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"What happened?" Sehun asked.

Yeri shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Cupping her face, Sehun said, "Then hurry up. We have a flight to catch."

Yeri pursed her lips and said, "Why don't we stay here in country S? I mean we can move back to the Oh Mansion and you can take care of Oh Enterprise again. Everything will be back to normal and-"

Cutting her off, Sehun asked, "So you don't wanna go with me?"

Rubbing her templates, Yeri said, "I don't want to leave country S. Why don't we stay here?"

Sehun smiled and asked, "Yeri do you love me?"

Yeri vigorously nodded her head and said, "Yes I do I love you a lot."

"Then come with me." Sehun said.

When she did not say anything for a really long time, Sehun got and said, "This is the difference  between you and your elder sister. If Jungkook will ever ask Lisa to leave everything and go with him and start everything all over again, she would readily agree without thinking even once and look at you." before getting up.

Yeri grabbed his sleeves and said, "Please please don't leave me alone."

"Then come with me. I am ready to forget everything and start a new life with you." Sehun said.

Yeri sobbed and said, "Please Please."

Cupping her face, Sehun kissed her lips and said, "Take care of our baby." before slowly jerking her hands off and walking outside.

Stopping in front of the door, Sehun asked, "For the last time, will you go with me?"

Lowering her head, Yeri covered her face with both and hands before bursting into tears.

Sehun mockingly smiled at himself and left. After Lisa left yesterday, he thought for quite sometime and decided to give Yeri a chance. He wanted to give their relationship a chance. No matter what, Sehun thought that Yeri's feelings for him were strong enough to let go everything and follow him. But he was wrong.

Who would've known that the woman for whom he did so many things and sacrificed so many things would refuse to go with him. Was wealth and fame more important to her than him?

Yes, he knew that he had also done things which he was not suppose to. He knew that he was equally responsible for everything that happened. But he wanted to let go everything and start a new life with his wife and baby. Was that too much to ask?

'Karma' Sehun thought. Now he knew how it feels when someone whom you love betrays you and chooses something else over you. Was this how Lisa felt when I left her? Yes, she might've felt exactly the same how he was feeling right now or may be worse.

Taking a deep breath, Sehun tried to control his emotions. Lisa had given him a second chance in which he could repent for his sins and make sure not to repeat the same mistake again. The person whom he had hurt the most was the one who gave him a second life. 'How strange can life be?' Sehun thought.

"Let's go." Sehun said.

Namjoon and Yoongi got up and escorted him outside.


Jeon Mansion.

"Where is Jimin?" Lisa asked.

"Ah he went to office." Rosé said.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Hmm let's go and have some fun."

As they were about to board the car, a bulky man stepped forward and said, "Lady Boss, we will be following you from behind. If anything happens, we will be right there."

Lisa nodded her head and said, "Cool."

After boarding the car, Rosé said, "Ah can we stop by a departmental store? I have to buy few things."

Lisa rolled her eyes and said, "Rosé why now?"

Rosé chuckled and said, "Sorry I just have to buy few things. I'll be fast."

Lisa frowned and said, "Fine."


Departmental store.

Wendy was busy arranging something when few men dressed in black suit entered the departmental store.

Wendy's heart raised when she realised that they were the same men who had chased her last time.

Quickly hiding behind a shelf, Wendy started biting her nails nervously.

She wanted to call Yoongi first but she realised that her phone was out of battery.

Placing her hand on her chest, Wendy took few deep breaths to calm herself down.

After the guards entered the store, Wendy quickly rushed towards the exit door which was not too far away from where she was hiding.

As she was about to step out, a man shouted, "There she is."

Wendy gasped and started running outside without looking anywhere else.

The guards quickly started chasing her.



As Wendy was running to save her life, she did not see the car which was coming towards her in full speed.

After the bonnet clashed against her body, she lost her balance and fell down. The chauffeur who was quick enough to apply the brakes on time, sighed in relief when he saw that the car has stopped few centimetres away from the lady's body.

Quickly getting down from the car, the chauffeur helped her up and said, "Miss are you- oh miss you are bleeding."

Touching her forehead, she said, "It isn't your fault I was recklessly running. I am sorry."

Getting down from the car, Lisa asked, "What happened?" when she saw Wendy's bleeding forehead, she gasped and said, "You are bleeding a lot. Let me take you the hospital."

Before Wendy could say anything, the group of men who were chasing her arrived.

Hiding behind the chauffeur, Wendy said, "Please save me from them."

When the bodyguards saw some strange men surrounding their lady boss, they quickly got down from their car and surrounded Lisa and Rose.

When Lisa saw, Wendy's scared and worried expression, she said, "Save the girl."

The guard quickly nodded their heads and said, "Yes lady boss.

Three guards quickly stood beside Wendy protectively forming a human wall around her.

"Hey isn't that Jeon Jungkook's wife, Kim Lalisa?" A man asked.

The man nodded his head and said, "Yes she is."

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now