447.Sly Jungkook

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Wrapping her arms around Jungkook's arm, Lisa asked, "Why are you so sweet Mr Jeon?"

"Hmm because I have a very sweet wife." Jungkook said.

Resting her head on his shoulder, Lisa said, "We have a lot to talk about tonight."

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Are you sure you wanna talk tonight?"

"Hmm May be tomorrow morning." Lisa said.

Intertwining their hands, Jungkook asked, "Tired?"

Lisa smiled and said, "I am happy."

"Aww aww aww ouch Rosé." Jimin shouted startling Lisa and Jungkook.

When Lisa saw Rosé pulling Jimin's ears, she chuckled and asked, "Rosé what are you doing?"

"All the time he knew Mr Jeon was the weird cap guy but he did not tell me anything. Even last night when I asked him about this, he did not utter a word." Rosé said pulling his ears harder.

"Ouch babe Jungkook told me not to tell anyone about this." Jimin said.

Jungkook shook his head and said, "I said not to tell anyone but I never told you to keep this thing away from your wife. Lying to your wife was your choice not mine."

"You-Ouch." Jimin flinched when Rosé pulled his ear harder.

"Don't you dare try to blame Mr Jeon for this." Rosé said.

Pinching Jungkook's waist, Lisa said, "Even you deserve a good beating."

Kissing her cheeks, Jungkook said, "You can beat me or even kill me, I don't mind."

Lisa chuckled and said, "How cheesy Mr Li."

"I cannot believe that a man like you did such a sly thing back then." Leo said in a very cold voice.

Lisa frowned and asked, "Who are you calling sly?"

"Lisa you don't know what he did back then." Leo said.

"What did he do?" Lisa asked.

Leo pursed his lips and said, "He threatened me to stay away from you and and he also thrashed me."

"I really think you and Taylor need some more beating." Jimin said.

Turning towards Lisa, Jungkook lowered his head and said, "He was-Ouch."

Pinching his waist, Lisa shouted, "You had all the guts to threaten him and thrash him but could not tell me that you had feelings for me back then."

Pouting his lips, Jungkook said, "I am sorry. I was scared."

Pinching his cheeks, Lisa said, "Now don't make that face."

Giving her a quick peck on her cheek, Jungkook said, "I love you."

Leo almost choked at their behaviour. Who would've thought that a cold hearted businessman would actually behave like a lovestruck fool in front of his wife.

"Ahh Lisa look Teresa." Rosé said.

Quickly getting up from her seat, Lisa and Rosé rushed towards the group of girls who were happily talking amongst themselves.

After they left, Jungkook got up from his seat. Buttoning his suit, he smirked and said, "Leonardo Beck."

Leo mockingly smiled and said, "Weird cap guy."

Jungkook helplessly shook his head and said, "I know it's hard for you to digest the truth but Lisa is now my wife and is also pregnant with our baby. So you should stop hitting on her because if you don't, I'll make sure that you actually don't."

Leo gritted his teeth and said, "You-"

Patting his shoulder, Jungkook said, "Isn't Beck Enterprise trying to open a branch in country S as well? And isn't Beck Enterprise also trying very hard to get a collaboration with Jeon Corporation and Park Enterprise?"

Pointing towards Jimin, Jungkook said, "Park Enterprise" pointing towards himself, he said, "Jeon Corporation. So you better back off and stop pissing us."

Leo widened his eyes in shock when he heard Jungkook's words.

Seeing his expression, Jungkook smirked and said, "Ah what would Stephen Beck think of you if we reject his proposal because of you? He would think more lowly of you, wouldn't he?"

Gritting his teeth, Leo stormed his foot on the ground and left.

After Leo left, Jimin chuckled and said, "Well that was awesome. Did you see his face?"

"Did you accept the proposal?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin shook hai head and said, "I wanted to talk to you about it first."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "We can discuss this after we go back."

"Whatever you did today was really very romantic and awesome. "Jimin said.

Jungkook smiled and said, "I am glad she liked it."


After talking to their old college mates till midnight, Jungkook approached Lisa when he saw her rubbing her waist.

Hugging her from behind, Jungkook asked, "Tired?"

Leaning against him, Lisa closed her eyes and said, "Hmm very tired."

Kissing her nape, Jungkook said, "Lets go to our room."

When Lisa slowly nodded her head, Jungkook quickly scooped her into his arms and started walking outside.

Lisa widened her eyes in shock and said, "Jungkook everyone is looking at us."

Jungkook chuckled and said, "We have already kissed in front of them."

Burying her head on his chest, Lisa helplessly shook her head.


Inside their room.

After helping her change and removing her makeup, Jungkook placed her on the bed and quickly took a bath before lying down beside her.

Placing her head on his chest, Lisa asked, "Jungkook why didn't you tell me about this before?"

Jungkook chuckled and said, "Well I did tell you about this before."

Lifting her head up, Lisa asked, "When?"

"You remember the day when you seduced me and took advantage of me for the whole night?" Jungkook asked.

Hitting him on his chest, Lisa said, "Hey it was you who took advantage of me."

Jungkook shook his head and said, "No you were the one who took advantage of my pure body."

"No." Lisa shouted.

"Okay so you tell me, who was the one who organised everything?" Jungkook asked,


"Who was the one who wore that sexy transparent lingerie to seduce me?"


"Who was the one who said that she wanted to do it that night?"


"You see now, you were the one who took advantage of me." Jungkook said.

Ming frowned and said, "So What if I took advantage of you? If not me, who is going to seduce you?"

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