558.Jeons don't cry

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Jeon mansion.

"Jungkook." Lisa shouted before setting the plates.

"Coming honey." Jungkook shouted before bringing the two neatly dressed kids down.

"Jeonsan, Yuqi sit down and have your breakfast." Lisa said.

The kids quickly sat down in their respective places and started eating their breakfast.

"So excited for your first day?" Father Jeon asked.

Yuqi and Jeonsan nodded their heads and said, "Yes grandpa."

"I hope you both won't cry today." Taehyung said.

Jeonsan shook his head and said, "I am a boy and Jeon's don't cry."

Jennie chuckled and asked, "Who told your that honey?"

"Great-grandpa said that Jeon's don't cry. They are strong and invincible and we have the ability to achieve whatever we want in life." Jeonsan said.

"Those are wise words." Mother Jeon said.

"It's not wrong or bad to cry okay Jeonsan? And don't listen to your grandpa's stupid wise words." Grandma Jeon said.

"I am just trying to make him a tough boy." Grandpa Jeon said.

"He is still small and doesn't need to be tough and stop feeding him nonsense and eat your breakfast." Grandma Jeon said.

Without saying a word, Grandpa Jeon kept on eating his food.

After having breakfast, Jungkook and Lisa took the kids to kindergarten.


Inside the car.

"If anyone gives you anything, you don't eat it okay?" Lisa said.

"Okay mama." The kids said.

"Jeonsan you are bigger so you have to take care of Yuqi, Jihun, Min and Jiyun okay?" Lisa said.

"Yes mama." Jeonsan said.

After giving the kids few instructions, Lisa gave them a peck on their cheeks.


Outside the kindergarten.

When they got down from the car, Sehun was standing near his car which was parked near the gates of the kindergarten.

"Uncle Sehun."

"Dada Sehun."

The kids shouted before running towards him.

"Don't run like that." Lisa shouted.

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Jungkook said, "You worry too much."

Sehun squatted down and said, "You shouldn't run like that okay? And listen to your mom."

Holding the kids hands, Sehun started walking towards Lisa and Jungkook.

"I just came to wish them luck as it is there first day." Sehun said.

Lisa smiled and nodded her head.

"Jeonsan, Yuqi." Lisa said before rushing towards them.

"We were waiting for you." Jungkook said to Jin and Jisoo.

"Mom came over in the morning so we got stuck." Jin said.

"I cannot believe they are already going to kindergarten. Doesn't it feel like just yesterday when they were born?" Jisoo said.

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Yes, they have grown up so fast."

Just then Yang Zixin hopped down from the car along with Yoona.

"hey." Zixin shouted before rushing towards them.

Yoona and Sehun exchanged a smile before Weiwei greeted the other people.

After Jimin and Rosé arrived with the kids, the parents guided their kids inside the kindergarten.

As it was the first day, the kids were crying unwilling to leave their parents side. The teachers were having a tough time handling the kids.

When the five kids saw all the other kids crying, even they felt like crying.

"Dada, I don't wanna go." Min said before hugging Jimin's legs.

"Alright let's leave them." Jimin said before down and picking up his daughter.

Rosé smacked his head and said, "Are you really taking her away?"

"She said she doesn't want to go." Jimin said.

Rosé helplessly took Min in her arms and said, "Honey if you don't go to school, how are you going to grow bigger and then bully your brother?"

Wiping her tears away, Min said, "But I already bully him."

Rosé chuckled and said, "If you grow up more, you can bully him even more."

When Min nodded her head, Rosé let her down.

Cupping Jihun's face, Rosé said, "Take care of your sister okay?"

"Look at you all crying like a baby. Zixin is so brave that he is not crying at all. You all should be like him." Jin said.

The kids quickly wiped their tears away and nodded their heads.

"All of you must stay together and protect each other okay?" Jungkook said.

After handing the kids to the teacher, the parents kept on standing at the entrance.

"They will be fine right?" Lisa asked.

"Don't worry about them." Jungkook said.

"Jisoo and I have an important surgery today so either of you have to help with picking up Jisoo in the afternoon." Jin said.

"I'll pick the kids up." Jungkook said.


Glory Regency.

"Don't forget to check the windows before-." Yoongi said.

"Won't you be back by evening?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Then what are you so worried about? I'll be fine." Wendy said before helping him wear his coat.

"I am worried okay?" Yoongi said.

Wendy chuckled and asked, "What do you want to have for dinner?"

"I want to have those soupy noodles that you make Ahh the spicy ones." Yoongi said.

Wendy nodded her head and said, "Drop me by the supermarket then."

"I am taking the guards who are standing outside with me because they have to accompany Namjoon and me for this short mission. I have asked someone else to replace them but they will be here by afternoon. So why don't you go out after they come?" Yoongi said.

"I am just going to the nearby supermarket. Why do I need guards?" Wendy said.

"For you safety." Yoongi said.

"Yoongi it's not like someone is going to kill me." Wendy said.

"Okay then let's go fast because I want to drop you back too." Yoongi said.

"You will miss your flight if you do that." Wendy said.

Pausing for a while, Wendy said, "Just drop me there and I'll walk back here."

Yoongi sighed and said, "Okay."


After buying important ingredients from the supermarket, Wendy was walking back home when she saw someone standing on the pathway.

"Julia." Wendy murmured.

Julia smiled when she saw Wendy and quickly rushed towards her and gave her a hug.

"Oh my God Wendy I missed you so much." Julia said.


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