477.It's not that hard

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When Wendy and Yoongi arrived at the hospital, Peter and Ruby were already present.

"Big Brother." Wendy said before giving Peter a hug.

Patting her head, Peter said, "Dont worry, everything is going to be okay."

After greeting Peter and Ruby, Yoongi excused himself and decided to talk to the doctor.

"Yoongi wait." Wendy said before rushing towards him.

Yoongi sighed and said, "Don't run like that Wendy, you'll hurt yourself."

"Are you going to see the doctor?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Yes, you go and stay with brother Peter and sis Ruby."

Grabbing his hand, Wendy said, "I wanna go too."


"Please." Wendy said.

Helplessly shaking his head, Yoongi said, "Okay."

Inside the doctors cabin.

Going through Julia's reports, the doctor said, "The patient fainted because she has lost a lot of blood. We have also found more than ten semen samples from her vagina."

"That means-"

The doctors nodded his head and said, "I think she has been sexually assaulted by multiple men."

Wendy tightened her grip around Yoongi's hand when she heard that.

Lightly squeezing her hand, Yoongi said, "Don't worry, I am here with you."

Turning towards the doctor, Yoongi said, "I would like you shift Julia to another hospital."

The doctor nodded his head and said, "No problem, you just have to sign a few papers."

Getting up from the seat, Yoongi asked out of the cabin along with Wendy.


"I'll call Jin Boss and fix everything with him. You go and tell brother Peter to sign all the required documents Okay?" Yoongi said.

Wendy nodded her head and said, "Thanks Yoongi."

Flicking her forehead, Yoongi chuckled and said, "Silly you don't have to thank me. We are one right?"

Wendy smiled and nodded her head.

Taking out his card from his pocket, Yoongi said, "Here take this and clear the bills too. The passcode is same as yours."

Shoving the card back into his pocket, Wendy said, "No need for that. Brother Peter will take care of it."


"Yoongi you have already done so much for me now I cannot let you do something for my family members too. I don't want to burden you." Wendy said.

Yoongi sighed and said, "Nothing that is related to you is a burden. Just take and keep it with you Okay?" Before shoving the card inside her hand.

Wendy reluctantly agreed and left.


Somewhere in country S.

Pouring a glass of wine for himself Hyunsuk said, "Well I wasn't expecting you to see me instead of your father."

Kiara chuckled and asked, "Are you sure that you prefer seeing that stupid man instead of me?"

Hyunsuk laughed and said, "So I'll assume that you are here to plot against your father with me."

"Don't assume old man, I am here to plot against my father and if you want to be a part of it then go on otherwise I can do it alone." Kiara said.

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