was so scared when we could not find Ben." Lisa said.

Jungkook sighed and said, "Don't stress over it now. He is back safe and sound right?"

Lisa nodded her head.

"There is nothing to worry about." Jungkook said.



"Who is Grandpa Yang that Ben was talking about?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook took a deep breath and said, "You don't have to think about that. Just relax okay. I am here to protect you and everyone."

Lisa sighed and nodded her head.

"Come now let's go down for dinner." Jungkook said.


After having dinner, everyone entered their rooms.

Sitting inside the study room, Grandma Jeon called PSY.

"Jaesung." Grandma Jeon said.

Grandpa Sung chuckled and said, "Ahh look who called Mrs Jeon. After that slap, I never heard your voice."

Grandma Jeon rolled her eyes and said, "Stop it and give me Hyunsuk's number."

Grandpa Sung raised his eyebrows and said, "Quanci you are too old to cheat on Mosen."

"Don't forced me to hunt you down and give you another slap." Grandma Jeon said.

Grandpa Sung frowned and asked, "Why do you want it?"

"I want it. Send it to me fast." Grandma Jeon said.

"Listen to me. Hyunsuk is not the Hyunsuk whom you had slapped thrice back in college. He is dangerous and-"

"Like I care. Just pass me the number and don't talk much." Grandma Jeon said.

"Fine." Grandpa Sung said before hanging up the call.


Somewhere in country S.

"Sir some Tae Quanci is asking for you." A man said.

Dropping his gun down, Hyunsuk quickly got up and asked, "Is she here?"

The man shook his head and said, "No sir. She called."

"Y-you What are you waiting for? Quick pass me the phone." Hyunsuk shouted.

Passing him the phone, the man stepped back and left.

"Hello." Hyunsuk said.

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Grandma Jeon said, "I want to meet you."

Hyunsuk widened his eyes in shock and asked, "What did you say?"

"I will send you the time and address. Be there on time because I don't like waiting." Grandma Jeon said before hanging up the call.

Hyunsuk kept on staring at the phone for a really long time before tossing it on the couch.

Picking up his gun from the floor, he continued cleaning it with a huge grin on his face.


After talking to Junjop when Grandma Jeon entered her room, Grandpa Jeon was anxiously sitting on the couch.

"Quanci I-"

Ignoring him, Grandma Jeon quietly entered the washroom.

Seeing his wife's cold behaviour, Grandpa Jeon sighed and helplessly shook his head.

After sometime when she came out of the washroom, Grandpa Jeon said, "Listen to me atleast."

Grandma Jeon frowned and said, "Why should I listen to you? If not for you, Hyunsuk would never have the guts to do this. Weren't you the one who let him take care of your underworld business back then? All this happening because of that."

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