460.Please stop

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Jeon base.

When Wendy stepped out of the car, she asked, "Is this Yoongi's workplace?"

Namjoon nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Oh that's nice. Is he inside?" She asked.

Namjoon slowly nodded his head before guiding her inside the base.


Wendy frowned when she saw several armed men guarding the entire hallway and several other sections of the building.

"You can wait here for sometime." Namjoon said before guiding her into the waiting room.

Taking out a small tiffin box from her bag, she gave it to Namjoon and said, "Can you please give this to Yoongi? These are his favourite cookies. I doubt if he has eaten anything."

Taking the box from her hand, Namjoon left the room.


Yoongi's room.

When Namjoon entered the dark room, he switched on the lights to find Yoongi standing in front of the window.

Placing the box on the table, Namjoon said, "She is here. She baked your favourite cookies and brought them with her because she thought you might be hungry."

Without looking at the box, Yoongi picked up tool box and said, "Bring her there." Before walking out.

Namjoon helplessly shook his head before heading out of the room.


"Wendy let's go." Namjoon said.

Quietly following him from behind, she asked, "Where is Yoongi?"

"You will see him soon." He said before opening the door of the underground cell for her.

Wendy took a step back and asked, "Is Yoongi down there?"

Namjoon nodded his head and said, "Yes."

When she entered the underground cell, she clutched onto her skirt.

The cell was dark and very cold making her feel creepy and scared at the same time.

Slowly walking down the stairs, she asked, "Where is he?"

"This way." Namjoon said before guiding her towards a room.


Inside the room.

The big room was parted with a glass wall in the middle.

Wendy frowned when she saw an unconscious man lying on the floor on the other side of the glass wall. His legs were tied with a long chain making it impossible for him to move or escape.

As Wendy was about to ask Namjoon who that man was, Yoongi entered the room with his tool box.

When Wendy saw Yoongi, she quickly rushed towards him a pounced into his embrace, "I missed you so much."

Dropping the box down, Yoongi wrapped his hands around her and breathed in her intoxicating scent.

When Yoongi did not say anything for quite some time, Wendy let him go and asked, "What happened Yoongi? And who is that man? Why did you call me here?"

Without saying anything, Yoongi grabbed her hand and brought her close to the glass partitioned wall.

When Wendy gave him a confused look, Yoongi kissed her forehead and said, "Now you are about to see who I really am and what I actually do." before walking inside the other part of the room along with his tool box.

She frowned when she saw him enter the room.

Sitting on the chair which was kept in front of the man, she saw him wear a pair of gloves and open a box.

Wendy widened her eyes in shock when she saw him take out a sharp blade kind of thing from inside.

"Brother Namjoon, What is Yoongi-" Wendy stopped talking when she Yoongi take the blade close to the man's forefingers and then...in a swift motion he chopped them off.

She panicked when she saw blood oozing out of the man's hands.

Turning towards Namjoon, she shouted, "Brother Namjoon stop him."

Lowering his head, Namjoon did not say anything.

Wendy tried to open the door through which Yoongi had entered the room but the door was locked.

"Yoongi please stop. Someone please stop him." She shouted but neither did Songpa stop nor did anyone tried to stop him.

Tears started rolling down her eyes when she saw Yoongi mercilessly torture the man.

Leaning against the glass wall, She helplessly shook her head and murmured, "Please Stop."

Wendy saw Yoongi cut the man's toes and fingers, peel his nails off and pull out his ears. She saw everything. The scene before her was a horrific one. One that she had never imagined.


Inside the room.

When Yoongi entered the room, he could feel his legs turning weak.

He was nervous, he was very nervous and this was the first time he was feeling like this.

Yoongi took several breaths before sitting down on the chair and wearing his gloves, ready to do what he loved to but the moment he touched his tools, his hands shivered.

Struggling for quite some time, Songpa closed his eyes, grabbed the man's hand and chopped his fingers off.

Without thinking about anything else, he kept on doing what he used to. From peeling the skin and nails to pulling out ears, he did everything.

The screams of that man were like a stab in Yoongi's heart.

What Yoongi was doing was not something new. Torturing people gave him immense pleasure and happiness but it was different today. He wasn't feeling anywhere near to what he use to think pleasure is.

During the whole session, he did not dare to look in the direction where he knew his Wendy was standing, watching him do things which he loved, mercilessly torturing a living soul.

When she saw him open his gloves and do something with the man's eyes, she closed her eyes. She couldn't see it. She couldn't see the vicious and heartless side of the man whom she loved and cherished.

Her sweet and loving Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. All she could see was a cold-blooded human being mercilessly torturing another human being.

How should she react? How could she be with him after seeing such a brutal and inhuman side of him? How could she ignore such a big thing and move on with him?

Wendy's mind was clouded. But she was sure about one thing that she loved this man and there was no doubt in that. She loved him with all her heart and soul. But after seeing such a vicious side of him, could she continue loving him just like before?


[Sorry for the late update.
I have exams going on from 3 different places so my schedule is pretty hectic.
There will be slow updates.]

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