501.Deep blue sea

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The Beck clan was originated in country S by Charles Becks late father George Beck but later Charles shifted the entire base to the US for better resources and more power.

During their stay in country S, the Beck clan had their hands stained with the blood of thousands of innocent people.

Charles Beck was a ruthless man but a hundred times more ruthless than him was his right hand, Horus Gobez.

Horus Gobez was like the second boss of Beck clan after Charles. Horus did many dirty things behind Charles back and hooking up with Charles' only mistress was one of them.

When the Beck clan was in country S, it was about Horus that Songpa's father had found something really dirty and secretive. And it was Horus who had killed the entire Min family leaving little Yoongi behind to face the crazy world all by himself until Jungkook found him.

Several years back when Jungkook had found Yoongi and heard about what had happened with him, he had immediately asked someone to investigate about the entire matter.

As it had happened several years back, Jungkook had to wait for almost a year to get the entire report and by the time he came to know that the Beck clan was involved in the Min family murder case, it was too late as the Beck clan had already left the underworld and Horus was nowhere to be found.

Though Jungkook did not have any lead with him, he still kept on trying and trying and then one day he got some news about Horus having a son.

Since Charles Beck had a family of his own, he couldn't spend his entire time with his mistress so he used to ask Horus to accompany his mistress whenever he wasn't around.

After spending almost the entire day together, Horus and Charles mistress started developing feelings for each other and also started sharing a physical relationship and that is how Stephen Beck came into the world.

Charles Beck mistook Stephen as his son and took him away after his mistress was brutally killed by his enemies.  After the death of Stephens mother, Horus disappeared too.

But Jungkook's sources told him that Horus and Stephen were in constant touch with each other and were plotting against Charles Beck since a really long time.

The amount of blinded trust and love that Charles had for his self-proclaimed illegitimate son made it easier for the father and son duo to take advantage of him.

After trying to hunt Horus down for several years, Jungkook finally got a very important and close lead of Horus being seen in the US.

Jungkook was planning to directly go and hunt him down with Felix and Hyunjin's help but when he heard about the Beck Enterprise trying to vouch for country S, Jungkook decided to wait a bit longer and see what happens.

If he could lure Horus out of his den on his own, why create chaos troubling so many people by starting search operations?

Things became even more pleasing and inclined when Leonardo Beck came looking for him.

Jungkook actually helped Leo so that he could get Stephen into his gasped which was the only key which would help him get his hands to Horus.

If people would hear all of this, they would think that he is creating unnecessary trouble and chaos. Everyone had forgotten about what had happened twelve years ago but Jungkook knew that Yoongi hadn't.

Though he acted all fine and happy, Jungkook knew how badly he wanted to get his hands on the people who killed his family.

Jungkook wanted to hunt down Horus for Yoongi. He just wanted to handover Horus to him and let him do whatever he wanted to without restricting him.


"So Where is he?" Jungkook asked.

Pausing for a while, Jungkook said, "You have five minutes to decide because if you don't tell me where Horus is right now, I'll call that boy back again and leave him alone with you inside this room for several hours so that he can draw all over your body."

Stephen widened his eyes in shock and shouted, "No no not him not him. I'll tell you where he is, I'll tell you."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows waiting for Stephen to spill out information about Horus.

"He is in California. I can write down the entire address for you." Stephen said.

When Eunwoo gave Stephen a pen and paper, he wrote the address before giving it to Jungkook.

Giving Eunwoo a meaningful glare, Jungkook said, "If this information is wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless." before walking out.



"Take a team and bring Horus here as soon as possible." Jungkook said.

"Okay Boss, I'll leave right away." Eunwoo said.

"Hmm take Namjoon with you and be extra careful. Sedate him or feed him with some kind of drugs and get him here." Jungkook said.

"Okay Boss." Eunwoo said.


Inside the waiting room.

When Jungkook entered the room, Jin and Jimin were waiting for him.

"What are you both doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"Shouldn't we ask you that?" Jin said.

"Yes Jungkook What are you doing here?" Jimin asked.

"I had some unfinished business here." Jungkook said.

"So you are not gonna tell us?" Jin asked.

"Later. Jin let's go baby shopping today." Jungkook said. He wanted to buy things for his would be daughter since a really long time but hadn't had a chance to do so but now since everything was fine and nearly stable, he could freely shop for his would be daughter.

"I have an important surgery today." Jin said.

"I'll go alone then." Jungkook said.

"What are you planning to do with Hyunsuk?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Well grandpa wants to throw him in the middle of a sea alive."

"You gotta be kidding me." Jin said.

"He has already taken Hyunsuk with him." Jungkook said.


Helping Hyunsuk take off the seat belt, Grandpa Jeon said, "You were my best friend once and I really did love you a lot friend but after what you did with Bella and so many other people, I just hate you."

Pausing for a while, Grandpa Jeon said, "I know somewhere or the other it was my mistake for not clearing things with Quanci back then but I don't regret it, at least not anymore. How could I let the love of my life get married to someone like you?"

Hyunsuk could hear everything that Grandpa Jeon was telling him but he couldn't say anything.

"Sir we are there." The pilot said.

Taking off Hyunsuk's seatbelt, Grandpa Jeon said, "I hope we don't meet at all in our next life and may you rot in hell." Before gesturing his men to throw him out of the chopper into the deep blue sea.

Hyunsuk screamed in his heart when the men pushed him down the chopper.

As soon as his body touch the cold salty water, his body started sinking down and down. As Hyunsuk's body was paralysed, he couldn't struggle nor could he do anything.

When the salty water entered his mouth and nose, Hyunsuk could feel his chest getting heavier and vision turning blurry.

Slowly and steadily, his body kept on sinking deep down the dark and cold sea until Hyunsuk closed his eyes and dozed off into a deep sleep which would last forever.


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