526.Richest man

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Six months later.

The adoption procedure of Samuel was completed and his name was successfully registered under the Jeon family register and was renamed as Jeon Huang.

Rosé gave birth to adorable fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. The babies were quite healthy especially the girl while the baby boy had a weak immunity when he was born, which the doctor said is nothing to worry about. With intense care and nurture, the little boy would be just fine.

The boy was named as Park Jihun while the girl was named as Park Min.

Jisoo and Jin along with Jeonsan stayed at the Jeon mansion until little Yuqi started eating solids.

Yuqi was turning to become more cute and loving day by day. She had become the apple of everyone's eye. Since grandpa Jeon always wanted a great-granddaughter, he started spending more time with Yuqi and Jeonsan.

Yeji used to take care of Yuqi all the time. She did everything that Yeri should've been doing for her daughter except for the feeding part. Jungkook, Hyunjin, Jin and Jimin also doted on Y Yuqi and treated her as their own daughter.

They were so into little Yuqi that the four men would often fight about who would walk Yuqi down the aisle when the time comes.

"I will do it. I am her uncle so it's my-" Hyunjin said.

Cutting him off, Jungkook said, "If you are her uncle then who am I? Her aunt? Even I am her uncle, so it's my right to walk her down the aisle."

"You two shut up, I will do it. Haven't you seen how she smiles everytime I carry her? The look she gives me is like 'Walk me down the aisle dada Jin.'" Jin said mimicking Yuqis childish voice.

Jimin rolled his eyes and asked, "Are you sure that look isn't 'Hey who is that funny doctor is?' look?"

"No way I am doing it." Jungkook said.

"No I am." Hyunjin said.

"Ahh you guys let's not fight and decide mutually." Jin said.

"Okay what should we do?" Jimin said.

Jungkook cleared his throat and said, "Okay I have an idea."

"Okay okay we will go with Jungkook's idea then." Jin said.

"Hmm alright so walking her down the aisle means that her wedding should be that man's responsibility. He has to do everything and our Yuqi's wedding has to grand. Everything's price will double up by the time she gets married right?" Jungkook asked.

When the other three men nodded their heads, Jungkook said, "So logically, the richest man amongst us gets to walk her down the aisle, fair enough?"

"Ya I think he is correct." Jin said.

"Yes the richest man should do it." Jimin said.

"So who is the richest amongst us?" Jungkook asked.

"You." The three of them said in unison.

Taking a sip from his coffee, Jungkook said, "You see, problem solved. So I will walk her down the aisle."

Thinking for quite sometime, Hyunjin said, "Hey brother-in-law, this is wrong."

"Yeah this is cheating." Jin said.

"Arggghhh Jungkook you always do this." Jimin said.

And the four of them started arguing amongst themselves again.

Rosé was busy changing Jihun's diaper shouted, "Jimin will come here and help me change your daughter's diapers "

"Yes honey coming." Jimin said before rushing towards Rosé.

"And what are you people arguing about? Walking Yuqi down the aisle? She hasn't even started crawling yet for Gods sake." Lisa said.

"If you have so much free time, why don't you go and keep an eye on the kids and give Ben and Sam some rest." Jisoo said.

"And Hyunjin don't you have an important meeting today?" Lisa asked.

Hyunjin nodded his head and left the mansion while the other two men headed upstairs.

After they left, Jisoo chuckled and said, "These men are too much."

"Seriously, they have way too much time to waste." Lisa said.

"I'll take them up too." Jimin said before picking up the two babies and walking upstairs.

"So is Yuqi moving in the Kim mansion?" Jisoo asked.

"Well, father wants to take her back but Jungkook and grandpa are unwilling to let her go, so there is this Cold War going on." Lisa said.

Jisoo and Rosé chuckled and said, "Yuqi has become sweet heart."

"Lisa what about Yeri? Where is she?" Rosé asked.

Lisa sighed and said, "She is the US preparing for some kind of modeling competition and the money that Hyunjin gave her, she needed them train herself and live off in the US."

Jisoo took a deep breath and said, "I cannot believe she is your own biological sister Lisa."

"Exactly, you are so different from her and even Hyunjin is so different from Yeri." Rosé said.

"Well, it's her life and her decisions and it's good that she left otherwise how would he get this lovely chance to raise our sweetheart Yuqi." Lisa said.

"So have you and Jungkook thought about-"

Lisa shook her head and said, "Yes we did but dad said no one is allowed to adopt Yuqi. She will forever remain in the Kim mansion and will stay under his supervision and care. Ahh he did not even allow Hyunjin and Yeji to adopt her in the future."

"That is nice. If nobody adopts Yuqi we all get to be her mama's and dada's." Jisoo said.



Inside Jeonsan's room.

Jeonsan and Jiyun had already started crawling and were creating a lot of trouble for their daddy's to look after them.

Sitting on the carpeted floor, the three men were talking amongst themselves.

"Jeonsan still sleeps in your room?" Jin asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes. Lisa thinks that he is still small and needs us to be with him."

"Ah is it? But Jiyun is doing just fine in her room." Jin said.

"Jiyun is sleeping alone in her room?" Jungkook asked.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Yes, we started it a week ago."

"Even I'll do the same after these two brats steps into their seventh month." Jimin said.

"You should talk to Lisa." Jin said.

Just then Jeonsan came crawling towards his dada in full speed and dashed against Jungkook's thighs.

"Ah champ did you get hurt?" Jungkook asked before picking him up and examining his forehead.

Stretching his hands, little Jeonsan chuckled and buried his face on his father's neck and let out a scream.

Jungkook chuckled and said, "So what does Jeonsan think? Can he sleep at night in his room?"

When little Jeonsan let out another scream, Jungkook chuckled and said, "Okay okay we will talk to mommy about this." before patting his sons back lovingly.


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