452.Big fish

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[Two weeks leap]

"Slowly, slowly." Jungkook said.

Lisa rolled and eyes and said, "Jungkook I am walking."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes I know but Jisoo said you should not be walking so much and these stairs are slippery."

"Jungkook you have carpeted almost the entire house. There is almost a 0% chance of me slipping and getting hurt." Lisa said.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "We cannot take risk."

"If you keep disturbing me like this, how will I prepare for tomorrow's event? There are so many things that I have to do." Lisa said.

"There are so many people taking care of that. Aunt Yulin is there, Rosé and Jimin is also helping and then there is Father and uncle Oh too. Ohh and Bambam and Tzuyu so why do you have to stress over it?" Jungkook said.

Lisa frowned and said, "It's my little brothers engagement. There are so many things that need my supervision Jungkook. So are you dropping me at the Kim Mansion or you want me to go there alone?"

"I'll take you." Jungkook said before holding her hand tightly.

Lisa sighed and helplessly shook her head. As her due date was nearing, Jungkook was becoming more and more protective and possessive about her. He did not let her go anywhere alone. Not even if she took dozens of guards with her. Even if she wants to take a walk in the garden, he would accompany her. He used to follow her inside the washroom as well.


Kim Mansion.

Yeji and Hyunjin's engagement ceremony was fixed and the preparations were going on.

When Jimin told father Kim about it, he happily agreed and started making preparations.

Yeji had fully recovered by now. Under Hyunjin's care, she had also gained some weight and looked more lively and beautiful than before.

Hyunjin and Yeji decided not to have an extravagant engagement ceremony. They wanted to keep it nice and simple with their families and friends only.


By the time, Lisa and Jungkook arrived at the Kim Mansion it was almost lunch time.

"Ah there you people are. Come come join us for lunch." Father Kim said.

Lisa and Jungkook nodded their heads and sat down.

While having their lunch, Lisa asked, "So did you both get the rings?"

Hyunjin nodded his head and said, "Yes we got it yesterday."

"So everything is ready for tomorrow?" Jungkook asked.

Yeji nodded her head and said, "Yes brother Jungkook everything is ready and it's just family and few friends so we don't have to worry about anything."

"Ah I was here to help but since everything is done, I can sit back and relax." Lisa said.

"Hmm you are now in your seventh month of your pregnancy so you should walk around carelessly like this." Father Kim said.

Jungkook sighed and said, "See, I told you this before."

Lisa sighed and said, "You both are so noisy."

After eating, Father Kim said, "Jungkook come with me to my study room, I want to talk to you about something."

Jungkook nodded his head and left along with Father Kim.


Study room.

"I heard that you let Sehun go?" Father Kim asked.

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