423.Perfect brows

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Jimin smiled and said, "Good evening Ms Tzuyu."

"Ahh the head of the accounts department right?" Mike asked.

Bambam helplessly shook his head and said, "Well everyone she is my girlfriend Tzuyu." Turning towards her, Bambam said, "I guess you know how Jungkook and Jimin are so he is Jin and that is his wife Jisoo. Jimin's wife Rosé and that is Lisa."

Tzuyu smiled and politely greeted everyone.

Lisa smiled and said, "Well I did not know that Kunpimook has a girlfriend. Ah come inside and please make yourself comfortable."

After Tzuyu and Bambam sat down, Jimin said, "Ms Tzuyu you are such a capable and strong woman. You are the head of one of the most important departments of my company at a really young age. Then why?"

"I did not get you sir." Tzuyu said.

"What Jimin wants to say is that, why are you with this idiot?" Jin asked.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "In Yoongi's language, what are you doing with this rat?"

Bambam frowned and said, "You- stop insulting me in front of my girlfriend."

"Who exactly is he?" Rosé whispered to Lisa.

Sticking her tongue out, Lisa said, "Oh sorry. Jisoo, Rosé he is uncle Oh's son, Kunpimook."

Rosé widened her eyes in shock and said, "Oh so he is uncle Oh's son. Nice to meet you mystery boy."

Bambam chuckled and said, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Ah he has Uncle Oh's eyes." Jisoo said.

"His brows are so perfect." Rosé said.

"Oh yes I just realised." Lisa said.

Rosé chuckled and said, "He looks exactly like Uncle Oh."

"I know right." Lisa said.

Jungkook pulled Lisa towards himself and said, "Even I have perfect brows not just him."

"Yeah even my brows are perfect and natural." Jimin said.

"Yes mine too." Jin said.

"Ya but Kun has the best ones." Lisa said.

As the three ladies got busy admiring a Bambam's sharp features, the other three men sat beside their wives with a sulky expression.

After talking for quite some time, Tzuyu got comfortable with Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo. She started talking to them freely about various other things and four of them also decided to go out for shopping during the weekend.

As all the four couples were enjoying each other's company, a maid stepped forward and said, "Young master there is a man waiting outside who wants to meet you."

"Who is it?" Jungkook asked.

"His name is Simon." The maid said.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure?"

The maid nodded her head and said, "Yes master."

"What is Simon doing here?" Jimin asked.

Jin shrugged his shoulders and asked, "I don't know."

"We should talk to him." Jimin said.

"Hmm call him inside." Jungkook said.

After few minutes when Simon entered the mansion, Lisa asked, "Jungkook what is he doing here?"

"It's good to see Mrs Jeon again." Simon said.

Lisa narrowed her eyes and was about to say something when Jungkook said, "Lisa why don't you all go inside while we talk to Mr Simon."

Lisa nodded her head and was about to leave along with other when Simon said, "Tzuyu."

Tzuyu rolled her eyes and kept on walking along with Lisa and the rest.

"How does he know Tzuyu?" Jin asked Bambam.

Bambam awkwardly cleared his throat and said, "Well ehh I-I don't know."

Simon smiled and said, "Seems like Mr Oh Kunpimook and my daughter are getting along quite well."

Jin and Jimin widened their eyes in shock and shouted, "Daughter!?"

"Alright let's talk about this afterwards." Jungkook said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jin asked.

Simon frowned and said, "I want you to help me convince Mr Kim Hyunjin."

Jungkook chuckled and said, "To allow you to resume all your business in the US?"

Simon nodded his head.

"And what makes you think that we'll help you with that?" Jimin asked.

"Help me and I'll tell you everything I know about Yang Hyunsuk." Simon said.

"Does Yang Hyunsuk know that you are here?" Jungkook asked.

Simon shook his head and said, "No."

"So you are willing to betray your partner for your company?" Jin asked.

"That company is important to me." Simon said.

"Hmm what information will you give us about Hyunsuk?" Jungkook asked.

Simon took a deep breath and said, "I'll tell you about-"

Jungkook helplessly shook his head and said, "Hyunsuk calls you his partner but you don't know anything about him. Do you know about his plan?"

Simon pursed his lips and did not say anything.

"Well do you know about the secret organisation that grandpa has?" Bambam asked.

"He has a secret organisation?" Simon asked.

Bambam chuckled and said, "Well now you know."

Jungkook mockingly laughed and said, "There are many things that we can tell you about Hyunsuk that you are still unaware of. He is hiding things from you and you still call him your partner."

Pausing for a while, Jungkook continued, "I know Hyunsuk helped Harred Hui to kidnap Yeji. May be he knows that Kim Hyunjin is Smith and he is the one who told you about this. Am I right?"

When Simon did not say anything, Jungkook chuckled and said, "Come back again when you have adequate information about Hyunsuk which can you know force me to help you convince Smith to let you start your business again."

"Now please go and don't ruin our get together." Jin said.

Simon gritted his teeth and said, "I want to meet my daughter."

"She is not interested to meet you. You disgust her. Now please get out and don't you dare try to come anywhere near my woman." Bambam said.

"Escort Mr Simon outside." Jungkook said to one of the guards.

"This isn't over." Simon said before storming out of the mansion.

After Simon left, Jin smacked Bambam's head and asked, "You knew she was Simon's daughter didn't you? But you are still dating her?"

"Oh my God Simon's daughter is the head of my finance department." Jimin gasped in surprise.

"But Simon's daughter is crazy right? The one who is head over heels for Jungkook." Jin asked.

"Who is head over for my husband?" Lisa asked.

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