441.Reunion II

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Dynasty hotel.

When Lisa, Rosé and Jimin entered the hotel, Lisa raised her eyebrows when she the Jeon Corporation logo at the wall of the entrance.

"Jimin this hotel belongs to Jeon Corporation?" Lisa asked.

Jimin nodded his head and said, "Yes it does."

"Oh that's nice." Rosé said.

Just then the manager of the hotel stepped forward and politely greeted them, "Mr and Mrs Park, Mrs Jeon."

Lisa smiled and nodded her head.

"Please let me escort you upstairs." The manager said.

After stepping into the elevator, Jimin said, "Everyone is staying here. You both know that right?"

"Oh is it? That's great." Rosé said.

Staring at her phone, Lisa said, "Jungkook did not call me even once today. Hey Jimin do you think he is okay?"

Jimin nodded his head and said, "Yes he is fine."

"Where is he now?" Lisa asked.

Jimin thought for a while and said, "Malaysia."

Lisa sighed and said, "I don't think so he will come here."

"Hey don't ruin your mood thinking about that. Just enjoy Okay." Rosé said.

Lisa sighed and nodded her head.

"The reunion is tomorrow so for now you both rest well and later we can go down for dinner." Jimin said.

"Rosé is staying with me?" Lisa asked.

Rosé nodded her head and said, "Yes I am. We are going to have a blast."

"But Jimin-"

"You don't have to worry about me okay. You both have fun just like old times." Jimin said.


Inside Lisa's room.

"Lisa will you stop this?" Rosé asked.

"I just want to know whether he is okay or not." Lisa said.

"Mr Jeon is a busy man okay and-"

"Busy or not Jungkook would never leave me alone like this. I feel that the problem is really very serious. He did not tell me about this business trip before. I got to know about it in the morning." Lisa said.

Rosé thought for a while and said, "Hmm, why don't you call his assistant then?"

"I did but Mr assistant did not receive my call." Lisa said.

"May be they are stuck somewhere." Rosé said.

"Let me try one more time." Lisa said before punching in Eunwoo's number.

After two or three rings, Eunwoo received the call.

"Lady Boss." Eunwoo said.

"Ah finally now quick pass the phone to Jungkook, I want to talk to him." Lisa said.

"Lady Boss That-"

Lisa frowned and said, "I will give Jungkook thirty seconds to take the phone from your hand and talk to me otherwise tell him that I am not going back to country S and will stay here until I give birth and then later I will run away along with our baby."

Eunwoo inwardly laughed and thought 'Ha as if boss will let that happen.'

"Lady Boss, Boss is really very busy." Eunwoo said.

Lisa pursed her lips and asked, "Where are you people right now?"

"We are in Japan." Eunwoo said.

Lisa frowned and asked, "Japan?"

Eunwoo nodded his head and said, "Yes lady boss."

"Ask your big boss not to call me anymore." Lisa said before hanging up the call.

"What happened?" Rosé asked.

"Jimin told me Jungkook is in Malaysia and now Mr Assistant told me that they are in Japan." Lisa said rubbing her templates."

Rosé helplessly shook her head and said, "Stop overthinking and get some rest."


"Sir lady boss had called just now." Eunwoo said.

"What did she say?" Jungkook asked.

Eunwoo sighed and said, "She said that if you don't call her then she won't return back to country S and will stay in L.A. After giving birth, she will run away along with the baby."

Jungkook "."

"And after sometime she asked you not to call her anymore." Eunwoo said.

Jungkook sighed and said, "You go can take some rest."

After Eunwoo left, Jungkook took her his phone from his pocket. He widened his eyes in shock when he saw almost fifty missed calls and sixty messages from Lisa.

Without wasting any more time, Jungkook quickly called Lisa.


After changing her clothes, Lisa was about to sleep when her phone buzzed.

Lisa frowned when she saw who it was.

"So now you remember that you have a wife who is worried about you." Lisa said in a very cold voice.

"I was a bit busy." Jungkook said.

"So busy that you could not even spare a few seconds and send me a text?" Lisa asked.

"Sorry." Jungkook said.

"Where are you right now?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook thought for a while and said, "I am in London."

Lisa mocking laughed and said, "Jimin told me you are in Malaysia, mr assistant told me you are in Japan and now you are telling me that you are in London."

When Jungkook did not say anything for quite some time, Lisa said, "Why are you doing this? And where the hell are you and what are you up to? Why are you lying to me? This is not you Singtan. You have never lied to me and now-"

Cutting her off, Jungkook said, "Take rest and eat your meals and meds on time. I'll meet you at home after a few days."

"You are making me sad Jungkook and insecure too and I am not liking this. I know you are up to something but you don't want to tell me." Lisa said.

Pausing for quite some time, Jungkook said, "I love you."

Without saying anything, Lisa took a deep breath before hanging up the call.

Throwing her cell phone aside, Lisa covered herself with the quilt and dozed off to sleep.


Jimin's room.

"Where is Mr Jeon?" Rosé asked.

Jimin shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Jimin you know the consequences of lying to me right?" Rosé asked.

Jimin shook his head and said, "I really don't know."

"Lisa is really very upset. You better call your friend and tell him about it." Rosé said.

Jimin nodded his head and said, "Okay, I will."

"So you really know where he is?" Rosé asked.

Jimin gulped in fear and said, "May be."

"You- why are you lying then?" Rosé shouted.

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