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"You betrayed me." Simon shouted.

"You deserve this." Tzuyu shouted before rushing towards Lisa and the rest.

"I will kill you." Simon shouted.

"What's the point of killing her when you were the one who failed to do a teeny tiny task of kidnapping them and luring that Jeon guy?" Hyunsuk said.

Pausing for a while, Hyunsuk mockingly laughed and said, "And you people call yourselves gangsters."

Just then Jungkook and the rest entered the room.

When Hyunsuk saw them, he chuckled and said, "Ahhh finally you are here."

He then gestured his men to capture Simon.

"You- What are you doing?" Simon shouted struggling to free himself from their gasped.

Just then several armed men entered the house. All the men were tall and were neatly dressed. They had a badge in front of their neatly ironed suit,

"Oska." Jungkook murmured before shouting at his men, "No one will make a move."

The Jeon clan men quickly lowered their weapons. Jungkook knew there was no way his ordinarily trained men could fight with the Oska men. He did not want his men to die unnecessarily so he decided to stop them from taking any fatal step.

When Hyunsuk heard what Singtan had said, he chucked, "Ahh is the little brave Jeon boy scared?"

Looking around when Jungkook saw Lisa and the rest standing in a corner, he said, "Let them go and then let's talk about what you want."

"Ahh let me think, hmmm." Hyunsuk said.

Pausing for a while, Hyunsuk said, "Alright."

When Jungkook and Lisa's gaze met together, he knew that Lisa had no intention of leaving this place without him.

"Yoongi take them away." Jungkook said.

When Jungkook saw Lisa shaking her head, he started walking towards.

Cupping her face, Jungkook said, "Leave along with them okay."

Lisa shook her head and said, "I am not leaving atleast not without you."


"Please Jungkook don't force me to do this. I am not leaving this place without you." Lisa said.

Clutching onto his shirt, Lisa said, "Call me selfish but either we three live together or die together today."

"Lisa don't be stubborn. Take Jisoo and Rosé with you and leave along with Tzuyu." Jin said.

"And what makes you think that I'll leave without you." Jisoo asked.


"Don't argue with me Jin I-"

"Tsk Tsk Tsk so much love." Hyunsuk said.

Pausing for a while, Hyunsuk said, "I change my mind, no one is allowed to leave."

"Whoever you are, you are going to pay for this." Felix said.

Simon widened his eyes in shock when he saw Felix standing with Hyunjin who had a gun in his hand.

"Mr Lee-Why? I mean how?" Bewildered, Simon asked.

Felix mockingly smiled and said, "Dont tell me your partner in crime did not tell you about this? Ahh I pity you Simon. This old man is just toying you and you failed you notice it."

Simon frowned and shouted, "What is happening? Will anyone explain?"

"We are a team Simon, the Lee clan and the Jeon clan." Hyunjin said.

"Mr Kim you-" Simon widened his eyes in shock when realisation hit him.

"Smith?" Simon murmured.

Hyunjin chuckled and said, "Your partner really did not tell you anything."

"This-" Simon's could feel a throbbing pain in his head.

For the entire time, he had been planning to take help from the Jeon clan to make the Lee clan surrender in front of him and in the end it turned out that the Lee and Jeon clan were working together. Not only that but the infamous Smith that Simon wanted to meet since a really long time, turned out to be Kim Hyunjin. This big piece of information was too much for him to handle.

Turning towards Junjop, Simon asked, "You knew?"

Pausing for a while, Simon shouted, "You old bastard, how dare you use me like that? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Simon was feeling dumb and stupid at the same time. How could he not know about this and fall into the old man's tricks so easily?

Just then a loud explosive sound was heard. After sometimes, the marching of footsteps were heard.

"What is happening?" Hyunsuk shouted.

Suddenly several men dressed in neat black suits with their hair neatly set marched into the room and quickly  pinned the members of Oska down and shot a bullet right into their skulls without giving them a chance to do or react.

When Hyunsuk saw the little badge stuck on their suit, he widened his eyes in shock and murmured, "Yunos but-"

Taking advantage of the situation, the Jeon clan men quickly captured Junjop.

Just then Grandpa Jeon entered the room along with Jimin.

When Hyunsuk saw him, he narrowed his eyes and shouted, "You lied to me back them."

Grandpa Jeon smiled and asked, "Did you like the surprise?"

Hyunsuk was very proud of his Oska team because he thought that the Jeon clans Yunos did not exist anymore.

Several years back when Yunos was activated, it created a huge chaos that the Jeon clan decided to completely dismantle the entire team. At least that was what the Jeon clan told everyone.

When Hyunsuk joined the Jeon clan, he asked Mosen about Yunos. Mosen told him that Yunos did not exist anymore and that is the time Hyunsuk decided to create Oska.

Hyunsuk knew that if Oska and Yunos were to face each other, it would be a child's play for Yunos to wash off the existence of Oska but since Hyunsuk thought that Yunos did not exist, he was chill and happy and thought that everything would be under his control.

He used all his resources to train the Oska. But what did he get in return? The men on whom he had invested his everything were killed right in front of his eyes within a second.

Hyunsuk was even ready to sell his daughter back then because he wanted to provide the best resources for his Oska and now it turned out that all his efforts and sacrifices were for nothing.

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now