404.Date II

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Ruby's room

After entering Ruby's room, Wendy quickly applied a very light makeup and tied her into a low bun.

After applying a light lipstick when Wendy checked herself in the mirror, she nodded her head in satisfaction and started wearing her heels.

Just then Wendy's phone buzzed. When she saw who it was, her heart skipped several beats.

This was the first time Wendy was going on a date. This was actually the first time she was feeling something towards a guy and she was very nervous.

After taking a few deep breaths, Wendy received Yoongi's call.


Yoongi smiled and said, "I am waiting for you outside."

"I'll be there in a minute." Wendy said before hanging up the call.

After hanging up the call, Wendy grabbed her purse and house keys before dashing out of the apartment.



"Yoongi why did you cancel the reservation?" Namjoon shouted.

Yoongi sighed and said, "Stop shouting. I want to take Wendy to a special place."

Namjoon frowned and said, "Fine do whatever you want but keep the guards close to you."

"I got it Namjoon. You don't have to worry." Yoongi said before hanging up the call.

"Pass me the keys." Yoongi said.

The two guards widened their eyes in shock and said, "Yoongi Boss-"

"Give me the keys I'll drive. You both follow us in the other car." Yoongi said.

As Yoongi was busy talking to the guards, someone patted his shoulder.

Turning around when Yoongi saw who it was, he widened his eyes in shock.

"Let's go." Wendy said.

She was wearing a light blue deep neck, knee length dress. She had very little makeup on. Her already kissable lips were looking extra pink and juicy.

Subconsciously licking his lower lip, Yoongi said, "You are looking beautiful."

Helping him fix his tie, Wendy said, "And you are looking handsome."

Removing a strand of hair from her cheeks, Yoongi said, "Lets go." Before opening the car door for her.

After Wendy entered the car, Yoongi gently buckled her seat belt and quickly entered the driver's seat.

Inside the car.

"Ready?" Yoongi asked.

Wendy chuckled and asked, "You are gonna drive?"

"Yes. Don't worry I am a very safe driver." Yoongi said.

Wendy chuckled and said, "I am not worried. You are my saviour."

Yoongi smiled and said, "Let's go." before starting the engine.

"Yoongi where are we going?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi smiled and said, "Well you'll see. Take a nap if you want to because that place is quite far."

Wendy shook her head and said, "I am fine."

"So How was your day?" Yoongi asked.

Wendy sighed and said, "It was a bit tough today."

Yoongi frowned and asked, "Do you work on Sunday's too?"

Wendy nodded her head and said, "Yeah I just do the morning shift but today I did a mistake so the manager scolded me."

Yoongi helplessly shook his head and said, "You shouldn't work so hard Angel."

Wendy chuckled and asked, "Angel?"

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yeah you are my angel."

"Why? I mean I call you my saviour because you saved me twice but I haven't done anything for." Wendy asked.

Yoongi smiled and said, "You have no idea what you've done to me."

Wendy blushed and lowered her head. This man. This overly cute handsome man knew how to make her blush and feel giddy at the same time.

After driving for almost an hour, Yoongi stopped in front of a huge landscape.

Unbuckling his belt, Yoongi said, "Wait." Before getting down from the car.

Quickly walking towards Wendy's side, Yoongi opened the door before stretching his hands towards.

Wendy chuckled before placing her hand on his big one's.

She gasped when she saw the huge stretch of land.

"What is this place?" She asked.

Intertwining their hands together, Yoongi said, "Let's go I'll take you to my special place."


After walking for quite some time, Yoongi stopped in front of a small lake.

"It's beautiful." Wendy exclaimed when she saw the sparkling water.

Yoongi chuckled and said, "Look up." Before lifting her chin upwards.

Wendy's eyes sparkled when she saw the sky covered with beautiful stars.

"This is-"

"Peaceful and beautiful right?" Yoongi asked.

Wendy nodded her head.

"Wait." Yoongi said before rushing towards the two guards who were coming towards them with a basket and bag in their hands.

"Give it to me. You both can go and sit inside the car. I have kept some food for you both. Eat it and do not disturb. Did you understand?" Yoongi asked.

The two guards obediently nodded their head and left.

Taking the basket and bag in his hand, Yoongi started walking towards Beth.

"Picnic?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi chuckled and said, "Night picnic under the moonlight. Isn't it much more romantic than sitting inside a fancy restaurant and quietly sipping wine?"

Wendy smiled and nodded her head.

Spreading out a medium sized sheet, Yoongi said, "Here you go, a clean place for my angle."

Wendy chuckled and said, "Well Thankyou my saviour."

Taking of her heels, Wendy sat down and said, "Come sit."

Taking off his shoes, Yoongi quickly sat beside her.

"How did you discover this place?" Wendy asked.

"This place is actually very special to me. My parents used to bring me here along with my sisters every Sunday and we use to have a small family picnic here." Yoongi said.

"Where are your parents now?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi smiled and said, "They are no more."

"I am sorry. I d-"

Yoongi chuckled and said, "Silly why are you saying sorry? It's fine."

Pausing for a while, Yoongi said, "I never brought anyone here not even my boss who is like my big brother. You are the first one."

"Why me?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi smiled and said, "Because you are special."

Moving closer, Wendy hooked her hands around his arm and placed head on his shoulder, "Thanks for doing all this."

Startled by her sudden action, Yoongi could feel the blood rushing down his body. Wendy was sitting so close to him that he could smell her pleasant fragrance.

"Nobody has ever done so much for me. You are the first one." Wendy said.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now